They Found Me

by keyser soze 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    There's your rat.

    Don't answer the cell unless u know the #

  • Cheetos

    The best thing to do is just tell them to get the &5#@ out of your life, why mess around with them, fear God not men.

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    You have my sympathy. It sucks having those hemorrhoids come snooping around. Especially when they bring the Daemon around to show they actually do sheep-herder calls. Do like me, tell them to GTFOH....

    A guy I knew had served in the army and had a great attitude. If someone came around and he didn't think they were gonna be decent to him he would say....GTFOH. For instance, when I was a teen I worked at Whataburger. One day the bigshots from Corpus Cristi came by to do an inspection of the local stores. Well this army guy was working that day too and he said he knew what he would tell these bigshots as soon as they walked in.

    He would just say in his strong Alabama accent, "You wanna come in here and be nice to us 'n give us a raise....FINE. But if you're gonna come in here 'n give us a hard time, try 'n fire us, just turn around 'n get the FU** outta here...." He was hysterical! He also did that with customers who came in around closing time. Like if he had already scraped and cleaned the grill...wooo hooo forget it. He would never say it to the person but once I told him, "Hey Mike, got a customer coming in...." And he had just finished cleaning the grill and poked his head up and said, "aww. shit you're kiddin'!" Then he saw the couple ambling up the walkway and he said, "You wanna soda? Fine! You want a hamburger? Turn around 'n get the FU** outta here...."

    So, when the hemorrhoids come just tell them to GTFOH~

  • nomoreguilt

    Very interesting post Keyser. I think the give away to the local elders was the Barber Shop Quartet, happens every time. LOL. No, this is not a laughing matter. Like you I have been fading now for over 4 years and as yet have not had any visits at all. I do however believe that at sme point some well intended jw will appear at my door.

    I, too, still have family in and if not for that I would have blown some poor jw out of the water now with all the info that I have learned since leaving. These epople seem to think that they wield the authority of God around and that every knee should bend and cowar at their presence. " WE would like to meet with you". Why? What's the point? Are you trying to save me soul from Gehenna? It's their responsibility?

    Why don't they just ask if you're happy these days? I know that I am much happier now that I don't have to answer to a publishing company and their representatives. What do they know about matters that impact our daily lives and the emotions that we feel about being decieved all of these years. They have been taught to seek out those who hav strayed and to bring them back in line. Why? To treat us tenderly? Not in your life. Just plant us in a chair at the KH and count the numbers and look good to the CO.

    I can understand your concern now that they have found you. Next time they try to contact you just tell them that you are not interested and have moved forward with your life.


  • leavingwt


    I'm sorry to hear that.


  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    Just plant us in a chair at the KH and count the numbers and look good to the CO.

    Yeah, that was the thing that bothered me the most, that he mentioned the CO and DO being there. It wasn't about any particular concern for me, it was wanting to look good for them. The only calls I've ever gotten from elders in my life were because the CO was visiting.

  • flipper

    KEYSER- Sorry to hear about this. If they call on you - be honest to an extent. Just say you are very busy in your life with other things , but you appreciate their concern , you were stumbled and just can't bring yourself to go anymore. Then say, " I need to go , goodbye. " Then hopefully they'll leave you alone. No need to go into the whole " I don't believe it's Jehovah's organization crap at all " . It just makes them dig their heels in deeper. Be brief and to the point with them. Then close the door in their face - you are too busy

  • buffalosrfree

    Meet with them as suggested and be sure and bring it up to the DO that the only time they have showed evern the slightest iota of concern is only when the CO is around and it is this lack of love from them that has kept you away from meetings. I would stress personal bible study, and that you are conducting a study of the society from its inception to 1919 to see just what truths were present that motivated Jesus to pick them as his "cooks" in the preparation of the proper food at the proper time. that you want see those pearls of truth and confirm in you own mind their selection. Nothing like personal study to heighten ones knowledge base. You might mention your confusion of the pyramids being stone representations of God here upon the earth, and that this was changed and if in fact this was proper truth, at the proper time and not the speculation of men, then how could this have been dropped or changed? You know something like that. Put them on the defensive and you could even mention you don't know why the Society doesn't have the congregations especially with all the new members studying and showing them just what truths were available pre 1919 and are available now and how these unchangeable truths (some 48 changed I think) are in fact prima facia evidence of their selection.

    Just a thought.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Buffalosfree, I actually brought up some of the things you said, when I met with the elders in my last territory. I pointed out WT articles that identify false religion, and then gave examples of how the society itself had proven itself to be guilty. Their response, without refuting any of my points, was to ask me if I had read any apostate literature, and then asked me if I still believed it was the truth. I just find it fruitless to speak with them. I'm not going back to the meetings, and I won't convince them. The only thing that can come out of it is to be charged with apostasy and df'd. That wouldn't be the worst thing, I suppose, I'm just not in a hurry to make it happen.

  • LouBelle

    Hey come to south africa, I got some great wine, aint no one going to find you here!

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