dates Noah's flood to 2350 B.C.

by aChristian 251 Replies latest jw friends

  • aChristian

    Alan wrote:

    An impact big enough to flood much of the Middle East would necessarily leave massive, unmistakeable scars visible today. There would be a recognizable crater somewhere in the sea near the Middle East (it would have to be in the sea because a land impact would not create the necessary splash). There is no such crater. Also, such an impact would generate a gigantic splash, which would wash over the land and gouge huge channels all over the region, much as are seen in the "channeled scabland" of eastern Washington State.

    However, the article at, which my first post linked clearly stated:

    A newly found 2-mile-wide crater in Iraq, spotted serendipitously in a perusal of satellite images, could provide a smoking gun. The crater's discovery, which was announced in a recent issue of the journal Meteoritics & Planetary Science, is a preliminary finding.

    And the article from The Telegraph – London Nov 4, 2001, which I quoted in my above follow-up post clearly stated:

    Images of southern Iraq show a 2-mile-wide circular depression which if as an impact depression will mean the area was hit by a meteor as powerful as hundreds of nuclear bombs. It lies where a shallow sea then existed so that impact would have caused devastating fires and flooding.

    Notice Alan's words: "there is no such crater," "there would be a recognizable crater somewhere in the sea," "it would have to be in the sea because a land impact would not create the necessary splash," and "such an impact would generate a gigantic splash, which would wash over the land and gouge huge channels." Then contrast them with the fact that the articles linked and quoted refer to satellite images of a 2-mile-wide crater in southern Iraq where a SHALLOW sea once existed. Though a meteor impact in the Persian gulf would certainly have caused a "gigantic splash" and "wash over the land and gouge huge channels" a meteor impact in a shallow inland sea would not have.

    I disagree with Alan's statement that "a meteor impact is completely inconsistent with the Biblical story." However, I do not intend to debate the issue with him. For it seems, from what I have just pointed out, that Alan does not even bother to read my posts before responding to them.

  • anewperson

    Alan et al:

    #1) The geological evidence is in the form of a satellite photo although this still needs on-the-ground confirmation.

    #2) The Bible says the earth's depths burst open, water welling UPwards not just pouring DOWNwards, which is precisely what could happen if a coment ruptured the mantle.

    So there now is geological evidence and here the Bible and geology are melding even while discrediting the WTS's chronology.

    Alan, why did you try to brush him off like that?

  • anewperson

    Alan, the hypothesis is NOT contingent on just the 1 impact in Iraq but includes impacts that occured in S America for which there is physical evidence and a supposition that such likely also occured in the oceans.

  • Simon

    "The Flood may have been caused by all of the other planets being on one side of the earth at the same time. God may have inserted the "youngest" planet Neptune they said on the other side of earth to act as a gravitational corrective to make sure it doesn't happen again!"

    - The Golden Age

    ... taken from

  • Klaus Vollmer
    Klaus Vollmer

    I recommend the book "Uriel's machine"
    Uriel's Machine: secrets of the ancient stones, October 9, 2001
    Who built the mysterious, ancient stone circles like Stone Henge, that stand in so many locations accross Europe and also in the Middle East?

    Why were they built? What was their intended purpose?

    Who are the Freemasons and the Knights Templar? What have they and other secret groups got to do with megalithic structures?

    Do the secret societies who still guard their sacred, secret and very ancient information quietly influence world affairs today?

    Uriel's Machine beautifully attempts to explain the answers to these and other profound and intriguing questions.

    Some ideas of the ideas expressed at first sound a little far-fetched but convincing arguments are painstakingly made by Lomas & Knight, with virtually every page bearing at least one reference to other books and studies in order to robustly support their theories.

    If you have even a passing interest in megaliths, stone circles, ancient man, religion, conspiracy theories, the Freemasons or the Knights Templar, then you should certainly add this book to your reading list. it is entertaining, bold and extremely well researched.

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  • AlanF

    To aChristian and anewperson: See my post just above aChristian's last one. In it I dispelled your latest arguments.

    A "shallow depression" is not a crater, and a shallow sea filling any area in Iraq is not near enough water to flood the entire Middle East for the better part of a year or to the extent that "all the high mountains were covered" for nearly half a year. Thus, any such disaster can have nothing to do with a fullblown Genesis Flood story. On the other hand, such a large disaster could easily have given rise to a Flood Myth, but it would not have been consistent with the much bigger events described in Genesis.

