Jesus' Sacrifice. You call that a sacrifice?

by ThomasCovenant 85 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • PrimateDave

    And while I'm at it...


  • snowbird


    My dinosaur of a browser won't allow me to view videos, so would you mind telling me?



  • gymbob

    Dave's just being funny....

    But, back to the discussion....a good point was made. Just because you believe something doesn't make it fact. Snowbird, since the comment was made to you, can you respond to that post up there from mkr? I would be very interested in your reply.........Gymbob

  • PrimateDave

    Sorry. Just videos of Dr. Evil from the Austin Powers movies to insert a bit of humor.


  • snowbird

    Why yes, GymBob, I certainly will.

    I believe the Bible is God's Message to his human creation.

    Does my belief make that a fact?

    Of course not, but that's the beauty of it; the Bible is written in such a way that a person can find reason both to believe and disbelieve.

    I've found reason to believe, Mkr has found reason not to believe.

    Both of us should be given the widest of latitude in this regard.

    Don't you agree?


  • FlyingHighNow
    How the hell do 'christians' justify calling that a sacrifice?

    Look into Universal Christians. They don't believe Jesus death was a ransom. They don't believe a ransom is necessary for humankind to have hope. Jesus life and death were for different reasons.

  • gymbob


    Thank you for responding. You may have all the latitude you wish! However, it brings up an interesting problem that I've experienced with christians.

    I personally don't care what a person believes, you can believe that the moon is made out of cheese for all I care, as long as it doesn't affect others. For example, I don't care if my family are JW's, as long as it doesn't affect me (shunning). It's when people start treating me different because I don't believe the same as they do that starts to cause the problems. I don't like to be treated like I'm the one who's "lost", or, "just turned his back on God", and from what I've experienced, that's the way most christians view non-believers. Gymbob

  • snowbird
    I don't like to be treated like I'm the one who's "lost", or, "just turned his back on God", and from what I've experienced, that's the way most christians view non-believers. Gymbob

    Not this Christian.

    Only the other week, my 14-year old grandson informed me that he doesn't believe in Jesus Christ or the Bible.

    Did I react with horror? No sirree, Gymbob. I calmly replied that his reasons for not believing are just as valid as my reasons for believing. I've learned a few things since I left the JW's.

    I beg your indulgence in a little digression on my part. As I was struggling with the disconnect I was experiencing with the JW's, an elder and I encountered a very young woman in FS. She was convinced that she was going to be with Jesus some day.

    The elder turned the call over to me because he felt that I could do a better job of showing her that her portion was to live on a Paradise Earth under the rulership of Jesus. I thought about that girl and her strong faith the entire week before I was to call on her.

    I decided her reasons for wanting to be with Jesus were just as valid and more biblically sound than mine were of convincing her otherwise. I took the slip with her name, address, topic we discussed, tore it into bits, and flushed it down the toilet. I never felt so good!

    There is plenty of room here for differences of opinion; no need to get bent out of shape; it will all be sorted out in the end.


  • gymbob


    Nice post! But, I don't know about it all being sorted out in the end.....

    Also, I didn't mean for it to sound like I was picking on christians, all religions (for the most part) believe they have the truth and everybody else is (again, for the most part)...wrong. Of coarse, just like the witnesses, they don't really like to say that outright....but it's the truth. Would you agree?

  • snowbird
    Nice post

    Thank you.

    all religions (for the most part) believe they have the truth and everybody else is (again, for the most part)...wrong. Of coarse, just like the witnesses, they don't really like to say that outright....but it's the truth. Would you agree?

    I agree. That, for the most part, is why I'm not affiliated with any religious organization.


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