2008 Annual Report on web

by Dogpatch 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • done4good
    However there are numbers in there for them to be pleased about. Total average pioneers is over 1 million for the first time ever I think - a number that has been steadily rising the past few years.

    The trend I see in the borg these days, (and the last few years I was "in"), has been that they are becomming more polarized. It is no big surprise that the number of pioneers is up. These days, in the org, you are either a super dub or on your way out, (even if slowly).


  • done4good

    I can tell you right now those figures are false.

    Some of those hours reported were mine and they were made up.

    Don't believe everything you read. The increase of 2% means absolutely nothing.

    The truth about this religion is spreading like fire - how many of those poor souls still reporting really believe it's the truth?

    How many of them visit here?

    Spot on TS, as usual!


  • yknot

    Quirky1 said:

    I know of one family that puts a magazine on thier dashboard while traveling on vacation and counts it as time. WTF

    OMG that is BRILLIANT!

    The momineers are gonna love that one!

  • sir82

    This has got to have them worried. Last year's report was much better than this year's.

    Last year, the US showed 3% growth, this year down to 2%. A lot of European countries showed 2 or 3% growth last year, this year it's more like -1 to +1%.

    Europe and the USA is where the money comes from. If the work is dying there, the income will dry up soon after.

    They were crowing about the "Bible Teach" book, Jah's blessing, yadda yadda yadda last year, and this year, they drop the report from the KM! For the first time in decades, the annual report will not be considered in any congregation meeting. They want the report to go as unnoticed as possible, it seems.

  • watson

    I wonder how the worldwide birthrate relates to the increase seen. The birthrate has been floating around 2.1% for some time now. Would this have any bearing on the growth rate of the WTS. Everyone keeps saying that most getting baptized are the children of the ranks.

  • besty

    Not forgetting that quoting a global average birthrate is pointless as its much higher in - wait for it - 3rd world countries....and closer to zero or even negative in some Western countries


  • insearchoftruth
    Last year, the US showed 3% growth, this year down to 2%

    If one calculates the US growth, it is somewhere around 1.57%.....so about half of last year.....

    What is population growth in the US?

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    To slow down the number of partakers I would suggest they have a private meeting with the brothers who pass the crackers around and tell them to make sure they sneeze directly on the tray several times during the ritual.

  • Gordy

    I always look at the report for Britain of course.

    I see that the Peak pub was 132,751 and the Av pub 126,580

    This is roughly what it was just before I left ten years ago. 132,000 / 126.000 plus or minus a few.

    Also that the report shows 2,918 baptised .

    Adding this to the 2007 average they should have had 128,726 pubs.

    But they only have 126,580 a discrepancy of 2,146 less.

    But the increase in Memorial partakers worldwide to 9,986. I thought there would be an increase, but not that big!

  • willyloman
    although the BOE's will likely be told to make sure that the person really is anointed for next year

    Good point. In all the years I was in (1976-2003), we were told by the WTS that in reporting the no. of annointed to only report those we reasonably considered to be so.

    That meant a judgment call was made by the elders before an "official" figure was sent to headquarters. There were almost always a few who weren't counted even though they ate and drank.

    Given the recent "new light" and the big bump in "partakers" this year, I'd be curious if someone who is still "in" can tell us whether the elders received a different set of instruction this year with regard to counting the "annointed?" Or is this all accounted for by the May article that appeared to open heaven's doors?

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