IF it is NOT wise for a man to be ALONE with a woman he's NOT married to …

by Spike Tassel 275 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    Gaining such a relationship could start as easily as you and I are talking, Josie, but it can't be with you, Josie. I wouldn't allow it, you're already a married woman.

    This exercise with you, Josie, is just getting my thoughts down, based on true-to-life questions. It's basically role-playing, for whoever might stumble onto this page of this particular Topic.

    At some point, once the bona fides have been validated and it is determined that both parties are still interested in a "business merger", I'd be working with the special someone as to how to sort through what we each have, put it all into reasonable order and determine where our "business" should operate from. Relocation would then need to be planned, including whether I could stay on my current pension or convert it to whatever is meaningful wherever the relocation place ends up being.

    For me, regular worship at a local Kingdom Hall in easy walking distance is a given. All the meetings year round, year-in, year-out. And I'm an expressive singer. So, I'd be keen on the partner to be zealous like me, so that it's evenly yoked. If we're already of like-mind and like-habits, then it would be natural to visit one another, even unannounced, to confirm the proposition.

    Once the merger has taken place, then maintenance would be as straight-forward as establishing the merger in the first place. Just principled, working through the issues always including the mate. We'd work through the issues based on the wisdom gained from applying Bible principles, as exemplified in WT publications.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    uncovering page 12

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    uncovering page 12, try #2

  • mrsjones5

    Oh snap! I am in no way offering myself to you Spike. I am a happily married woman so get that foul thought out of your mind now. Just because I show concern for your cause doesn't mean I'm have some sort of design on you....far from it. Geez if your miscues are this bad how are you ever gonna get the girl?

    And from what I gather you have no true to life experience dealing with the opposite sex, non-physical or physical. I do, and I am a married woman of seventeen years who has had 44 years experience being a woman. That is real world experience. I get the feeling that you want something less than which is cool...for you.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    Now that we've got THAT possible miscue out of the way, THAT about says how it would work with me and whoever that special someone might be. One thing about me, I know who I am and describe myself accordingly, although more fluently by writing since I can rework my thoughts to put them in more logical order, etc.

    I addressed that "miscue" first because THAT's how real life has to be done, knowing who I am as Jehovah does.

  • mrsjones5

    That was your miscue not mine...that never ever crossed my mind, which lead me to believe your not as logical as you tout yourself to be. Just because a woman talks to you and shows concern does not mean that they are interested in you for relationship purposes or that they want you.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    Hey, we're role playing. After all. All the bases needed to be properly addressed. To all onlookers. So that everythings clear, and on the up-and-up.

  • mrsjones5

    I am not role playing. So if you are then this is not a serious topic and I wish you good luck in ever ever getting that deep relationship you supposedly yearn for. You're gonna need it.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    in my Post 1962 I wrote the following paragraph, copied again here:—

    This exercise with you, Josie, is just getting my thoughts down, based on true-to-life questions. It's basically role-playing, for whoever might stumble onto this page of this particular Topic.

    Jehovah is NOT a God of good luck. But thanks for playing along.

    We ALL need love, even Aspie like me and your son. We just need it different than many people have a CLUE about.

  • mrsjones5

    Like I said before I'm not playing a role. I am who I said I am and I am true to my word, no more no less, no need to play at this. As for my son, he is on the autism spectrum true enough, a high functioning autistic, but he has not been diagnosised as having Asperger's. I will not assume so and will stick with ASD.

    And do me a favor, don't bring my son up again.


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