dates Noah's flood to 2350 B.C.

by aChristian 251 Replies latest jw friends

  • clash_city_rockers

    gee 6,

    as if you had anything well research and intellegable to say look, The only reason You are after me is because I'm defending the biblical God who in the end or at the closing of your life you will have to give an acount to. It doesn't sound like you put your trust in the rightiousness of Christ,

    Now aChristian doesn't from his post believe in a historic Jesus that bible believing evangelicals talk about thats why you are attracted to his writings.

    I believe by the grace of God the old jonathan Edwards view of Jesus
    "Sinners in the hands of an Angry God"

  • aChristian


    I was perfectly content to let this whole "flood" thread sink into oblivion. I don't know what more there is to be said on the subject. Then Clash drags it up just for the purpose of calling me a liar. Believe me, I was really tempted just to let it go. I guess I should have. I'm sure anyone who read his dumb accusation would have considered the source. He is presently baiting me into entering another thread he has started. I have not entered it and I have no intention of doing so. As you say, there is no point.


    You wrote: aChristian doesn't from his post believe in a historic Jesus that bible believing evangelicals talk about.

    Will you please stop your attacks? I believe in Christ's virgin birth. I believe in Christ's miracles. I believe in Christ's sacrificial death. I believe in Christ's resurrection and in His ascension to heaven. I have never said anything to the contrary. Now, please leave me alone and I'll leave you alone.

  • SixofNine
    as if you had anything well research and intellegable to say look,

    lol, ya stoooopid dumbfuck, I researched the bible and found that there is zero intelligent arguments for it coming from a supernatural source. Unless you subscribe to the notion that anything that mean-spiritedly surreal in it's view of God can't be of this earth.

    Now aChristian doesn't from his post believe in a historic Jesus that bible believing evangelicals talk about thats why you are attracted to his writings.
    If you could read and comprehend, shitforbrains, you'd know that I am not attracted to aChristians writings. Actually, I have to take that back a bit, his calm, loving demeanor in this thread has soothed my bible induced rage, and I find myself loathe to attack him, e'en though I think he is pimping spiritual filth by pushing the bible as God's word. Like JT says, I gotta call a spade a spade.

    Now clash, ya gotta admit, when you said "No where in The reference I quoted gave that answer" to aChristian, it was a moment of stupidity unparalleled in internet history! You had just quoted his reference to a quote of yours!

    aChristian doesn't from his post believe in a historic Jesus that bible believing evangelicals talk about thats why you are attracted to his writings.
    What a filthy disgusting liar you are. If I was God I would go old testament on your sorry ass.
  • aChristian


    Thank you for the kind words.

    By the way, when you researched the Bible and found no "intelligent arguments for it coming from a supernatural source," do you think that your research might have been incomplete? In other words, do you think it is possible that some Bible believers who were previously skeptics, like myself, might have become believers only after considering "intelligent arguments" which you have not yet considered?

    Just wondering.

  • SixofNine

    Now don't you start on me young man!

    Seriously? I'm doubtful if such could be the case. Any arguments I haven't considered would almost certainly be playing fast and loose with completely seperate ideas and topics that I have given serious consideration to.

    I can only assume you are alluding to arguments seperate from those you have presented in this thread? Nothing you have said in this thread would do anything to lead me towards a belief in the bible being "god breathed" or even "god suggested". I do understand that that has not been your focus in this discussion.

    At some point, I've gotten to the point of realising that if God is the god of the bible (seems impossible, but just for arguments sake...), He isn't worthy of worship. If that is the case, and He is a bigger, better man than me, He can deal with it. Or not. If the circumstances where reversed, and it was my child, I think I could deal with it, and, all things being equal, still respect and love my child.

  • AlanF

    Clashing Cymbal said:

    : all you can do is call names because you lack the dilligence to research these things for yourself.

