Latest apostate warning in Feb 15 2011 Watchtower

by dozy 144 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Heaven

    Happily, Andre returned to the congregation.

    But as the years went by and Armageddon didn't come 'soon' and 'imminently', and the definition for 'this generation' had now changed for the 25th time, Andre's depression turned into dementia which led to Alzheimer's. He is presently being kept in a padded room with a special jacket on for his safety as he rails at his attendants "You are all going to die at Armageddon! Mark my words!"

    We should all be this dedicated.

  • TD

    Thanks Cadellin!!!

    Now I'm cleaning coffee off my monitor....

  • BluesBrother
    Information taken out of context was their ‘strong evidence’ against us.

    This reads as though he found allegations against The Society's literature that were taken out of context..If so, what about the many of us who spent so many years within it that we didn't need to look up what they had said, we knew it all backwards. No hiding behind false words there.

    If he meant that the information was from other history, religious or scientific writings then of course he should check that it is not out of context. That is common sense. I have checked all the major arguments because at at first I was highly suspicious of writings that contradicted what they said. The result? I have found only minuscule tiny things that could be challenged. The "apostates " use of reference works has been far more honest than is the WTS' use of such writings....

    Of course they would say this, wouldn't they?.....I challenge any lurkers to check it out for yourself before making up your mind...The internet is wonderful !


    But later, as I did some research on the apostates’ arguments against Jehovah’s
    Witnesses, I became aware of how crafty the false teachers were.

    Encouraging people to investigate Apostate Arguements,will ony create more Apostates..

    Its obvious the WBT$ has Apostates in Bethel.. No one is safe in WatchtowerWorld!..

    The WBT$ has to Eliminate "all Bethelites"..

    In order to Solve the Apostate Problem in Bethel..

    ............................... ...OUTLAW

  • Ding

    Sounds like they realize a LOT of JWs are looking at "apostate" sites and are trying to convince them that they're being mesmerized.

    Come back to "mother" and all will be forgiven; you can even give a talk about it at the next circuit assembly."

  • sabastious

    Who is this Andre guy anyway? What makes him tick?


  • sabastious

    You know, the WT can answer anything, we all know this.

    Think DJEggnog, he must believe that we take things out of context and are "crafty" because he feels he can explain away all of our "points."

    If someone gets into apostate literature and then goes BACK to the Witnesses he's got serious issues.

    How can you unsee what you have seen?




    It`s more likely than not..Andre is Ficticious..

    The WBT$ is not above making shit up..

    Ask anyone who has given an Experience from an Assembly Stage..

    ............................... ...OUTLAW

  • sabastious

    Outlaw! You broke my heart. I was bent on Andre being real...!

    What am I going to do now that he's not?


  • sabastious


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