Jonestown cult and the JWs

by jonathan dough 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread


    I disagree with you, but that is what makes life interesting.

    Judge Dread

  • teel

    There are indeed similarities to Jonestown. However I do not believe the GB would make such a call, not in the next decade anyway. In the hypothetic case they did, the flock in majority wouldn't follow that. It would take some years of preparations, of indoctrination to make them more receptive of such "counsel". As of yet I do not see any sign of this.

    Just a short off-topic to Dread: don't draw conclusions out of a very little sampling. The question is not whether one can be sure he will survive if he takes the transfusion, it's all about probabilities. You saying "look at this guy, he died because of transfusion, but look at that guy, he survived because he didn't take blood" sounds like a heavy smoker arguing his grandpa always smoked and never had a problem until his death at age 90, but his friend never smoked and got leukemia and died at age 35. In many cases one has better chance to survive taking a transfusion than when not taking it.

  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread


    I'll take my chances with my genetics ANY DAY than any sample, large or small.

    Judge Dread

  • carla

    Judge, you seriously need to research the history of the wt. You are unaware of the many jw's who did die by not taking vaccinations when the wt preached that vaccinations were from satan, you are woefully unaware of the many jw's around the world who did and do die everyday at the altar of the wt by not taking blood, you are terribly misinformed of the jw's who died and were otherwise terrorized in Malawi all because of edicts from the wt, how many jw's did not take lifesaving transplants because at one time they too were not allowed? How many went blind because they were not allowed cornea transplant that were later allowed? how many jw's commit suicide over the shunnning policies? the sexual abuse they cannot live with because some dumbass elder thought maybe as an 8yr old girl she seduced the man? or some story similiar? Men who went to jail rather than take alternative service only to be raped in jail and yes, sometimes by other jw's who later committed suicide because they think they committed homosexual acts or were othewise somehow guilty of the abuse? etc..etc..etc...The dead bodies pile up around the altar of the wt. The jw's are in fact a dangerous and deadly cult.

    I have no doubt in my mind whatsoever that if the gb decided on mass suicide by and large most jw's would drink that kool-aid. I do agree that they would not hand down such 'new light' because they are a corporation and the money, power and control is in fact what drives them.

  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread


    You know I have great affection for you, but there are no "dead bodies piling up", unless you are speaking of the sacrifices of aborted children, or the young men and women who sacrifice their lives for the old men who sit on their fat asses in the governments of the world.

    How many have died for the causes thet are NOT associated with the WTS? Certainly MORE than 7 million, no?

    Judge Dread

  • carla

    And? so what are you doing personally to change the situation in which you seem to be so passionate about?

    At the moment my passion lies where I can do something, small as it may be, it is something. I do warn others about the wt, I have already delivered more anti witness literature than most jw's deliver in a lifetime. I have written authorities, judges, newsprograms, etc... about the wt and its policies. I have suggest attorney's for ex jw's to keep their children safe from the org if possible, I have loaned my cd about jw's lying in court to people and attorney's, etc...... I to take action, what action do you take to make a change in the world where you thinks it needs changing? By the way if you do not vote you really cannot complain about the government at all. You did nothing to change the situation.

    Besides, your last response was simply changing the subject and trying to deflect away from the evils of the wt itself. The topic of the thread is about jw's & cults not about what the governments are doing, the Catholics, Lutheran's, Muslims, abortionist, or whatever other group you can think of.

    I think it was Ghandi that said you must be the change you wish to see in the world, or as close as I can get without checking. You seem to have a passion about abortion for example, what are YOU doing personally to make your voice heard? I'm not talking about the nuts who bomb or otherwise use violent actions but there are many ways to educate people in a respectful manner. For instance I was surprised that many people are unaware of just how an abortion is done! Some are not aware that the babies head must be crushed and the limbs torn off so they can be sucked throught the birth canal. How else did they think it was done? you can educate, you can make a difference, may not be reaching millions or then again you could by making blogs, websites, etc... and learn how to drive traffic to your site. YOU can make a difference but most people are more comfortable complaining about things than taking action.

  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread


    Anyone who thinks JW's are a threat to the world is a person who is delusional and in need of professional help.

    Judge Dread

  • carla

    Do I think they are 'threat to the world' not likely. but because the average person knows nothing about them despite the wt bragging about all their fs, families are torn apart by the wt everyday. If I can let my neighbors know the real facts about jw's and spare them getting involved I will. The average person knows nothing about cults and they should, they should protect the most valuable asset they have, their brain, be it from jw's or any other cult they should know the signs of a cult when one comes around. If all I do is sit and bitch and moan about the wt what good does that do? I can take tangible action and do something, may not be earth shaking but it is something. What do you do to make a change in the world?

  • yknot

    ummmm instead of hijacking Jonathan's thread......

    Maybe start one one the medical quackery of Woodworth...... say a vaccine thread, blood thread or wackiness of GA medical advice.

    Judge Dread probably isn't as well versed on GA/Woodworth material either .......give him time, downloadable links and room for growth.


    Teel had a good point about right now not being likely but say way off in the distant future when the lawyers have taken the money and only a handful of 'true believers' remain I will concede a small possibility........BUT I think we would be better off observing the defunct WCG as Randy brought us in this thread....

  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread
    What do you do to make a change in the world?

    Nothing that I would ever post for the record.

    Would I tell you privately?

    I'm not sure.

    Judge Dread

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