    No, Clashing, I've posted a number of quite serious replies to you, which you completely ignored. Now you have the friggin' nerve to claim I don't do research? You have no idea, Clashing. But I will teach you.

    aChristian said:

    : Hebrew lexicons tell us that "yom" had "several meanings," including "a period of time of unspecified duration." (see Vines Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words, 1985, pg. 54)

    This reference combines Nelson's Expository Dictionary of the Old Testament with with Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words in one convenient volume. Page 54, cited above, is from the "Old Testament Section". Under the entry for "DAY" this reference states on pages 54-55:

    yôm (yôm, 3117), "daylight; day; time; moment; year." ... Yôm has several meanings. The word represents the period of "daylight" as contrasted with nighttime... The word denotes a period of twenty-four hours... Yôm can also signify a period of time of unspecified duration: "And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made" (Gen. 2:3). In this verse, "day" refers to the entire period of God's resting from creating this universe. The "day" began after he completed the creative acts of the seventh day and extends at least to the return of Christ. Compare Gen. 2:4: "These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day [beyôm] that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens...." Here "day" refers to the entire period envisioned in the first six days of creation. Another nuance appears in Gen. 2:17, where the word represents a "point of time" or "a moment": "But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day [beyôm] that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." Finally, when used in the plural, the word may represent "year": "Thou shalt therefore keep this ordinance in his season from year to year [yamîm]" (Exod. 13:10)...

    The first biblical occurrence of yôm is found in Gen. 1:5 "And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day." The second use introduces one of the most debated occurrences of the word, which is the duration of the days of creation. Perhaps the most frequently heard explanations are that these "days" are 24 hours long, indefinitely long (i.e., eras of time), or logical rather than temporal categories (i.e., they depict theological categories rather than periods of time).

    The "day of the Lord" is used to denote both the end of the age (eschatologically) or some occurrence during the present age (non-eschatologically). It may be a day of either judgment or blessing, or both (cf. Isa. 2).

    So here we have a number of specific uses of yôm in the OT where the meaning, according to the context of the passages, cannot refer to a 24-hour day. Thus, what aChristian said is exactly right.

    The multiple meanings of yôm are so easy to see from a cursory reading of Genesis that it's amazing that someone who prides himself on being such a wonderful Bible scholar can fail to see it. In the NIV Genesis 1:5 reads:

    God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night." And there was evening, and there was morning -- the first day.
    Even the densest of readers should be able to see that "day" is used in two senses here: "day" as contrasted with "night", and a "day" comprised of both "day" and "night".

    After reading aChristian's comments and failing to understand anything, Clashing says:

    : Well I went to my shelf and check the Vine’s just like you told me, and guess what, it says absolutely nothing what you claim. Let me quote me the reference.

    The problem, you twit, is that you don't understand a bloody thing you're reading. The reference you got is somewhat similar to the above-referenced volume, but combines Vine's later writings (published posthumously) on OT words with his original Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words in one volume. This book has been republished many times in many forms. The version I have is quite similar to yours (King James Vine's Expository Dictionary of Old & New Testament Words; Thomas Nelson, Inc.; 2001; ISBN 0-7852-4720-3).

    In the "Introduction to the Old Testament" at the beginning of Part One of the book, F. F. Bruce writes (p. vii):

    This expository dictionary carries Old Testament words not previously published in the format done so well by W. E. Vine in his original work. When Mr. Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words had been finally seen through the press, he turned his attention to a similar project on Old Testament words. He made no claim to the kind of expert mastery of Hebrew that he had of Greek, but he had been for many years a careful student of the Hebrew Bible. At the time of his death in November, 1949, he left in manuscript the material contained here. The words which are treated in this edition are, for the most part, words of theological importance, but the list includes some technical terms and other words of general interest. Readers who have profited by Mr. Vine's Greek word studies will be glad to have this selection of word studies in the Old Testament.
    F. F. Bruce
    This OT section by Vine does not treat the word "day". "Day" is treated by Vine in the New Testament section, which comprises Part Two of the book. In this section, which was originally published without any reference to Hebrew words, Vine obviously treated only Greek words. Thus, any references to OT passages must have been, not to the Hebrew OT, but to the Septuagint. As F. F. Bruce writes in the Foreword to the 1952 one-volume edition (p. v, Part Two of the above reference):

