Top 10 reasons why JWs don't have the truth - please contribute

by oldlightnewshite 172 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • miseryloveselders

    Here is two,
    failure to use their 6 million votes to take full control of whats on the ballot!

    failure to buy fire arms and help police this country run the fricking wicked back to their closets!

    yup people theirs lots of things you can say bad about the jehovah wittnesses doing this or that.but if jehovah came right now and said all right wittnesses its clobering time take your stand in the fight, trust me when i say geting the door slamed in you face makes someone remember were you live and you better pray to the dark ugly lord real hard jehovah never says it clobering time! remember how isreal defeated hugh armys? but relax jehovah wittness arent really gods chosen people right? so your not in any trouble.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I am leaning with CyberJesus on this one, but there are some ultimate truths. We just don't know any of them.

    Some of the ultimate truths we would need to learn to begin establishing "who" has it:

    There is a God or there is not a God. Perhaps there are several "gods."
    There is an afterlife or there is not. When you die, you can live again or you cannot.
    It's all a grand illusion or it's all real or somewhere inbetween.

    That was fun, but not very productive. Sorry to waste your time. Next.

  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    Lack of love in the congregations. I feel that I was raised with no true concept of what love of friends and fellow man is.

    The disgraceful and unscriptural way that disfellowshipped people are treated. It never happened to me or to anyone in my immediate family. But to see that happening to to other families and to people just a few years older than myself was traumatizing to myself and to my younger sister. We have talked about it in the last couple of years. Our memories are from 35+ years ago. We cannot believe the cruelty that was just accepted as normal.

    Meeting nicer, more "Christian" people on the outside than the inside. This was probably my #1 reason for leaving. My non-JW friends were better people than anyone I knew in the cult.

  • bobld

    They do not know the Bible.If someone Q them they get the boot.Total mind control not a religion on the Bible.


  • debator

    Psalm 86:11
    Teach me your way, o Jehovah, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name.

    1 John 3:19
    This then is how we know that we belong to the truth, and how we set our hearts at rest in his presence

    2 John 1:1
    The elder, To the chosen lady and her children, whom I love in the truth—and not I only, but also all who know the truth -

    2 John 1:4
    It has given me great joy to find some of your children walking in the truth, just as the Father commanded us.

    "in the truth" is a Christian catchphrase from the bible. I'm surprised you do not know that our usage of it is just reflecting the early Christians usage of it. Jehovah's truth is why I am a Jehovah's witness.

    Hi LWT

    People cannot find full knowledge and faith alone. If they could Jesus, the bible, the apostles and all the instructions to be congregations under overseers, having shepherds learning together, supporting each other etc are meaningless.

    It marks the difference between those that appeal to mystery and say vaguely "There's a God out there somewhere, maybe" and those that truly know their God by name and call upon him with knowledge and insight.

    Joel 2:32
    And everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved;

    Psalm 74:18
    Remember how the enemy has mocked you, O Jehovah, how foolish people have reviled your name.

    Isaiah 52:6
    Therefore my people will know my name; therefore in that day they will know that it is I who foretold it. Yes, it is I."

    Revelation 3:12
    Him who overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will he leave it. I will write on him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on him my new name.

  • VampireDCLXV

    Oh... you again...


  • wobble

    Great thread !

    Just after I stopped going to the K. Hall, in spring 2008, a Bro. would drop in for a coffee and a chat (to shepherd me back LOL) and we would talk over all my concerns, in the end he asked me for my Top Ten and said he would come back with answers.

    I gave him the following:

    1) False prophecies (yet claim to be Jehovah's prophet)

    2) Doctrinal changes (yet claim to be spirit directed)

    3) Do not take care of widows and orphans.

    4) Do not baptise into the name of the Father Son and H.S

    5) Tamper with text of Bible (i.e insertion of "Jehovah" in Rev. etc.)

    6) United Nations, association with as NGO. (lies after the event) [They rode the beast !]

    7) Paedophile cover-ups. (should not Spirit have directed them ?)

    8) Shunning of family members (D.F'd) [Scriptural basis?]

    9) Doctrine of Faithful and Discreet slave.

    10) 1914 ----- what scriptural proof is offered for the thousands of times they claim this is the year Jesus set up a kingdom ?

    11) Making changes from printed versions of mags. when they appear as bound volumes, why cover up what was "present truth" ?

    (it's either true or it's not, so what is "present truth" ?)

    As you can see I could not restrict myself to just ten problems, and I told him there were many more.

    He is still an active JW and serves as a M.S. He calls on my next door neighbour every week for a B.S

    I am still waiting for him to come back with the answers as he promised, but I am not holding my breath.

  • designs


    Slip a note to your neighbor with the (11) questions, see if the Witness answers.

  • wobble

    Dear Designs,

    after I gave him this list, and he promised to keep it between us, I got the two Elder visit, so much for another of the M.S' promises, the visit where they have the DF'ing form in their pocket ready.

    I did not want to be DF'd or DA,d, loads of family still in, so I talked my way out of it, or rather didn't talk when they asked the "Do you still believe JW's are God's org. " question, I just went silent then.

    I dare not give it in one go to my neighbour, but I have been thinking for sometime that I will talk to her and slip some thoughts in.

    (She is hot on birthdays and I have told her I think that is great !)

    I don't think she is in any danger of being sucked in, my mother studied with her for years and gave up coz. she would not " move forwards", this M.S is using her to get his time in, she just likes the company I think, she is an elderly widow.

  • designs

    Oh geez you had the two Elders meeting, so sorry, that's got to be one of the most uncomfortable and insincere visits ever. As an Elder/exElder I've been on both sides of the couch.....eeesh. All the best.

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