by free2beme 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tan Hai-chi
    Tan Hai-chi

    All I know is that something better happen on some date, sometime or I'm gonna lose my mind!

  • free2beme

    Interesting, as I think 12/21/2012 will pass by and not be the end. More of the middle of something already started. So you should take that Shit.

  • BurnTheShips
    More of the middle of something already started.

    Is that like Jesus Christ's "invisible presence" since 1914?


  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I hope it doesn't happen before a Full House reunion. I really want to see that.

  • brotherdan

    The sad thing is that the same "false prophet followers" effect will happen. People like OBVES, foodalls, and free2beme will watch 2011 and then 2012 come and go, and nothing will happen. And then they'll say something like, "The reason it didn't happen is because the photon field was held back by the electromagnatism caused by solar flares" or something retarded like that. Or, "We are now at the beginning of the end".

    It's all the same. It doesn't belong to us to know times or seasons. (Acts 1:7)

    Even if you are not a bible believer, there is nothing to substantiate these 2012 claims. If you do the SMALLEST amount of REAL research on this, you will see that there really isn't anything there to believe in.

  • cantleave
    "The reason it didn't happen is because the photo field was held back by the electromagnatism caused by solar flares" or something retarded like that. Or, "We are now at the beginning of the end".

    love it Bro Dan

  • FirstLastName

    Well one thing for sure about 2012 - it was a horrible movie.

  • free2beme

    Well, at least it is something interesting to talk about. Most topics that get fun on here, get deleted. LOL! I was going to make some punch on that day though and invite all the neighbors over to drink ... since that is what I am being compared to, a cult! ;) Do people not realize that I posted this on a former Witness board for a reason and expected the responses I got. However, I like the topic, find it highly interesting and am very open minded. My exit from the JW's did not jade me from seeing things beyond the physical realm.

  • beksbks

    Durnit TD! I was just about to agree with Burn, but now I'm afraid it might cause a rift in the space time continuum.

  • beksbks
    All I know is that something better happen on some date, sometime or I'm gonna lose my mind!

    Maybe you just haven't dated the right girl yet Tan Hai-chi

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