What world events would cause you to run back to the JW,s

by jam 76 Replies latest jw friends

    Just because I know something about the pathology of apostates doesn't make me a troll.....Spade/AliceinWonderland

    It`s your never having been a JW and telling everyone how wonderful Watchtower World is..

    Is what drives everyone nuts..

    You don`t even have a Grasp of the Basics and you never Shut Up..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • Spade

    This is the point entirely; you would think from some of the angry, resentful comments from some former members, that there's a barbed wire or an electric fence around Kingdom Halls that prevents reentry and they're mad about it. This isn't the case however. It's personal choice not to return so there should be no axe to grind toward Jehovah's Witnesses in countries where we enjoy religious freedom. No one is ordering you to return, so getting snippy reflects immaturity.

  • moshe

    A worldwide drought and the subsequent dust storms causes a plauge of dirty windows and pushes the wages of a skilled window washers to $100/hr. I will return to the KH, asap to seek out a brother to show me the ropes of gettin' them clean.

  • satinka

    *scratches head*

    Can't think of anything.

    Jehovah is a "dark" entity who promotes and feeds on FEAR

    I'll never go back because, simply put, they are a cult.




    What frigg`in planet do you live on?..

    People here aren`t angry because they can`t get into a Kingdom Hall..LOL!!

    Most of the people here are either out,or trying to get out..

    You would have to be a JW first before you could get out..You hav`nt even gotten in..

    Your a pretender..A crazy pretender..

    What sort of person pretends to be a Jehovah`s Witness?..LOL!!..

    Your cover story for your Spade character was,your a Non-JW male..

    Now you say this..

    It's personal choice not to return so there should be no axe to grind toward
    Jehovah's Witnesses in countries where we enjoy religious freedom.....Spade/AliceinWonderland

    You can`t keep up with your own BatShit Craziness..Or..The storys you make up,to try and fit in here..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • cyberjesus

    if there are too many earthquakes all over the world.

  • Joliette

    I dont see anything making anyone return.

  • maninthemiddle

    Spade: you are a first class idiot!

    Spade said: They will never repent and humbly seek God’s forgiveness for their sin and rejection of Christ’s ransom.

    I have done nothing needing forgivness for. I have done nothing contrary to bible standards, you need to wake up and realize that the organization makes up "standards" that DO NOT exist in the bible. You are a first class Pharisee for calling me and many on this board worthy of needing any man-made organization. Maybe one day you will stop letting people drag you around by your wagging tongue and making you lick their boots.
    I for one am done with this, nothing more nothing less; I do not answer to any man.
    Grow Up and stop being a troll.

  • Spade
    I have done nothing contrary to bible standards, you need to wake up and realize that the organization makes up "standards" that DO NOT exist in the bible.

    Like what?

  • d

    If we started seeimg the type of violence in Libya to start happening here.No not even that to make me want to return

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