These are good people

by Retrovirus 100 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Retrovirus

    Whereami, thanks for the material (sorry it took so long to post this).

    They did give me that latest tract, the subject of the video. I missed a couple of issues they nailed, but there are others, namely

    1. evolution "falls" because abiogenesis is as yet unproven (so I guess we know nowt about chemistry because it is based on atomic physics, which is based on subatomic particles and there's a lot to learn there)

    2. The cell is the smallest unit of life. Completely ignores viruses. Quite a problem for designed life whether or not they are "alive", and also retrovirus sequences are a strong indicator for evolution.

    I look forward to my next discussion with the JWs.


    PS , Outlaw, thanks for the heads up on Debator. So far I'm more impressed my "my" JWs. . .

  • dgp

    Retro, you're trying to determine who's telling the truth: the people on this forum who are against the Watchtower, or those who are in favor of it. And you want to determine that by asking each side. There is value in what people say, but, as another "worldly", I can tell you that this approach has its limits.

    I can tell you that there are so many stories by former Jehovah's witnesses in so many sites in different languages, yet they all have the same information. But this is also very shallow by way of proof. You know, try and talk to an acting Jehovah's witness and ask him or her an uncomfortable question. Something like, for example, how come the generation that wouldn't pass away (I had the magazine in my hands) did pass away. Try to see where that leads. If you don't get what you should be getting if the practicing Jehovah's witnesses were telling you the truth, then you'll know what to expect.

    At first, I even questioned whether we were called "worldlies". We are called that. I didn't learn that here, but on a Facebook page by an unsuspecting witness. This man doesn't even know who I am, but he was showing his stuff on his wall.

  • Retrovirus

    thank you, dgp!

  • nelly136

    if you ask them any awkward questions as dgp suggests, watch their faces and posture you'll notice a difference when you hit a spot.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    What was great was that when I challenged them, they actually tried to do some research.

    You are doing well. I have been trying to get my lot to do some research without success. The best I have managed is a truce.... you don't push your religion in my face and I won't ask you why you haven't answered my question yet.

    I don't tell them anything any more. I found out too late that it doesn't work. Now I have the Devil at my side.

    You have to ask your questions while you are considered harmless. Questions that they really want to be able to answer. Questions that they will feel guilty for not answering.

    One question at a time. If they want to change the subject ............. you have the right question. You don't want to ask another one. Send them off to do that research.

  • Heaven

    I think most people start off being good. Somewhere along the way, though, there is a choice that must be made between "Mother" (the cult) and the real truth. By then it's usually too late to leave without horrible consequences.

    I told my Dad the other weekend that the Watchtower lied to me when I was a kid and I listed several of the big ones. It didn't phase him. So he's ok belonging to a group that lies to his kids. Whatever.

    And... about the bacon....


    Good morning Nickolas..

    The more Dimwitted a WBT$ Supporter behaves..The more likely they are to Feed their Persecution Needs..

    All good Jehovah`s Witness`s Need to be Persecuted..

    The WBT$ encourages JW`s to Enjoy Persecution..It`s Proof they are in God`s Organization..

    Many realise they are Behaving like Assholes..But..It gets them what they want..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Debator said:

    Word trickery is not going to work with me! "Evolution doesn't change it evolves" I lolled at that one!

    Had he labeled it as "increasing light" and put a WT logo over the top, would it have been more palatable?

  • isaacaustin

    SBC, exactly! The WT evolves all the time..generally as damage control for failing or false prophecies.

  • Retrovirus

    Thanks, everyone, I'm learning all the time. Black sheep, I feel sure that I'll get a devil on my back at some stage, so far I think these JWs

    have dealt mainly with new immigrants, in a poorer area, and aren't used to questions like mine.

    Debator, hoping for a reply on evolution . . .?

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