I HATE this religion

by brotherdan 388 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Dan, you're making us all feel really loved but some deep breaths and time for soft drinks (don't even think about coffee - you'll find it hard enough to sleep tonight). Have you got anyone who can pick you up from work?


  • wannabefree
    I hate myself. And while I know that God does not support this, I'm done.

    This scares me Dan. You better give some reassurance that you aren't going to do something permanent. Tomorrow is another day, and those kids need you.

  • brotherdan

    I don't have anyone to pick me up. I am alone. My mom said that she would always be there for me. But about 3 months ago I told her the doubts I was having and she said, "I don't think I can ever talk to you about "the truth" anymore."

    I'm alone, guys. You think I'm not? I am. I have no friends. And I'm not a freak. But I'm treated like one.

    But I hope that everyone knows how much they've meant to me. I've never exposed myself like this before. And I don't think I can do this again.

    I think I have to say goodbye to everyone on JWN. I love you guys. But I'm too hurt to do this. My soulmate is gone. And that means I am gone.

  • wannabefree

    I will pick you up dan. just tell me where.

  • yknot

    Danny Boy.....

    A) that is the beer and desperation talking.......not your heart.

    b) ignore her comments, they were spoke by her in a moment of hurt and frustration.....(she is in a cult- no means yes and yes means no)

    It is all gonna be okay just fake throwing yourself on the WTS alter and dagger (ie the blade between your arm and ribs!)

    Don't let them win, fight for her and the kids, fight dirty Dan.....say and do whatever you have to, to get her home and calm.

    USE That wise TACT suggestion too!

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Dan - please, please don't do anything permanent. If not for you, then for your kids. What state are you in?

  • CuriousButterfly

    Dan you have a PM, PLEASE read and respond. ok?

  • wannabefree

    Dan, you have a lot of friends here. You have more friends than you ever realized.

    Things will be alright. Maybe not how you hoped they would be, but the future always has options. Your future isn't written. It can still be something wonderful.

  • Snoozy

    Well you can continue to cry in your beer or pick up your feet and make a decent life for your kids and you..at least the kids should have one stable house to visit..will it be yours or will you just give up....The kids should come first!!!


  • Think About It
    Think About It
    I went out to lunch and did the most unchristian thing ever (sorry my brother, Stephen)...I drank 8 beers and came back to work. Fortunately my boss is not here.

    Dan......it's none of my business, but please do not do this again. I know you are hurting, but you could bring yourself some employment and/or legal problems that you do not want or need. A couple of beers in quick sucession could probably put a person over the legal limit.

    Think About It

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