
by anniegirl76 80 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lozhasleft

    Aw your first post makes me sad for you...welcome to this forum its a good place to be....abandonment is horrible and that pain stays with you ...but....there is a wonderful life to be had so grab it while you can ...hugs.

    Loz x

  • flipper

    ANNIEGIRL 76- Welcome to the board. Nice to have you here ! I'm sorry you are feeling pain over your lost relationships- in time the pain fades as you make and form newer relationships with more accepting people. At least I've found that to be true. The religion I have joined since exiting the Witnesses is - belief in myself and humanity. I've found I trust myself and my own judgment over ANYTHING any religion ever taught me. Or anything any politicians have promised either. Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Quentin

    Anniegril hope we hear from you and didn't scare you away. That would be awfull. There are many here who have walked in your shoes, some still do. Let us know how your doing....

  • sooner7nc

    Quentin's right. You have a beautiful gift of freedom to become or not become a member of whatever religion you wish. Use it wisely...or not. It's yours. Good Luck and let us know how it goes.

  • jeckle

    welcome I might add that if you research the wbts thru here or various other resources. not slanted to the watchtower you will see it is not the truththat being said if it aint the truth it's a waste of your time. i know its scary and difficult but one step at a time and our support you'll find your way. and it may also be hard to loose family but as most jw's do to df'd family they may have already left you. I preferr non-denom best you'd be surprised. its really more about the association with me and i am still a christian actually a real one now. hang in there

  • anniegirl76

    Oh my goodness!!!! Thank you all so much for your advice and kind words! When I was first disfellowshipped, I knew why and even understood it. I don't understand it anymore, I'm not sure I'll ever really understand how you can cut off your children from you without a second thought. I told my daughter once that I would never quit speaking to her no matter what she had done. She said" Even if I become Jewish to celebrate Kwanza?" I laughed hysterically and reassured her not even then. My girls mean so much to me and I cannot fathom not talking to them every day. I believe in god and christ, not the trinity nor do I believe in hell. That cuts a lot out as far as religious avenues are concerned. I will venture to say my husband was born and raised LDS(mormon) and it makes sense to me. Do not misunderstand me, I am in no way, shape, or form against anyone with an opinion. If you think I'm wrong, by all means tell me but please tell me why, I love means you can think for yourself.

    Again, I am so thankful for all of your comments and advice and it has been very helpful for me to know there are people out there that are dealing with the same thing. Thank you

    Much love to all,


  • anniegirl76

    On a slightly different note, and an extremely odd request I know....does anyone have Ray Franz's "Crisis of Conscience"? and would you be willing to loan it to me? I've checked every book store and online site I can think of and either no one carries it, or they want around 200 dollars for a used copy.....if not that's ok. I'm guarded over my books too. : )


  • Rocky_Girl

    I floated around behind several churches for a while and it gave me closure from the JWs to have different worship experiences. I took the belief-o-matic quiz on and tried the Unitarians and Quakers (both open-minded) before finding Reform Judaism. I have been attending Torah Study for 6 months with no pressure to convert or join in worship services. I now describe myself as an Agnostic who likes to argue with the Jews. Try out everything that sounds interesting and don't let anyone pressure you.

  • Sharpie

    After a life time about only critising other religions from the watchtower's point of view its kind of hard to go to another one. But if you do want to continue religion make sure you actually find out what they are about, you don't want to join another cult based one like the JW's or mormons, etc.

  • james_woods
    godruiz if you want to preach and give sermons go start your own topic. Don't hi-jack the thread with your personel bible thumping. This topic is about anniegril, not Jesus. She is confused, hurt and needs advice on how to search out what is in HER best spritual interest. Not yours. You might as well be a jw counting time.
    Anniegril needs love, compassion, and sound advice to use her freedom to decide for herself what's needed to fill that spirtual void. Not a sermon that consoles only you. If at the end of her journey she comes to Jesus that's all well and good, but she does not need to be jack-hammered with him at this time. Stop hi-jacking the thread, take it somewhere else.

    Exactly what Quentin said. Put down the evangilista-hammer.

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