Witnesses are saying "END IS RIGHT NOW!"

by free2beme 104 Replies latest jw friends

  • ProdigalSon

    These people have no clue what trouble is. Ask the people who lived through the two world wars and the Great Depression if it looked like the end was happening.

    What a way to live....in fear of every little hiccup in world affairs.

  • streets76

    Every day is the END for somebody.

  • blondie

    Jesus said the end would come at a time you think it not to be. The WTS has also said that it starts with Babylon the Great being destroyed. Wishful thinking...........individual jws are always hoping for the destruction of 7 billion people

  • WTWizard

    To hell with the Soviet empire. What about the Roman empire crumbling in or around AD 400? That empire crumbled, and Armageddon didn't happen.

    And, even if we get hyperinflation of 30+ digits in the US, taking all toilet paper currencies down with them, we are not going to see what the Washtowel sees as "Armageddon". It will only plunge the world into mass slavery, with the Rothschilds owning everyone and everything and all other humans being their slaves. And Jehovah will do precisely what he did about the First Dark Ages.

    Which is nothing.

  • d

    They think things are bad.Try living in the dark ages or during the Black death.The Jw''s think things are hard.Their are many people living in 3rd world countries that have civil war and violence.Do they really think people in those countries want to be hearing about how the end is near? For them life is a daily struggle the end times is the last thing on their mind

  • Refriedtruth

    King of the north jazz.

    I can remember growing up 60's 80's the WT pounded away on the exact sequence of pushing and shoving of king north south fall of Christendom FIRST then the heathen religions JW's in the palatial tents used by Jehovah as bait as he puts hooks in the jaws of Satan.

    We had talk after talk after WT study article after convention talks over and over hammering away on how the 'militant forces of the UN will come to Boston my town and slaughter every clergy priest nun and 'burn them with fire.

    Total bullshit that I would have died and sacrifices by baby sister taking our stand.

  • NewChapter

    You know, what is happening in the Mideast is fascinating. We've not seen anything quite like it in our lifetimes. I'm so glad I can appreciate what is happening, because in my JW daze I would have only been concerned to the extent that it was more proof that the end was near. I don't know how things will turn out---they may fizzle, or they may take a turn for much worse, but I know I won't be missing it. I'm glad for that.

    When all you hope for is total destruction, you sure do miss a lot of good stuff.

    The revelation book says that the tribulation starts when Govt. turns on Babylon the great. The Daniel book tells the history of the Kings of North and South, and they are always changing identity. I was at a convention in '99 when they said that EVERY PROPHECY DUE TO BE FILLED BEFORE THE TRIBULATION HAS BEEN FILLED---OUR NEXT MILESTONE IS THE TRIBULATION. That confused me because I realized we were without a king of the north. I asked an elder, and he said the new king was due to rise AFTER the tribulation started.

    If you turn down the sound and play the right music, even a disaster can look like a ballet. They will continue dancing and their followers will continue following. Ugh---how I wish I could shake some sense into them.


  • d

    Yeah right

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    They love it!

    nothing would suit the WT corporation more than WW111.

    just think of all the teenagers over the world who would suddenly get baptised to avoid 'the draft' and be called 'ordained ministers'...

    just think of how many would re-invigorate themselves in an attempt to convince jehovah of their worth...


  • VM44

    The End is invisible!

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