Are ALL religious ideas TRUE?

by brotherdan 68 Replies latest jw experiences

  • DagothUr

    Are all religions true? No, but for certain they are all false.

  • cantleave

    All religion is a construct!

  • yourmomma

    I lean/identify Christian, but am done with churches and organized religions. but more and more I find that I have nothing in common with many Christians as I refuse to judge people. There are several fundemental problems that I have that are leading me to feel their is merit and some truth in all of the holy writings and ways humans have expressed their belief or relationship with God. I think there is value to be found in all of it. However there is also fundemental problems.

    I have a hard time accepting that out of all the billions of humans that have lived in the history of our civilization that only a select small group knowns as Christians are the only acceptable people to God. To me that is a delusion of grandor. It is also a very dividing way of thinking.Others relgions like Islam do the same thing, so Christians arent the only ones to claim to be God's one sole buddy.

    So any religion that teaches this, I cant be down with, so really I dont think I would be considered Christian perhaps. My other fundemental problem is the way in which Christians treat gay people. And im not talking the "God hates fags" Christians, they are nut jobs and hateful. But even the ones that claim to be more "open minded", but they say stuff like "I dont judge, and I believe that everyone should have equal rights, but marriage can only be between a man and a woman". That is a total contradiction, and they are not fooling anyone. That is not equal rights.

    Also, many Christians claim to be so sure that being gay is a choice. How do you know? Are you gay, have you ever been gay? If not, then how can you claim to know something for sure and put a blanket over an entire group of peoples life experience? Thats crazy.

    Every single human being must have the same rights, and anything less is unacceptable. A gay person should be allowed to adopt a child, get married, or have the couples rights afforded to them like everyone else. I cant identify with a religion that is fundementally opposed to such a simple human right.

    And what bothers me more is not the crazy Christians, but the ones that think they are being loving and open minded when they say stuff like I said about like "I dont judge, and I believe in equal rights, but gay people shouldnt be allowed to get married, adopt", etc. Or my favorite was this "I dont judge, I dont care what a person does in their bedroom, but God didnt destroy soddom and gamora for no reason."

    How can a rational person not see the problem with such a statement?

    So I guess my point is, to the man in the illistration that labeled the preacher as "going to hell" because he believes everyone is ok with God, I think the preacher is more on the right track than the student.

    Im just DONE with the "agree with me or go to hell" or "agree with me that there is no god or your stupid" mentality.

  • brotherdan
    In your example above of 2+2=4 you forgot something.

    My point was that 2+2=4 is true to all people at all times in all locations. A truth cannot contradict a truth. Either BOTH are false or one is true and the other is false.

    My point of the thread is to discuss the nature of "truth". All things cannot be true. But yet that is perpetuated in our post modernist society.

    So what if you took Christ+Mohammed+Ghandi+Martin Luther King jr.= THE BIG PICTURE

    The problem with this statement is that there are DEFINITE contradictions between them. For example, Ghandi, while a very good man, was a Hindu. The beliefs of Hindus are in direct violation of Christian and Muslim belief. Either 1 was wrong or all the were wrong. The law of contradiction means that two antithetical propositions cannot both be true at the same time and in the same sense. X cannot be non-X. A thing cannot be and not be simultaneously. And nothing that is true can be self-contradictory or inconsistent with any other truth.

  • tec
    If God was truth before Christ came into being, then that would mean there was two truths.

    Unless Christ is God's truth. Unless Christ is exactly as God. Then there is still only one truth.


  • brotherdan

    Also, I have issue with saying

    Are all Dans teachings true

    I don't think I've ever introduced anything new that is not in the Bible. So I don't have "teachings". If you have issue with Biblical teachings, that is fine. But they aren't "Dan's teachings".

  • brotherdan
    If God was truth before Christ came into being, then that would mean there was two truths.

    This does not contradict. John 1:1 clears up this argument.

  • mrsjones5

    Im just DONE with the "agree with me or go to hell" or "agree with me that there is no god or your stupid" mentality.

    I'm with ya momma.

  • brotherdan
    So I guess my point is, to the man in the illistration that labeled the preacher as "going to hell" because he believes everyone is ok with God, I think the preacher is more on the right track than the student.

    My point in using that story was that the preacher had to admit that not everyone had the "truth" or could be considered as having the "truth". He certainly did not think that he was going to hell. So he couldn't agree with the man that said he was going to hell. Therfore, all religious truths could NOT be accepted.

  • PSacramento

    There are certain universal truths in all religions, this is true.

    The universal "golden rule" is an example.

    Does this mean that all religions are true?

    Nope, but how can WE decided what is ruth and waht isn't, or if there IS an absolute truth?

    Well, that is THE question isn't it?

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