"The Vincible Ignorance of Atheism"

by leavingwt 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • mindmelda

    I have a hard time defining "intellectual" to tell you the truth. Anyone anymore can write a book that uses big words that makes everyone think they're an intellectual, but sometimes when you dig through all the manure, there may not always be a pony.

    A person can say nothing much with many impressive words. I know some polysyllabic words myself, and even what they mean, but I hardly fancy myself an intellectual.

    If that word "intellectual" means someone who thinks they're smart enough to tell other people what to think and believe, well...the world is full of those kind of people, and some of them live at Brooklyn Bethel. Big whoop de doo.

    As far as anthropologists can tell, modern humans have always been "religious" or prone to believe in some sort of supernatural element. For better or worse, it seems to be a human trait. Maybe we'll evolve out of it eventually, which would make sense if it's no longer useful trait, but those things take a long long time...in evolutionary psychological terms we still have Stone Age brains, or basically, the same brains that homo sapiens sapiens always had. The traits we have we have because they're of some use to us, psychological traits included.

    I'm terribly curious why it is that people who have science degrees sometimes feel that gives them the task of explaining what is and isn't possible when it's impossible to determine exactly what is possible and impossible on some levels to the rest of us poor morons?

    Do they really think it's time to quit examining the limits of the physical universe because they've got it all figured out, thanks very much? Sounds a bit limiting to me. Of course, I'm not a science person, what do I know?

    Apparently not enough to reassure people that a metaphysical plane of existence isn't possible.

  • mindmelda

    I hate it when people think I must be resistant to science and logic because I'm also spiritual. I really hate it. I'm highly logical, and yet...I'm also highly metaphysical. I can say that with some degree of assurance, because I score very high on tests that score logical intelligence.

    I was sitting in a doctor's office reading an article on the evolution of endogenic viruses and how they relate to diseases of the brain and nervous system like MS the other day in an oncologist's office ( I take my MIL there, it's her doctor) and some lady said to me, "I just hate those science magazines they have in here...it makes me feel like Dr. L______doesnt' believe in God."

    I had to bite my tongue, geez! I seem to be able to believe in evolution, science, particularly biology, as it pertains to medicine, which is my interest, and have no problem with also believing in the metaphysical too.

    I must be weird or something, because I keep getting hints that my brain should be exploding for harboring two such divergent concepts.

    Except I don't find them divergent. I'm just going to need more proof that I've already figured out all the universe. Not convinced yet.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    More rhetorical nonsense from the camp that invented it.

    Want to discover 'ignorance'? Try making sense of the Christian/Judeo God and his supposed 'word'. That'll keep ya' guessin' for a lifetime.


  • leavingwt
    I hate it when people think I must be resistant to science and logic because I'm also spiritual.

    I hear you. Sam Harris discusses this in his book, 'The End of Faith'. He candidly admits that many people have a desire to experience 'spiritual' things. It is his hope that something other than religion will satisfy this desire for more and more people in the future.

  • ziddina

    Wow, Michelle, I really enjoyed that video!! Covers a lot of points I've been talking about, for years!!!

    I decided to post parts 2 and 3...


  • ziddina
  • ziddina

    The main reason I hammer that point home - that Goddess worship is far, FAR older than the bible, is that the existence of that vastly older belief system should eliminate the validity of every other belief system...

    Why? I'm using the mentality of the mono-theists; especially those following the popular triad of recent Middle Eastern gods and religions... That which is FIRST, MUST be the only 'true' religion...

    After all, their 'gods' claim to have been 'first', right?? And yet they AREN'T first - actually, they are LAST - in a long line of 'deities'...

    Personally, I don't believe that ANY deity exists - god or goddess. But the fact that Goddess worship is SO ancient, seems to stop the bible-thumpers in their tracks, because when THEIR god claims, "In the beginning 'god' created the heavens and the earth"... These words are shown to be thoroughly FALSE... And their 'god' nonexistant...


  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    meh. the nutjob in question is an atheist to thousands of Gods and deities. How come that is not dishonest?

    Because that's not how the "word Atheist" is used in this context. You are the one being dishonest. You want everyone to change there use of the word "atheist" to suit you, when you know how the word is commonly used. In the context of the article, it's commonly understood that "Atheist" believe in NO God or Gods. My believing in one particular God doesn't mean I'm any type of atheist at all. Let alone an atheist to every other concept of God or Gods.

    Changing the meaning of words to suit yourself, is no way to win the debate.

  • ziddina


    Deputy Dog, Bohm is quoting a famous scientist who stated, "[Christians] are atheists to all gods but one. I just take their atheism one god farther..."

    In other words, all Christians are 'atheists' to all other gods - Mithras, Dionysus, Horus, Isis, Thor, etc., - except "their" particular god. Muslims are 'atheists' to all other gods - Jehovah, YHWH, "The Lord", etc., - except "their" particular god, Allah...

    See??? Zid

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    In other words, all Christians are 'atheists' to all other gods.

    I know who said it. It's still dishonest and not true. It's not the way the word is intended or understood by most people. It's a way of putting words in someone's mouth.

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