Witnesses are saying "END IS RIGHT NOW!"

by free2beme 104 Replies latest jw friends

  • MrFreeze

    The end must be far off because the Bible says that they would say "Peace" and then destruction be instantly upon them. Not anywhere near peace so the end must be far off.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Here's what I think of the Dubs getting all excited about political unrest (which most of them don't even understand):

    zzz zzz zzz zzz zzz zzz zzz...

  • moshe
    My texted reply was "So who is the King of the North now?". That did not go over well.

    Oops! JWs have forgotten the WT gaff over that teaching and they hope everyone else does, too.

  • Iamallcool

    Tell them they might have the opportunity to get the good news of God's Kindgom, that might shut them up and make them think! Do you remember the scripture saying Good News must be preached in ALL the inhabited earth then the end will come?

  • moshe

    JWs are so hoping for recognition and confirmation by worldly people that, they were right all along about the "end".

    Being ignored by the world is the cruelest cut of all for them. The only weeping and gnashing of teeth will be from JWs who realize they are going to have to retire on a meager Social Security check and trade hamburger for canned Alpo.

  • Quentin

    The wheel in the sky keeps on turing....jw's get excited/parinod over any little thing....they know nothing of human history, era changes, rise and fall of nations....we are in a time of change, not the end of days.....

  • mindmelda

    When HAVEN'T they said that?

  • Quentin

    When HAVEN'T they said that?

    Hmmm.......good point

  • d

    Good point Quentin.I agree the Jehovah Witness do not really that this unrest is good for Egypt.Because for them this might actually bring democracy into Eygpt.The Jw's just want bad things to happen so it can fulllfill nonsense out of an outdated book.I am pretty sure they are all giddy with Unrest in Eygpt and Yemen and Libya.So much fodder for the masses.

  • leavingwt
    I mean, isn't it supposed to be a key moment, that Babylon the Great and the governments of the world would turn on the Witnesses?

    No. According to WT theology, government will destroy Babylon the Great. (The harlot is alive and well.)

    Please see. . .


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