Do not circulate recordings or transcripts of talks at the meetings last night.

by life is to short 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Thanks poor places

    I was thinking I was making up what I was hearing last night it was to incredible to believe that people could say such stupid stuff but this is what they were saying. And as far as not recording my husband and I were at Bethel for awhile and Brother Ciro Aulcino the UN brother who had the library card. Well we were there when all the child abuse articles came out. Brother Aulicno seemed so kind to victims of abuse in his morning worship parts that when I found out how many pedophiles were in my hall and how the elders were treating me as compared to them I actually called Brother Aulcino to ask him what to do. He first word to me were are you looking for recordings of my talks. This was just three years ago. So there you have it he was pushing his talks. Amazing

  • inbetween

    its funny same kind of comments here too. A brother, normally a really smart guy, said, that Jehovahs org is moving, what was 10 years ago changed. We should not listen, because information might be wrong now.

    hm, truth changes ? didnt know that....

    Also funny, some years ago, I received a recorder talk from a GB member directly from our CO.

    Wonder what he really thought of this article...

  • Scott77

    Aparently, the old Watchtower teachings are comming back to hurt them. People like Randy and Moshe are using old teachings to point how false the watchtower was. So its kind of a wake call for them.

  • Quandry

    we would only want to listen to the channel that the Jehovah is using now and that would be the Faithful Slave. So we would never want to listen to anything but what they approve for us to listen to.

    What? Aren't the speakers at the assemblies giving information from the Faithful Slave? Are they not approved? Ten minutes after the session is it "old light?"

    Too bad Einstein wasn't aware that light could "age." I guess JWs are much more enlightened than he was......

    Maybe they could invent some jamming device so that everything that is said from any platform will not come through on a recording.

    I bet this is because of some idiots like the one who said in the New System all the continents would come back together and the snake would get "pretty mouth parts."

    I'll bet all some in the audience nodded in approval or clapped.

    I'll bet others thought, "Wait a minute...something's wrong with this...."

    Let's see if we get alot of new ones here soon.

  • agonus

    It doesn't matter if The Truth is really the truth - that doesn't mean that The Truth isn't still The Truth!


  • jehovahsheep

    jehovahs visible organization is on the move and we must follow is what they tell is god testing our faith they tell them.what a prison they have created!

  • Chalam

    All WT publications have an Expiration Date. They should go ahead and stamp them, like cartons of milk.

    That stuff should be marked with a health warning, Consuming this will seriously damage your health.



  • St George of England
    St George of England

    We have this item tonight. The KM says there is no objection to recording for personal use or family members. The elders can also arrange for meeting recordings for the elderly or infirm, which our congregation does. What they do not want is circulating recordings and posting them on the internet for general access.

    I think the reasons for that have been explained here, change of thought next week, CO/DO saying things they ought not etc.


  • teel
    So the bible writings from 1000 years ago have to be at least 100 times more outdated

    Oh, don't worry about that, there's a "new light" on the Bible too. They call it "New World Translation".

  • nugget

    For a religion that calls itself the "Truth" to be afraid of it's own teachings says alot. Why did it take over 40 years for me to see through all this?

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