you have become the thing you hated.

by TheJigsUp 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    As I said . . . your sentiments are valid and I did see the point you are making . . . and I can see also that you are a little annoyed about some who "shoot the breeze" with little actual knowledge, not to mention those who seem to want to antagonise . . . it annoys me at times too . . . I have shut down my computer vowing never to return at least once in the past month.

    Interestingly, another poster has a few minutes ago announced his departure for the exact same reason. Several other recent threads have expressed their frustration at the stupid arguments and comments we get. Unfortunately the dipshits will always be here . . . that's life. The rest of us who follow a thread and endeavor to add something of value have to put up with it also . . . but don't forget we're here too.

    Simply ignore it . . . filter them out as you post and respond to those who offer something of substance. When a JW I met plenty of arrogant pricks . . . logic tells you some will end up here.

    I still feel you might have gone about your quest . . . how shall I say . . . a little under prepared.

    Stick around and modify your view a little . . . on balance it's still worthwhile.

    Luvonyall - MS

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    TheJigsUp I kinda agree with some of the things you are saying. And am more than likely guilty of this myself. I think in part though it is human nature to defend what we currently believe in. Then sometimes we learn otherwise and are again humbled. This is an on going thing for me. But this is how I learn.

    We are none of us perfect. And learning from our mistakes is the key. It would be great if we could all treat each other with respect all the time but I have never met anyone that can live up to that ideal.

  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    TheJigsUp . . . Why not tell us your story? . . . it will help everyone to get to know you better . . . and better understand you.

    I read in an earleir thread how you felt you couldn't be bothered . . . I encourage you to take the time to do it . . . just an idea.

    Luvonyall - MS

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    TheJigsUp I am on this site looking for knowledge, inspiration and a bit of a laugh sometimes. I don't always get what I want, but when I do it is fantastic. I nearly always leave with new things to think about and explore.

    What are you looking for?

  • TheJigsUp

    i appreciate your replies.

    and yes 'murray' and 'still' i agree

    and now i feel stupid...

    see we can learn alot from each other. all of us.

    so instead of pissing away this opportunity we have, put a positive on it.

    to others... stop this shit. i believe we all generally have what we percieve to be a pursuit of some kind of truth to this whole

    fucked up situation we're thrown into.

    so in this tiny medium, this little piece of nothingness, stop all this bullshit bickering.

    inflicting of ideas and ridecule.

    and just BE.

    enjoy this that we have.. we all for the most part have a common background.

    we dont have the same goals or ideals, thats a given. and to those that have vastly differential ideas.

    get the fuck over it. we are what and who we are.

    whatever your thoughts on the big picture... you can lead a horse to water and all that.

    accept it. GROW UP.

    how about we benifit from each others input eh?

    think about that while you sit on the toilet.

    i see a forum full of smart people in their own right, STRONG MINDS even

    that have escaped the bickering crap.

    lets not perpetuate it. for fuck sake.

    and thats why i feel dumb, cos its idealistic.

    but you all think your fucking smart.. well act fucking smart.

    and lets start with a bit of mutual respect of our individual ideas.

    its not maths, the relative definitives are subject to change.

    deal with it.

  • TheJigsUp

    ah murray, i say i cant be bothered cos i'd be writing pages of boring crap that would put you all in a coma.

    i appreciate your gesture tho. genuinely

  • Luo bou to
    Luo bou to

    Tact is nice, sarcasm is wittier

    Actually Mrs Jones Sarcasm is the second lowest form of wit

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    Hey Jigs,

    this is a discussion forum... heated and all. As such it also contains all the foibles of humanity.

    I agree that sometimes, some can be harsh and judgemental, others sweet and some funny. That is humanity. Dont seek to put us all in some box.

    get used to it and grow some thicker skin man.


  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    ah murray, i say i cant be bothered cos i'd be writing pages of boring crap that would put you all in a coma.

    well that's something I can't comment on until I see it . . . . ?

    Luvonyall - MS

  • jookbeard

    I'm with Nicolaou I believe Evolutionism is a scientific fact.

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