Birthdays not mentioned in the new elder's handbook

by Robert7 30 Replies latest jw friends

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    W68 2/15

    True Christians do not need “Mother’s Day,” “Father’s Day,” “Christmas Day,” “Easter Day” or other holidays that are outlined by the world because, while it is true that some persons might in all sincerity give on these occasions out of love, when they become Christians they refrain from having their giving marred by association with any holidays of pagan origin.

    Although not such a big deal, but Mother's and Father's Day are not allowed either. Like bierthdays, it really takes a lot of joy away from the children. Many schools have little projects where they get the kids to make things for their parents to give to them on these days, imagine the disappointment of the kids when they learn that they shouldn't be doing this.

    They have to be different and they have to learn to defend their religion. According to the org if they learn to defend their faith in these matters then they will have more chance of standing up for it on bigger things.

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