    The newspaper report and web link indicated that the finding of this shallow depression was tentative, and that no one had actually gone and looked at it. As your linked website clearly stated, "Scientists stress that a ground expedition is needed to determine if the landform was actually carved out by an impact." When someone does, it will again turn out to be a false alarm, just as when YECs from time to time claim to have found Noah's Ark somewhere near Mount Ararat. Just watch.

    You may choose to deal with these facts or not. Your lookout.


  • funkyderek
    By the way, the article dates the account of the deluge found in "The Epic of Gilgamesh," which many Bible critics say was the basis of the Bible's flood account, to "circa 2200 BC." That's one hundred and fifty years AFTER Bible chronology, and the new tree ring studies, indicate Noah's flood occurred.

    The writing of the Epic of Gilgamesh took place circa 2200 BC, about a thousand years before the writing of the Genesis account, and according to the chronology you mention, within Noah's lifetime. As there were relatively few people in the world at the time and they all spoke the same language, don't you think Noah would have mentioned that they got his name wrong?

    "The world is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion." - Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason, 1794.

  • Abaddon

    "If carrying one of all animals planet-wide (excluding water creatures like whales), there would have been only a few extremely large, and these likely slept through the 40 days of darkness, thus requiring little food for them and causing them to produce less waste than normal."

    Wow! Hard science. "One of all" animals I'll ignore, as it's obviously a mistake. "Only a few extremely large"? Well now, I can think of dozens of land animals over half a tonne in weight, and at least a half dozen over a tonne, and that's according to 'kinds'. And do we include fun things like the dinotherium, or that HUGE sixteen tonne South American beastie? I guess we don't include those, as they obviously missed the boat. But "these likely slept through the 40 days of darkness, thus requiring little food for them and causing them to produce less waste than normal" is just so suppositional as to be genuinely funny. Did Noah play them pretty music to drown out the torrents of water hammering on the roof? You know, like, is it Perseus playing the lyre to Cereberus, or, the harp that puts Fluffy to sleep in Harry Potter?

    Basically, even IF the geological evidence points towards a suitably timed meteorite impact, it also points towards a LOCAL flood, which is the best anyone can do in finding evidence of a GLOBAL flood, like it says in the Bible. You look for evidence of a GLOBAL flood, you find evidence of a LOCAL flood. And this is meant to underline the accuracy of the Bible? That is reports weather partially accurately. Bow down to the weather man, man!

    All this does is underline, yet again, that the Bible is not accurate or literal. Even if the events in the Bible have some historical foundation, they do not have the accuracy that one would reasonably expect from 'inspiration', and thus the Bible is just another book.

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • Klaus Vollmer
    Klaus Vollmer

    I guess to have read in the bible that the good news was preached to the end of the world in the days of the apostles.
    That teaches us that you cant take this expression literally.
    And so the record of Noah.
    At his time there was the deluge in the region of his living. Today we know that the Black sea was a lake of sweet water before the Dardanells broke and water from the mediteranian sea came in and lifted the Black sea surface for 100 meters in minimum. They have found shells from sweet water musssels in the Black sea.
    So what do we learn from it?
    There was a deluge over the world of Noah. And it must have been a destruction of an ancient world.
    but not everywhere as flood. We had earthquakes and giant sea waves.
    The great salt lake in Utah stems from the water of the Pacific Ocean as it was also hit by an impact. So waves higher than 5000 meters crossed the rockies and devasted the land.
    if the whole earth would have been flooded than it would be difficult to have sweetwater lakes like the Baikal in Siberia, which is the greates of his kind in the world.
    In consequence I would say the reports of the bible are true - out of the sight of the writers.
    But let us be open minded. Nobody has an absolute testimonial about the past.
    And an absolute claim of what is true regarding those great things - it would be heretic.
    I think that faith in god can include many things which might be impossible for those in the ivory towers.
    Dont let us forget that there once RELIGION was declared as an evil thing ( the judge ) and today they make in RELIGION worldwide.
    Be aware of things that happen. But use your own understanding and conscience. Ypou wear the responsibility - and not the GB.
    Example: 1975. Everyone who did not believe this year was set under pressure. Today those who believed it are said to be independent thinkers.and I know people who haqvent taken care to pay for pension. Now they are elder than 70 and must work so they stilll can.
    And those ivories make one on pilate: washing their hands feeling not guilty.
    they must and will get their bill - equal like it happens.

  • Naeblis

    Classic apologist trying to squeeze square blocks into round holes. I keep hoping to see well thought out new information and yet I keep finding more and more drivel. I don't mean to offend you achristian but your information is mroe than a little suspect.

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