Things you didn't think about before you became a parent

by sabastious 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • DaCheech

    well, they are costly to my furniture bill

  • cognac

    The day after childbirth, lol.

    That if there is a god, he would create an entirely new color just for my little girls eyes!

    That you could ever love somebody so much!

    How many rules of parenting I made up for myself would be broken.

    How painful breastfeeding would be at first.

    That my toddler would see a piece of candy a mile away and scream bloody murder for it.

    That she would start speaking a different language before me.

  • AGuest

    That a day would come when one of them would be SO sick that you would actually give your life to make them feel better but there's absolutely nothing you can do and although you need to sleep because you haven't slept for weeks because you're afraid that if you do... they might not be there when you wake up... and that you want to cry, scream, shout... not at anyone in particular but just out of frustration and fatigue... but you can't because you know they'll only be brave if you are brave and so although you are scared to death, terrified, you laugh and sing with them so that they aren't scared or terrified... and that when it's all over you'd have absolutely NO clue as to how you got through it... but you did... and you DO know how.

    Everything else has been a piece of cake, in comparison. Well, almost everything. Hoping that they didn't join a gang, get on drugs, drop out of school... or end up in jail... is a close second...

    But I would do it all over again... in a heartbeat.


    A slave of Christ,


  • Hadit

    How much I would worry.

    The tremdous amount of love I feel for my child - I didn't realize that much love existed.

    How much I would have to bite my tongue with a teenager.

    How much they could hurt your feelings.

    How much they could love you and all the sweet moments.

    I didn't think about what would happend if I found out this religion is a lie. That his father won't see it and my precious child could possibly stay stuck in it because that is how he was raised.

  • watersprout

    The joy of having to clear up poo from up my daughters back when she was a few weeks old, and as i pulled her baby grow over her head i ended up wiping poo over her forehead. I stood and cried and screamed for carrot. He walks in and falls about laughing!

    The time when my mom changed Babysprouts nappy while we were out and as she took Babysprout's nappy off, she passed wind and poo shot out and went straight up my moms sleeve. This time i fell about laughing!

    Being really proud when at 7 years old she is top of the class.

    Listening to her sing [in B flat of course] 'you raise me up' and her singing it with such passion that it makes you fill up.

    When she starts trapping and flounces out of the room slamming the door on the way out. I think 'oh my shes turning into me'...........

    When she looks at me with her big blue eyes and tells me i'm the best mom in the world!

    Peace and light to all you fabulous parents

  • lisavegas420

    excellent points above.

    I thought of another thing. My son had an endless need for batteries for his hand held games.

    One evening he came into my bedroom and asked if I had any double A batteries. I said, "Sorry but no."

    He looked at me for a few seconds and then said, "Are you lieing to me?" I said, "no"

    he said,. "what about the batteries in your light saber in the drawer next to your bed..... If you don't play with it any more, can I have it?"

    I said "sorry but no."


  • DaCheech

    lisa, we have one too......... I bought one for my wife that just looks like a tube with 5 rubber tips on the end.

    we leave it split in half, so it doesn't turn on. our children get curious and always go through our drawers

  • mrsjones5

    Well, I never knew that teasing my soon to be 13 year old daughter would be such fun. It's not malicious teasing (something my mother enjoyed doing) but it can be something like asking her if she wants to accompany me to her brother's friend's birthday party at Chucky Cheese's. The look I got from that was priceless. lol

    I never knew that having a special needs child could be so heartwretching and so joyful (I speak of my baby boy Joshua, who is now beginning to say that he's not autism, he's a boy).

  • snowbird

    The teen years!


  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    All I can say is that I'm so glad I didn't have any.

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