I turn on the news to see Sarah Palin taking on the Family Guy writer

by dinah 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • worldtraveller

    Anyone here notice that Neo Cons don't understand how humour works? No wonder there are no right wing comedies these days.

    Let's explain it to the whiners. The jab was about Palin, not people with downs syndrome. Palin is a prime target with the endless hypocracy.

    Limbaugh says retard. That's good. Sarcasm? Sure it is! Everyone else says retard. Everyone is badmouthing her child. Hypocracy is NOT funny, but rubbing phoneys (left and right) is very funny. He went after Clinton. Did Palin object to badmouthing the Prez? Nope.

    Think it was tasteless? I won't argue that point but there is the off button or channel up if you want to watch Desperate Housewives or whatever instead.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I can't stand either one of them.

  • undercover

    I like Family Guy....it's not the funniest or best show ever, but I do like its irreverance and I've noticed that they pretty much skewer everybody, so I don't understand why any one group should get pissed...today it's you - tomorrow it's somebody else and then the next day it'll probably be a group that I'm in.

    And how dumb is Palin for even giving it credence? It's a fucking cartoon you stupid bimbo. It's not NBC Nightly News or CNN or even the Daily Show. All she did was give the show some free publicity...the show that was cancelled but brought back by hardcore fan response. Now she has just helped secure another year of renewal.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Quayle fought Murphy Brown. Bush I fought The Simpsons. Palin picks on Family Guy.

    ....and rural Kansas rejoiced!

  • BizzyBee

    Anyone here notice that Neo Cons don't understand how humour works? No wonder there are no right wing comedies these days.

    Let's explain it to the whiners. The jab was about Palin, not people with downs syndrome. Palin is a prime target with the endless hypocracy.

    Good point, worldtraveller.

    All the best humor comes from the left - Stewart, Maher, Colbert, Family Guy, - even Olbermann makes me LOL! And from the right - ?

    And yes, Palin chose to bring her family into the spotlight and keep them there even though they are clearly vulnerable - the pregnant teen, the arch-enemy Levi Johnson and his crack-head mom, her sheriff's deputy BIL she tried to get fired, Todd the unemployed secessionist, and yes, the developmentally challenged baby whom Palin has trotted out whenever useful and otherwise is being cared for and raised by someone else.

    If she is true to form, she will get tired of this and quit. After she's made a pile, of course.

  • MissingLink

    I actually think she's in her element as a right-wing entertainment critic for Christian soccer moms. Other than that, I don't think she's qualified for anything.

    Why is anyone even paying attention to this moron? It's like Paris Hilton being a "celebrity". I just don't get it.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I enjoy that Family Guy crosses lines that society is afraid to go near. Reactions like Sarah Palin's are expected and welcome. It causes us to be able to discuss the "taboo" subjects. Shows like that are built on controversy. If it goes too far, many will lose interest in watching.

    Sarah is trying a bit too hard to mention her facebook page and is clearly pushing an agenda. I don't mind that either. I just mention it because that's the real thing that people are always doing. When I finish my book, I will push an agenda. When Sarah wants to line her pocket with gold or gain power, she will push an agenda. Without issues like this Family Guy episode, she would have to focus more on things like Rahm Emanuel's comments. Either way, she will push her agenda. Fair enough.

  • BizzyBee

    UPDATE from the actress on Family Guy:

    Did Palin know that the actor who provided the voice for Chris' date was Andrea Friedman, a relatively successful performer who happens to have Down Syndrome? Friedman has appeared on "Saving Grace," "Law & Order," "ER," and "Life Goes On," among other television shows.

    Palingates.com, a Website devoted to exposing Sarah Palin (and, yes, engaging in rumor-mongering), published an e-mail sent to them by Andrea Friedman's father, who told the person he sent it to to "circulate it on the Web or in any manner that you choose," so I am doing my part to spread the word of what Andrea Friedman thinks of Sarah Palin's attack:


    My name is Andrea Fay Friedman. I was born with Down syndrome. I played the role of Ellen on the "Extra Large Medium" episode of Family Guy that was broadcast on Valentine's day. Although they gave me red hair on the show, I am really a blonde. I also wore a red wig for my role in " Smudge" but I was a blonde in "Life Goes On". I guess former Governor Palin does not have a sense of humor. I thought the line "I am the daughter of the former governor of Alaska" was very funny. I think the word is "sarcasm".

    In my family we think laughing is good. My parents raised me to have a sense of humor and to live a normal life. My mother did not carry me around under her arm like a loaf of French bread the way former Governor Palin carries her son Trig around looking for sympathy and votes.

    Whatever does she mean?

    Friedman sent the letter to the New York Times. I am not sure whether it will be published, but it deserves to be.

    Go Andrea! She is not the first person to call Palin out on her use of Trig as a prop.

    As the daughter of a mentally challenged woman, I find it offensive the way that Sarah Palin presents it as though all people with mental challenges are dolls that we "brainy people" must think for, instead of as many are--people with drives, independent thoughts, capable of so many things, who just happen to be mentally challenged.

    That is more insulting than Rahm's stupid comment.

    I wonder if Palin will next attack Friedman on her Facebook machine.


    Andrea's e-mail was discussed in the New York Times, who printed an excerpt of an interview she did with ArtsBeat:


    Q.When did you find out about the reaction that the episode elicited from Sarah Palin and her family?

    A.[laughs] That I did not even know about until my mom told me, "You’re on Channel 4!" And when I watched on Channel 4, on "Extra," and I saw Sarah Palin with her son Trig. I’m like, "I’m not Trig. This is my life." I was making fun of Sarah Palin, but not her son.
    Q.Do you agree with what she and her daughter Bristol were saying, that the character and the jokes were insulting to people with Down syndrome?

    A.It’s not really an insult. I was doing my role, I’m an actor. I’m entitled to say something. It was really funny. I was laughing at it. I had a nice time doing voiceover. It was my first time doing a voiceover, and I had fun.

    I think Andrea makes it clear that one person (or character) with Down Syndrome does not equal ALL people with Down Syndrome anymore than any actor or character represents all people.

    Palin sees Trig as a symbol of Down Syndrome, not a person. So any thing she sees as critical of Down Syndrome is an attack on Trig personally.

  • shamus100


    They make fun of handicapped people, persons with developmental disabilities, cops, whites, blacks, hispanics, old pedophillic men, fat people, skinny people, homosexuals, bisexuals, heterosexuals, sluts, everything. The point being you shouldn't feel picked on if you're in one of the groups, because he does it to everyone.

    Great show!

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Family Guy needs some ex-JW characters. I nominate shamus100 and beksbks.

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