    Bearing in mind the New Testament writers' familiarity with the Septuagint and its influence on their language, he has enhanced the value of his work by giving select references to Septuagint usages.
    Now let's see just how Vine explained the various uses for "day" as translated from the Greek word hemera. On pages 262-263 the noun forms of hemera are treated:

    1. HEMERA (hemera), a day, is used of (a) the period of natural light, Gen. 1:5; Prov. 4:18; Mark 4:35; (b) the same, but figuratively, for a period of opportunity for service, John 9:4; Rom. 13:13; (c) one period of alternate light and darkness, Gen. 1:5; Mark 1:13; (d) a period of undefined length marked by certain characteristics, such as "the day of small things," Zech. 4:10; of perplexity and distress, Isa. 17:11; Obad. 12-14; of prosperity and of adversity, Ecc. 7:14; of trial or testing, Psa. 95:8; of salvation, Isa. 49:8; 2 Cor. 6:2; cp. Luke 19:42; of evil, Eph. 6:13; of wrath and revelation of the judgments of God, Rom. 2:5; (e) an appointed time, Ecc. 8:6; Eph. 4:30; (f) a notable defeat in battle, etc. Isa. 9:4; Psa. 137:7; Ezek. 30:9; Hos. 1:11; (g) by metonymy = 'when,' 'at the time when;' (1), of the past, Gen. 2:4; Numb. 3:13; Deut. 4:10, (2), of the future, Gen. 2:17; Ruth 4:5; Matt. 24:50; Luke 1:20; (h) a judgment or doom, Job. 18:20.* (i) of a time of life, Luke 1:17, 18 ("years")...
    Once again we find many and varied uses for "day" in the Greek, and they correspond quite well with uses of "day" in the Hebrew.

    I will point out in particular that the above reference is quite explicit that "day" means two things in Genesis 1:5: both "the period of natural light" and "one period of alternate light and darkness".

    In an unbelievable show of crass stupidy and/or dishonesty, Clashing thoroughly misrepresents the above full quotation:

    : Speaking of Yom the biblical word in Gen 1:5 the Vines says: "a day, is used of the period of natural light Gen 1:5" ---pg 270 Vine's Expository Dictionary of the Old and New Testament, O.T. ed. By F.F. Bruce 1981 Flemming Revell, ISBN 0-8007-1282x

    So, Clashing, what do you have to say for yourself? Are you stupid or dishonest or both?

    In another incredible display of hypocrisy Clashing then says:

    : Mr. AChristian, You lied to us that is very deceitful everyone here who is observing go to and look up the ISBN and get a copy of the book or go to your local library of church library and get check this deceivers claim for yourself.

    Having made a complete fool of himself, Clashing then says:

    : Well guess what I went to another Hebrew reference and guess what I found that other Hebrew scholars say of the word "Yom"?

    Sure, and you completely misrepresented the full extent of what these fine references said. Let's see how:

    : I went to the "New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology & Exegesis --- Ed. By Willem VanGemerern ---1997 Zondervon, (in Grand Rapids) ISBN 0-310-20217-5". From vol. 2 pg. 419, speaking of the word yom (3427 NIV Exhaustive Concordance Number since the dictionary is based off the NIV)

    : "daylight, day as in (24 hours), eschatological day"

    But of course, we know very well that, being a thorough reference, this said a lot more. You simply left it out, just as you stupidly/dishonestly left out most of what Vine's said.

