IF it is NOT wise for a man to be ALONE with a woman he's NOT married to …

by Spike Tassel 275 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • AllTimeJeff

    Hey look! Here's a worm!

    Hey look! Here's a hook!

    Hey look! Here's a fishin pole..............

  • WuzLovesDubs

    Its hard. I think the more they pressure people to not be alone, the more people try to BE alone. But stick to groups of people when you want to be together physically. And talk on the phone to get to know each other more personally.

    There arent scriptures about that. It's just the WTS controlling every move you make. But you should, if you care so much about the JWS...seek first to become a baptized publisher in good standing before you woo any sisters. Thats only fair to them.

    Sometimes it just happens that men and women they arent married to end up out in service. They dont mind that so much as TRAVELING to the service territory together and alone. They will frown on that and stop it if they see it happening.

    I went to a JW wedding and I was single. I was not allowed to DANCE with any man there that was married. I sat pretty much through the entire wedding reception. :(

  • isaacaustin

    Spike most non JW`s of the opposite sex,can be in the same room and not have Sex..

    I would`nt trust You and Reniaa though..

    Reniaa alway posts about sex..

    Reniaa would tie you to the bed posts and never let you out of the bedroom!!

    You could Scream for Jehovah..

    But ..

    Jehovah won`t help you..

    Reniaa had Jehovah tied to the bed posts for a month!!..


  • isaacaustin

    Wasnt reniaa disfellowshipped for fornication?

  • isaacaustin

    Spike my advice with reniaa is to not meet her face to face. Continue with your triggers. Lol

  • palmtree67


    You know what's right. And you know yourself. Trust yourself. Don't let anyone else tell you what your intentions are - only you know.

    You'll do fine, darling.

  • skeeter1

    I think a mature woman and mature man can be together without having sex. If they think about each other's souls and waiting, and value that more....yes, they can be alone. They need to be alone, to see how the each respond to various ideas and situations. With other people around, people put up fronts. You don't want to be married to how a person acts when in front of others.

    Too many JW marraiges are made after a few dates, because the two people are so inflamed with each other...that they can't stop and think. Rather than be disfellowshipped or because of guilt, they agree to get married. Most I have seen, spend the rest of their lives absolutely unhappy.

    Our local congregation only pairs sisters with sisters and brothers with brothers, unless you are married or related to service partner.


  • dinah

    Outlaw, you ain't right. (But you sure are funny as hell).

  • Priest73

    That is just plain nuts. I was in a room with several unmarried women this weekend. I only had sex with half of them. And the other half... well according to Bill Clinton, it wasn't sex at all!


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