These are good people

by Retrovirus 100 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Snoozy

    Retro, I can totally understand what you mean. There are some very special and loving people in the JW religion. I can also understand about the "Not wanting to cause pain jsut to win your point.

    I think it should be your decision. I totally understand what you mean. There are a few that I too wouldn't want to change their ways because they are happy, even if most of what they say is untrue. They don't have much time left, why would I want to take their only hope to them away.

    The only reason I could think of to try and persuade them would be if they had family that they didn't talk to and it was hurting them..then I may go on and try to show them that certain things that the JW religion teaches just aren't right.

    It is up to you..I would do what I felt comfortable with..if you don't feel comfortable, I would leave it be.


  • RosePetal

    I think it is wrong to assume that someone who is older in years or has a disability or illness cannot cope with waking up to the falseness of the watchtower. There are many on this board older in years and are now helping others to see it. Also there is life after the watchtower, I was born in to the JW belief and spent most of my life believing and trying to recruit others. I have not lost my faith in God or his promises just because I am no longer a JW. I did not leave until my fifties.

    It doesn't matter what age we are, we can make choices, I would not like to think that if I was an elderly person that could not make a choice and be shown the falseness of the watchtower organisation. They are not children. Recently Rick Feron was telling us about the annual meeting they have for ex.JW's I was struck by how many older in years were there giving testimonies, and speaking out to help others.


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    Am I doing the right thing in continuing with them?

    Most definately, and you are going about it the right way too.

    Keep them coming back sincerely wanting to answer your questions.

    Finding out you are in a cult is painful. There is no easy way out. Just remember that these people are recruiters for a high control cult. If you can get them out, you prevent the damage they were going to do to other people's lives and their children's lives. I wish someone had had the skills to get me out before I passed this 'virus' on to my family.



  • Nickolas

    Finding out you are in a cult is painful. There is no easy way out. Just remember that these people are recruiters for a high control cult. If you can get them out, you prevent the damage they were going to do to other people's lives and their children's lives. I wish someone had had the skills to get me out before I passed this 'virus' on to my family.

    To reiterate, be sure you know your facts. By now they will be changing the conversation on you several times, looking for an opening. Don't allow them to do this. Once they have identified a weakness in your knowledge they will exploit it by filling in the gaps themselves. Stay focused on your objective, and that is to help get them out. They have been doing this for generations and know what they're doing. Make sure you do, too.

  • moshe

    Don't give up - continue with the showdown. They are wasting their lives peddling this crap and it's a crime for the WT org to use those who have poor health to extend it's membership. Hopefully, they will have an "aha!" moment here, but most likely the JWs will write you off as " one who is not of our sort" and leave you alone.

  • Nickolas

    Go in and get 'im. I'm cheering for you.

  • cantleave

    The Neck of the Giraffe is a high;y discredited source written by a crack-pot who is into divination.

  • debator

    Hi Retrovirus

    You clearly do not like Dishonesty but you accept the claims on here that Witnesses are a cult without checking?

    According to the majority of Countries and the European human rights courts Jehovah's Witnesses are an established and recognised religion (feel free to check this) and not a cult.

    People on here have axes to grind against Witnesses and it shows in their biased unfounded assumptions and opinions regarding Jehovah's witnesses.

    They present personal opinion on here as assumed facts.

    As regards to Evolution verses Creation debate, this is a difficult subject since these are extremely opposing beliefs. Where both sides may make mistakes on what the other group believe and teach. I find it particularly hard with Evolution since it is ever-changing medium according to current understandings of it's processes. It would be accurate to say what is currently believed with regards to Evolution is very different from what Darwin understood when he first taught it. If I said I can prove men do not come from apes these days an evolutionist would agree with me but in Darwin's day that was what was believed.

    Any books disproving Evolution have to change constantly because Evolution theories change so much.

    With Religions the difficulty is that there are so many to choose from and all completely different in doctrine and understanding on who or what God is.

    But there can only be one truth and that is why we search. It can be said humans need to know!

    I am a Jehovah Witness because I found the true God's truth in Jehovah's witnesses according to his word the Bible and I reject Evolution because makes a belief out of disbelief and scepticism of the created world around us.

    But everyone has to find out what they believe for themselves as you do too. But please do it according to researchable facts rather than prejudiced opinion of the JW hate-mongerers from this site.

  • cantleave

    Debator why did the creation book quote so much from a book written by a Charleton, a pseudo scientist and occultist?

  • debator

    Hi Cantleave

    They quote from many sources. It is a fallacy to try and reject a point itself as invalid because you cast aspersions on the qualifications of the person that said it. I won't be drawn into that kind of fallacious argument. It is an imperfection of men issue you are drawing me into. (One that is a favourite on here I might add)

    Points stand or fall on their own merit!

    The creation book due to it's age will be to a certain degree out-of-date regarding current Evolution theory (whose ever changing face is so hard to pin down)

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