I sued the local congregation

by chukky 594 97 Replies latest jw friends

  • chukky 594
    chukky 594


    Several years ago, before my wife and I left, my 5 yr old daughter got up during the watchtower to cross the aisle to sit with someone else. She tripped on the roving microphone wire and smashed her head on the foot of a metal chair. The bleeding was profuse and an ambulance was called. She still bares the scar. About 9 months ago I decided to sue the local congregation. Many of the elders present the day of the accident witnessed the event, yet they tried ti lie to cover themselves by saying that my daughter must have been running through the hall when she tripped. They said this even though they knew that she had severe cardiac problems at the time and was incapable of running. Anyway, the long and short is, that they settled and I managed to recoup a very small amount of the finances that I had previously given to them.

    I was also wondering if anyone on the forum had had any similar experiences, having sued the local cong/society and won.

  • Pitchess Co-Gen
    Pitchess Co-Gen

    I thought about suing for slander, but they'll just deny it anyway

  • drewcoul

    When my son was about 2 years old, he fell, and his little fat chin hit the floor of the KH. Poor little guy had to go to the ER and get stitches while I had to hold his head down while he was looking up at me with his big eyes full of tears, not understanding why I wouldn't pick him up and hold him while the doctor was putting stitches in his chin. I seriously think it was nearly as hard on me as it was on him......

    That being said......I NEVER considered suing the congregation, or the KH. Accidents happen and it's not their fault.

    Why people are so litigious and sue happy, these days I don't understand. As long as there isn't any negligence or malice, I don't think it's right to sue. Someone getting hurt shouldn't create a windfall for them, or their parents.

    I feel for your daughter and I understand how traumatic it can be especially with all of the blood and crying etc.......I hope your daughter is doing well now especially her cardiac problems.

  • DagothUr

    We have wireless microphones even in a 2nd world country like Romania.

  • DT

    It is a little odd that a building that is open to the public would have wires in the aisles where people walk. They are dangerous and I have seen people come close to getting hurt. I'm glad you sued and got something for your trouble. A corporation like the Watchtower society makes decisions based on money so it might help prevent others from getting hurt in the future.

  • miseryloveselders

    That being said......I NEVER considered suing the congregation, or the KH. Accidents happen and it's not their fault.

    Why people are so litigious and sue happy, these days I don't understand. As long as there isn't any negligence or malice, I don't think it's right to sue. Someone getting hurt shouldn't create a windfall for them, or their parents.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    So, Chukky, when your daughter grows up, are you going to give her this money, presumably with interest?

  • chukky 594
    chukky 594

    Normally I would agree with your comments about the fact that 'accidents happen' and that people shouldnt be so keen to sue. However, for us it wasnt about money. It was about getting something back from all the years,energy expended, finances, lost career opportunities, psychological damage etc that was inflicted by this organization on my family. I guess That we felt that we could inflict some damage upon them for a change, instead of the other way around



  • chukky 594
    chukky 594

    Broken promises

    Yes. It is in a bank account for her and it will be hers when she is 18


  • Lore

    Remind me never to invite you to my house for dinner or anything. Your daughter might fall against my wall and slash the side of her face open on a light switch and I'd never be able to afford it.

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