I learned to read with Dick and Jane and Sally. How about you?

by Fatfreek 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Snoozy

    I remember Dick and Jane, but don't remember the cat. Guess I wasn't paying attention..lol

    Went to school in the 40's also.

    No one vandalized the schools in those days either..why is that?

    We even respected the teachers..why is that?

    We didn't dare speak out of turn, chew gum or be late for class..why is that?

    Is it because as kids we were taught to respect our elders and those in authority?

    When did the world take a turn for the worse..?

    Oh yeah, the boys wore belts then that actually held their pants up!...lol

    Snoozy, just remembering..

  • Heaven

    Wow!....I, too, learned to read with these books at school. At home I was reading Walter Farley's "The Black Stallion" series of books along with "The Bobbsey Twins" and a little later on "The Nancy Drew Mystery" series and Elyne Mitchell's "The Silver Brumby" books . When I got into my teens I was reading Agatha Christie, Robert Ludlum, and Clive Cussler while all my girlfriends were reading Harlequin Romances (I didn't like them much).

    I used to be a voracious reader. There was no such thing as Nintendo, Playstation, or computers and the Internet for my generation. Still love to read but don't have a lot of time.

    The Bobbsey Twins

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    I was inelementary school in the fifties and I remember them well "see spot run run run run" I was a fan of nancy drew books of course the bobbsey twins and a book called a wrinkle in time. I watched mickey mouse club, fury, the little rascals, andys gang, crusader rabbit I'll stop here.

  • Snoozy

    Heaven I have at least 80 plus Agatha Christie books...

    I can read them over and over again. My favorite..At Bertrams Hotel...

    Snoozy..who forgot what fun reading can be...

  • mrsjones5

    "My favorite was an old set of "My Bookhouse" books that my parents had. "

    I loved those books too! My parents had a few but my 4th grade teach had the whole set. Recently my parents gave me the few that they had. I would love to have a whole set.

  • jamiebowers

    I was born in '64, and we read the Dick and Jane books in first grade. I already knew how to read, and the teacher made such a fuss. I was embarrassed, but I liked school after that.

  • poopsiecakes

    Similar to Blondie, I don't remember learning how to read. By the time I was five I was reading newspapers and anything I could get my little hands on. My mom told me that I would watch Sesame Street - it was very new when I was little - and was fascinated by the letters and bugged her senseless to teach me how they went together. She tried to get the school to have me skip kindergarten but they wouldn't have that, so I remember standing up with the teacher when all the other kids were sitting with their books and she would read aloud and I would ring a bell when it was time to turn the page. Good times....

    That scan of the Nancy Drew book sure brings back memories!!! I loved those books!

  • sooner7nc

    I grew up with "Pug", then I got a dog that looked like "Pug" and named him Pug. Very very original.

  • snowbird

    :I learned to read with Dick and Jane and Sally. How about you?

    I learned to read with "The Song of Solomon."

    "See Solomon run. Run, Solomon, run!"
    "See maiden run. See Solomon and maiden run."
    "Stop, maiden, stop! No, Solomon. No!"
    "See the bed..."

    Now, this here is some funny stuff!


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