Latest apostate warning in Feb 15 2011 Watchtower

by dozy 144 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • gutted

    Wow... maybe I should go back.

    On second thought, nah.

  • dozy

    Peter Andre' , perhaps (he did used to be a JW.)

    It does sound an incredibly spurious experience. One wonders how "Andre" ( yeah - right) was viewed by the congregation elders & the rest of the congregation afterward. Did he discuss his research with them & the ways that the apostates had lifted quotes out of context? What were the points that initially disturbed him but that further research had found to be groundless?

  • cyberjesus

    He didnt like the writings on this forum? BrotherAnd? uh? sounds familiar.

  • Cadellin

    Andre, who had believed in evolution for years, had the bitter experience of being led astray by creationist thinking. He felt that having a quick look at a creationist Web site would not be dangerous. He recalls: “Initially, I was attracted to the so-called truths that the creationists spoke of. The more I examined what they said, the more I came to think that I was justified in changing my mind about the scientific basis of evolution and dropping out of school. But later, as I did some research on the creationists’ arguments against evolution , I became aware of how crafty the creationists were. Information taken out of context was their ‘strong evidence’ against us. Thus, I decided to start reading credible scientific publications again. Soon I realized how much I had missed.” Happily, Andre returned to his studies at University.

  • leavingwt

    The WT should challenge all members to read Crisis of Conscience. Then, they should study each chapter at the Kingdom Hall.

    If God is with them, they have nothing to fear.

  • FlyingHighNow

    We do get people here who tuck tail and run back to the KH. Doubtfully Yours is an example. It's that addiction to being mentally lazy and wanting someone else to do your thinking for you. I have a solution, just skip going back to the Kingdom Hall. Watch Fox News. They will be glad to do your thinking for you. (I am not talking about people who go back just to be able to see their families.)

  • sir82
    I did some research on the apostates’ arguments against Jehovah’s Witnesses,


    What the hey?

    If I didn't know better, I'd say the writer was endorsing "researching apostate arguments"!

    Yeah, they say apostate information is "dangerous", but you can't get around the fact that a guy who "researched apostate arguments" is presented in a favorable light in the WT.

    On a related note, I know I shouldn't be surprised, but I still am stunned by their chutzpah every time I read a WT article criticizing "taking information out of context". You'd be hard-pressed to find any quotes in the literature from a "worldly" scientific source that isn't lifted entirely out of context.

  • james_woods
    Watch Fox News. They will be glad to do your thinking for you.

    Indeed - always watch NPR or MSNBC. They would NEVER presume to influence your thinking.

  • heathen

    Oh my God , guilty of thought crime . the horror .

  • yourmomma

    this is awesome, if it makes it into the WT, it must be a huge problem. are they stupid for printing the experience of a person who read apostate sites and didnt have any problems with the elders or df'ing? if you are a young JW and you read that, would it then make you want to also research what the apostates have to say? haha

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