
by anniegirl76 80 Replies latest jw friends

  • cantleave


    After many years of repressing my scientific training, I have re-examined my world view and have concluded there is no great sky daddy, and that religion is a construct to control people.

  • godrulz

    Jesus said that our love for Him was to be supreme to the point that we 'hate' our families. He does not mean to hate their guts since the Decalogue also says to love parents (as does Paul in NT). Compared to our good love for family, our love for God must be supreme (we love God, family, friends, enemies, but God supremely, even to the point of losing friends and family). The true Jesus (the Arian Christ is a false one and cannot save; sound doctrine does matter) alone can heal and make whole. It is natural to feel the pain of rejection, loneliness, etc., but only God (true one) in the end can wipe away tears. The answer is not to throw out true faith in God and become anti-religion. One must reject false, controlling religion and come to Christ alone (His burden/yoke is light/easy vs slavery of WT). It takes time, but knowing Him alone will lead to ultimate freedom. Baptists are trinitarians. One cannot be an Arian Christian. One does not have to understand the trinity fully to be saved, but one cannot deny the Deity of Christ (Jesus is Jehovah) and be saved (2 Cor. 11:4; Jude 3; Jn. 3:16; Gal. 1:6-10; I Jn. 5:11-13; Rom. 10:9-10; Jn. 14:6; Acts 4:12; Rom. 1:16; I Cor. 1:18, etc.).

  • d

    I became an atheist soon after leaving the Jw's. I have felt better not believing in God, then I did when I was a JW.You do not need God t live a fullfilling life.

  • jamiebowers

    I never searched out a new religion and am an agnostic, but if I had to choose a church, it would be the Unitarian Church. They accept all people and encourage personal conscience and spirituality from what I hear. Anyway, I don't have any religion to push on you, but I can offer friendship. I'm sending you a pm.

  • godrulz

    Unitarianism is even less truth than JW, though they both deny the trinity, Deity of Christ, etc. Diametrically opposed, mutually exclusive views are not equally true, salvific. Jesus is the narrow way, not Buddha, Muhammad, WT, etc. JWs have uniformity, not unity. Unitarians may have luv, but they lack truth. They compromise doctrine for the sake of acceptance and tolerance. True believers should be loving and accepting (we defend freedom of religion, etc.), but not at the expense of truth/God's Word. JWs are not all wrong, but are wrong in their translation and interpretation of Scripture. They are modern Pharisees who reject the true identity of Christ. They are authoritarian like the Catholic and Mormon church (ironically). True churches emphasize the autonomy of the local church, priesthood of believers, supremacy of Scripture, etc.

  • Quentin

    Welcome anniegril. This is a great place to be. Sad to hear your pain. James Woods comment can be a comfort for you. Jean luc Picard gave some solid advice as well.

    Echo YKnots comment. Yes there is spritual life outside the wt, as well as finding a place in life for yourself. Don't much care for godruiz comments, but hey it's your life. That's the THING, you have control, you have the freedom to choose. Look at EVERYTHING closly. Find what fits your spirtual need. Doesen't matter what it is, because YOU HAVE THE FREEDOM TO CHOOSE. You don't need an elder, preacher, me, or anyone else on this board to tell you what's right for anniegril. It will take time, effort, work, but YOU can do it, because your doing for yourself, not to apease something, or someone.

    It's all for YOU anniegril. Enjoy your freedom. All the best to you on your journey. Freedom anniegril, freedom. You have the power.


  • freedomisntfree

    you can always try church shopping thats what I do I go somewhere completly different on every holiday when something feels right ill perhaps stay as far as whether the pain eases, I dont know it hasnt for me but you learn how to cope

  • godrulz

    I realize there is need for time for healing, etc., but we are all one heart beat away from eternity. The gospel alone is the power of God (Rom. 1:16) and we do not have to have things all sorted out to come to the true Jesus as God, Lord, Savior. He alone can truly heal and redeem us, regardless where we are at (atheist, reprobate sinner, messed up cultist, etc.). I would not risk my eternal destiny on trying to get my act together by myself before I come to Him who calls all to come to Him now, not whenever we get around to it. He could come back today (rapture) or we could die.

  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    Welcome to the Forum Anniegirl76

    I restrict myself to only what can be known for sure . . . it is unreasonable of a God to expect us to place our hope in something that doesn't have some foundation in the basic truths of science . . . or to believe one side of a multi-sided debate . . . and gamble on it.

    I felt I couldn't be held responsible for the 'unknown' . . . so I simply allow for it.

    This does not rule out the existence of God or the divine attributes given to Christ in the gospels.

    I content myself with reading the words of Christ and doing my best to apply them in my life. I do not attend a church. I am very content spiritually.

    It took a while, as others have pointed out . . . so take your time . . . there's no 'hurry' as WT would have us believe.

  • Quentin

    godruiz if you want to preach and give sermons go start your own topic. Don't hi-jack the thread with your personel bible thumping. This topic is about anniegril, not Jesus. She is confused, hurt and needs advice on how to search out what is in HER best spritual interest. Not yours. You might as well be a jw counting time.

    Anniegril needs love, compassion, and sound advice to use her freedom to decide for herself what's needed to fill that spirtual void. Not a sermon that consoles only you. If at the end of her journey she comes to Jesus that's all well and good, but she does not need to be jack-hammered with him at this time. Stop hi-jacking the thread, take it somewhere else.

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