    Next you go on to make one of the stupidest quotes I've ever seen:

    : From vol. 2 pg. 420, speaking of the Hebrew word yom

    : "as a measurement of time the term (yom) has three principal uses. (a) Its primary meaning is the time of daylight as distinct from the period of darkness, the night. For example in Gen 1:5 God called the light day (also Gen 7:4; 8:22; 29:7; Ex 24:18; Ps 139:1...). (b) The term is also used for day in the sense of the complete cycle that includes both daytime and nighttime e.g. Gen 1:5 "and there was evening and there was morning-the first day" (cf. Gen 7:24; 50:3; Lev 8:35; Job 3:6)."

    As I showed above, this completely disproves your claim -- that yôm exclusively means a 24-hour day. This once again proves that you either don't read and/or understand the material you post, or you're totally dishonest.

    And here comes the biggest faux pas of all:

    : "(c) The term day is also used in a variety of extended meanings, for instance, to indicate one's lifetime or reign in his days (Gen 26:1; 1Kings 10:21)"

    From the above you manage to conclude the opposite of what your reference proves:

    : So you see the word day (yom) according to bible scholars whom you appeal to means a regular 24 hour day. So the proper exegesis of Gen 1 is with in the space of 6, 24 hour days.

    Ah! Well then, given that Genesis 1:5 speaks of (according to you) a day as being 24 hours, which obviously encompasses both "the light of the day" and "the dark of the night", how do you explain your claim that "day" means exclusively a 24-hour period? Can you not see that if a "day" is exclusively a 24-hour period, then it cannot include a period of "night"? Just how stupid can a person manage to be?

    Next you go on to compound your errors:

    : I didn't stop there I went to the "International Standard Bible Encyclopedia" ed. Geoffrey Bromiley, 1979 Eerdmans, ISBN 0-8028-8161-0

    :Vol. 1 pg 887

    : "The basic meaning of (yom) expresses a division of solar unit of time... The astronomical day was reckoned by the Hebrews from evening to evening (Gen 1; ex 12:18; Lev 23:27,32)"

    Do you really think that this disproves what all of the above references say, namely, that "day" has a variety of meanings? Of course you do! But again you've misrepresented your source by leaving out the rest of what it says.

    And here you go again:

    : Yes, I did some more checking I went to the "Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible-ed. Walter Elwell (bible professor at Trinity Divinity Evangelical Seminary in Deerfield, IL) 1988 Baker Books, ISBN 0-8010-2139-1

    : Vol. 2 Pg. 587

    : The Hebrew day began in the evening and continued until the fallowing evening (cf. Gen 1:14,19) That kind of literal (24 hour) day is known as a civil day"

    : That makes sense given the Hebrew context of Sabbath observance.

    But once again you've left out the other meanings for "day" that the Baker Encyclopedia gave. Have you no shame? Or are you just so stupid that you have no comprehension of what you read?

    Given your unbelievably stupid performance, Clashing, it's the height of self-deception for you to go on and tell aChristian this:

    : Well AC I call you out and exposed you.

    At this point every reader except you will see how your words have been turned against you. As I said, you're a scarecrow without a brain. And absolutely typical of ignorant Fundamentalists.


  • Abaddon

    Clash; I believe in the Bible you fool... it exists, it's not something open to question. I however do not believe it is god's word, and have yet to see any arguement anywhere that changes this opinion.

    However, even if I don't believe in the inspired nature of the Bible, I can point out when someone CLAIMING they are following the Bible is not in fact doing so according to my interpretation of the Bible. But I don't know what you know about literary analysis or close reading.

    I'll give you an easy example; I don't have to believe the Wind in the Willows is a true story to point out someone's mistake if they said Toad was a weasel.

    Calvanism is just such as case in point; you have not provided any scriptual backing for Calvanistic beliefs from the Bible when asked before, I'm sure you won't do it this time, and I doubt if you will do it, ever.

    Why not? Because some Calvanistic beliefs are very hard to find in the Bible, and even you seem to realise that. So you don't answer questions and change the subject AGAIN. Is there no begining to your talents?

