Witnesses are saying "END IS RIGHT NOW!"

by free2beme 104 Replies latest jw friends

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    They may say that they believe that the end is upon us but the way I see them moping about in service is very telling about how urgent they really believe the situation is. They just can't seem to recapture the energy they had in the buildup to 1975.

  • im stuck in
    im stuck in

    I have heard this all of my life. Today many witnesses are in financial difficulty like the other members of society. Only difference is that they still think the big A will take care of their debt. I have no doubt that something is going to happen to change things. But it is not as the watchtower society tells it. I am sure that pretty soon they too will be shocked at world events.

    Can you say good buy religions of the world! stuck in

  • Razziel

    My mom texted me today that the great tribulation was imminent with the events in the middle east. She came in before '75. She saw that and has said the society was wrong to play up '75. She saw the energy crisis of the '70's, the vietnam war, civil rights protests, the cold war, the fall of communism, and even Obama as president who she thought would usher in the call of peace and security. She should know better by now.

    My texted reply was "So who is the King of the North now?". That did not go over well.

  • villabolo

    Jonathan dough:

    "But it is reasonable to conclude that the Mideast upheavel and all other powderkegs could possibly lead to World War III, or set up a scenario whereby the world's economies collapse, all of which could be construed as a great tribulation..."

    Jonathan, it's meaningless, not unreasonable, to conclude that. The "Great Tribulation" of the New Testament, or its multiple interpretations, will have no resemblance to the eschatology (doomsday theology) of either the Witnesses or any Christian fundamentalist religion. Things will simply not progress according to plan.

    Besides, it's not going to be the current popular uprisings in the Mid East that will cause ruination but Peak Oil in combination with increasing crop failures due to Global Warming.


  • villabolo

    Razziel: "My texted reply was "So who is the King of the North now?". That did not go over well."

    Is it true that they now teach that the King of the North changes personality throughout history?


  • cyberjesus

    THe end is coming. In the past year I have gotten more Driving Tickets than ever before. I am experiencing difficult times thats for sure.

  • elderelite

    U know all of you doubters are really sad... Its evident that the upheavil on the mideast will be solved and thus lead to the cry of peace and security. Man will have solved his biggest problem in termoiled atea and will do away with false religion to prevent muslium extremists from ruining things. Of course christianity will qlso b done away with as "opium of the masses" and that will lead to start of great tribulation as JW's refuse to disband and nations rise against them. Since they are the "apple
    Of jehovahs eye", he will act to protect them as he has done countless times in the past... Then all the nations will know that jehovahs true christian witnesses were indeed annointed with gods spirit as we get to tap dance on the graves of billions who refuse to read the WT and awake mags and accepted organ transplants and had oral sex and didnt spend at least 10 hours a month knockng on doors! Im glad when jehovah looks at my feild service report he sees LOTS of hours in ministry... I pitty you guys... I will bury as many of u as i can after the big "A" so the birds dont get you, but im petting any pandas for you. You'll just have to miss out.

  • smiddy

    Lets not forget that the UN declared 1986 as the "International Year Of Peace"

    and the big "A" didn`t occur then did it.


  • Razziel

    Villabolo: I honestly don't know what their beliefs are now regarding the King of the North and King of the South. I do know my parents loved the modern day fullfillment prophecies from Freddy during the 60's-80's, and they ate that stuff up. My mom still believes '75 was the right date adding in the time Adam was alone in the garden of eden naming all the animals. My mom is still thoroughly deluded. I'm virtually positive my dad now thinks it's a bunch of bunk, but it's too late for him to change, as he is a 40+ year elder and what little social life they have is based on their JW friends.

  • Star tiger
    Star tiger

    It's such a shame that's so many are looking forward to the deaths of so many people, so much for a caring religion, what will they say when they get it wrong again!!!!!!!

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