These are good people

by Retrovirus 100 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • debator

    Hi sweetbabycheezits

    My point was a comparative one. Evolutionists cannot claim superiority to religion since their belief system clearly requires leaps of faith too and acceptance of continuous refinement.

  • mrsjones5

    since their belief system clearly requires leaps of faith too and acceptance of continuous refinement.

    Does this strike anyone else as being funny and ironic?


    Debator, hoping for a reply on evolution . . .?....RetroVirus

    Proof of Evolution..


    ...................... ...OUTLAW

  • poopsiecakes

    since their belief system clearly requires leaps of faith too and acceptance of continuous refinement.

    Does this strike anyone else as being funny and ironic?


  • debator

    Hi retrovirus

    I am no evolutionist I believe in God however interesting retroviruses are for me they confirm intelligent design not "sludge to man in a billion years".

    If you are struggling with whether to believe in God or not that is a different issue than which god is the true one. It means coming on sites like this anti-witness one is fairly moot point.

    Belief in God is a very personal choice. One I make every time I see a sunset or sunrise. I think evolutionists get so wrapped up in the minutia they cannot see the obvious in the beautiful harmony of the whole.

    My point was a comparative one. Evolutionists cannot claim superiority to religion
    since their belief system clearly requires leaps of faith too and acceptance of continuous refinement.....debator/Reniaa
    Does this strike anyone else as being funny and ironic?.....Josie

    Hey Josie!.. Ya..It`s pretty stupid.. DimWit has just Described the WBT$.. debator/Reniaa never runs out of Brain Farts.. ...................... ...OUTLAW

  • debator

    Faith in God is a Christian requirement even the bible doesn't deny that. It wouldn't need to be called faith otherwise. Where is the irony in stating a basic truth?

  • palmtree67

    The irony, is that YOUR religion requires leaps of faith too and acceptance of continuous refinement and it claims to be superior than all others.



    How frigg`n stupid are you?..

    My point was a comparative one. Evolutionists cannot claim superiority to religion

    since their belief system clearly requires leaps of faith too and acceptance of continuous refinement.....Reniaa

    The WBT$ claims Superiority to Everyone and Anyone,for those same reasons..

    Does it Hurt when you Think?..

    ...................... ...OUTLAW

  • Retrovirus


    I am no evolutionist I believe in God however interesting retroviruses are for me they confirm intelligent design not "sludge to man in a billion years

    Fine, but that's a statement of belief, not a point in a debate. I'd understood that you were going to telling me why evolution is wrong. To continue you'd need to explain how retroviruses confirm intelligent design, and I'd be very interested in that.

    If you are struggling with whether to believe in God or not that is a different issue than which god is the true one

    Whatever my beliefs are, they don't affect the facts supporting evolution of this discussion.

    I think evolutionists get so wrapped up in the minutia they cannot see the obvious in the beautiful harmony of the whole

    The preceding bit about sunrise is nice and poetic. This, however, is just an ad-hominem attack with no support. Nor have you considered the many scientists (40%, Nickolas said) who believe in God.

    Have you anything to support your beliefs about evolution? If not, you cannot keep pronouncing them as if they have any basis.


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