He's coming ...

by sacolton 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Cook My Socks UK
    Cook My Socks UK

    C.O at our place is K. Even has a drink with the lads. Nobody sucks up to him, he doesn't expect it. Whatever his thoughts / beliefs he is a top guy.

    First like it I have met though!

  • elderelite

    LOL the WORST day in service (and that is saying something) i ever had was with a CO and a DO in the same car. It was a group of six, four young brothers and those two. The CO was a very nice guy but got mute cause the DO was there and he (the DO) lit into me, personally, all day for everylittle thing. Thankfully I was about 18 or so and took it with a grain of salt, I even ended up laughing at him because after a while it was just funny, but my god what a little monster!!!!! his name was Frank Bartel and from that day forward everyone in the car group just refered to him as the "little monster"..

  • brotherdan

    We just had a CO in our area get removed a few months back. He was at a Witness gathering, drank 2 drinks, and was driving back home. He got pulled over and arrested for DUI. The GB got rid of him AND he had to go to the infamous "tent city" in Phoenix. I felt so bad for him. In a period of 1 hour he lost EVERYTHING. He was reproved, deleted as a CO, and had to go to jail! The borg sure takes care of their own!

  • undercover
    He was at a Witness gathering, drank 2 drinks, and was driving back home. He got pulled over and arrested for DUI.

    Just two? They must have been BIG drinks... or he had more than two. If it was two, he's a major lightweight.

  • sacolton

    Most JWs I knew drank all day.

  • letsslatejws

    Yer, what was it with the CO visit. The elders used to select brothers who were able to speak the finest and anyone who thought they were somebody made that extra special effort to bend over backwards for him (maybe thats what the elders were doing literally - tee hee !!!). Seriously though I just never understood all the hoo har.

    Another thing that used to totally frig me off, was that because the CO was used to having the service meetings on a Tuesday and the book study on a Friday we had to change our service days to suit his needs. (This meant it distrupted all the other congregations that also shared the hall)... I mean what was that all about. This was one man for goodness sake. Surely it was easier for him to just fit into our day to day running of things ????

  • DaCheech

    the kingdom hall parking has spaces all weeks except............... you guessed it, the CO visit

  • littlebird

    I only learned about the "green handshake" after I had been a witness for 20 years, gossip brother so & so , book study conductor scolded us after a Co visit. The Co said we were the stingyist congregation he had been to. I said "how was I suppose to know? I thought our donations to the world wide work took care of him and everytime they are here, they need eye glasses or something, we vote on it (which the answer is always , yes) and they get what the need."The brother got mad and told our group, "well now you know."

  • brotherdan

    I have it from a direct source that he was watching football, had 2 beers, and after was refusing drinks offered to him. But AZ has a No Tolerance law. You could be .001 and they can take you in for DUI. They are crazy here!

    But the WTS couldn't have a CO with a DUI on his record, whether he drank too much or not! Better to get rid of the evidence and stache his body somewhere.

  • letsslatejws
    the kingdom hall parking has spaces wall weeks except............ you guessed it, the CO visit

    Couldn't get a seat in the hall either! It was as though the Pope had visited as the congregation used to be well packed.

    Brothers & sisters from other congregations would all pile in and those that only went to meetings when he came suddenly popped up out of the wood work too - Not even extra chairs being put out were enough....

    I remembre there was a CO's wife who was so picky. She used to go on about how her hair stylist was 'Vidal Sasoon' and when she went to brothers houses for meals she used to get them rustling up different food than what had been offered.

    My mother in law set herself a Salad, (as she was type 2 diabetic she had to watch her sugar intake) and the CO's wife cheekily asked if she would swap her salad for the cooked meal (meat & 2 veg).... Of course the mother in law obliged. This was sooo cheeky..

    After this there was an item at the meeting stating that our CO & wife wanted meals that werent always a cooked dinner and that they werent to be too fattening as they were being overly fed with meals that were rich....

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