    It's just like you either run away from scientific arguements when they exceed your capacity to cut and paste, or enter a loop where you re-iterate the same point, because you don't understand that it has already been refuted.

    And how's about a little discussion about presuppositionalism? I still cannot believe you REALLY believe in this utterly barren school of apologetics, I think it's just part of your posturing.

    But, as I've pointed out before, and as others have pointed out, there is no point in talking to you; you show no signs of really comprehending the arguements made or of really engaging in the debate.

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • aChristian


    Let's just assume for the sake of argument that you ran across something which convinced you that our universe was created by an all powerful God, and that that same God inspired the writing of the Bible. At that point do you think you would be able to consider the possibility that you now misunderstand the portions of the Bible which cause you to believe that the God described therein is unworthy of worship? Do you think you might then consider the possibility that a God who was intelligent enough to create our entire universe, and who loved us all so much that He allowed His only Son to die for us, might have done the things, which you now think make Him unworthy of worship, for some very good reasons which you do not now fully understand?


    Thanks for taking the time to point out the many holes in Clash's "research," which certainly disproved Clash's charges of dishonesty against me. It looks like you have several reference works on CD Rom which come in quite handy at times. I may just have to buy some of those next time I have a few bucks to spare. I was, however, surprised to see you respond to Clash at such length. Considering the fact that probably no one here takes him seriously anyway, and your own stated policy of "Don't feed the trolls." But I know they do get to all of us at times. I find myself responding more often than I should to Gary's stuff, when I am almost certain no one here takes him seriously. Some here seem to feel that you spend too much time responding to YK. I disagree. I think if YK's defense of the WTS went unchallenged he might very well succeed in his efforts to bring many people here under the Watchtower's yoke of slavery once again.

    With that in mind, I have a question for you. If the Bible is not the word of God, aren't people like me nearly as dangerous as YK? People who, by means of a moderate tone and reasonable sounding words, might actually succeed in persuading some people here to "waste their lives" following a "nonexistent God."

  • AlanF

    Hi aChristian,

    I responded to this guy because he claimed that both you and I are dishonest. I don't consider him a true troll -- just an arrogant, braindead Fundy -- and so I don't mind taking the time to prove him a liar. Once he sees how embarassing it is to be so thoroughly trashed, he may go away. I also thought you might find the references useful. I'm keeping post for future reference, as this stuff comes up from time to time anyway.

    The stuff I posted is not from a CDROM; I typed it in by hand.

    I agree with your comments about YK. He's insidious.

    No, I don't consider reasonable people like you dangerous at all. I don't care what people believe as long as they don't hurt others. People like the JWs and many Fundy religions certainly do hurt others, in ways you and I know all too well. That's my concern. I've told plenty of people that I don't care one way or another if the Watchtower Society survives a long time -- as long as they change certain policies that now result in massive harm to so many people.


  • IslandWoman

    "With that in mind, I have a question for you. If the Bible is not the word of God, aren't people like me nearly as dangerous as YK? People who, by means of a moderate tone and reasonable sounding words, might actually succeed in persuading some people here to "waste their lives" following a "nonexistent God."



    I disagree with you. I think that people like you are MORE dangerous than YK!!

    You have a good reasoning ability, you do not carry the Watchtower baggage, you are not an overbearing fundy. Yes, I think you are very dangerous.

    BTW, I agree with your post on Julie's thread. Man was not created with the ability to live forever. I feel though that the Tree of Life has more to do with God's Spirit than Jesus. In Ezekiel when the stream coming out from the temple reaches its greatest depth it produces life. I feel that it will be the same with us. God will at his appointed time grant us the blessing of having his spirit in full measure, eternal life resulting.

    We will always disagree on Paul and other things recorded in the Bible but I do respect your sincerity and demeanor. No matter how "dangerous" you are!

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