how can they ignore this much pain and suffering???

by oompa 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    They know it's there. They know that they are creating it. They see it--in declining field circus participation, Kingdumb Hell attendance, and donations to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Funds. The leaders are fully aware of it.

    They want it that way. They are making money on people suffering, just as the drug companies. So they give advice that makes the problem worse, and then tell people that, when they get even worse results, they are to do even more (which makes things still worse). And they would like people to think the only way to happiness is doing more of what makes them even more miserable--celibacy, wasted youth, stagnation and poverty, wasted energy, and people getting sick and dying in their 50s and early 60s of diseases that usually hit in the late 70s or later.

  • Gopher

    Lone Ranger -- while you are right that there is a lot of suffering happening on the planet, the question posed in the original post still has merit.

    The WTS is on a power trip. That's what cults do -- they care not about breaking up families, or about honest complaints that they are abusing their power. The current mission of the WT Society now is its own survival. Individual human beings can be thrown under the bus for all they care.

    They chew up people and spit them out. They take the best years of their lives, and the boys' club subjugates women and children. All this, while claiming to be a grand loving association.

    Many of us were fooled big time by these big claims. And it's very therapeutic to share our anger, frustration and sadness with others who understand. We need to be able to post questions like this and have understanding. It can help us get past the abuse and/or neglect we've suffered in the past.

    True others have large problems to deal with in their life. This board cannot tackle all those. But we sure can take the WTS head-on here.

  • Hope4Others

    Dr Wayne Dyer - The Way You Look At Things

    Its hard to not see the hurt and pain that many of us experience. But its changing how we look at things,

    making the best out of our lives now and focusing on changing our thoughts to more positive ones. We can not change what we have lost

    but we can change our views, and hopes to live in a better frame of mind, pushing forward and living now. Life is short enjoy

    what happiness we can make while we are here.



  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    The answer to your question oompa is the power of the cult, self built, self serving, self preserving.

    Its very sad to see once close families dissolved and marriages crumble but thats the nature of these kinds of cults and there are many around..

    The power is closely protected, controls established and everyone is put under a magnifying glass.

    Free thinking individuals who scrutinize the information are kept out and corralled out of the formulated flock with the purpose

    of making sure the flock do not leave, this is where the premonition of fear is utilized.

    If life is so intolerable and unpleasant for you as it is, I'd suggest with empathy to find yourself another one .........Take care

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Just to add a couple more comments........

    The GB members at HQ does not care if families dissolve they are quite apathetic to these situations.

    They have willing place themselves at the top of the food chain of this structured Kingdom, their set of ideals are to strengthen the kingdom

    and prosper, it is their job and their livelihood.

    Violently kicking people to the curb who disagree and won't abide to their set of doctrines is not really surprising since its God's organization ( in their eyes )

    and we all know how God treats people who will not bow down in servitude to his will.. ( Violent death , in the past and in the future )

    Its an orchestration of power that was perhaps originally not to be so powerful but it grew and developed itself out the lust and desires of corrupt ignorant men.

    Another important thing to realize in answer to why all of this is the GB knows exactly where their finances are coming from and its

    very important to them and the organization to keep this illusion that this is really God's organization in place at all times.

    They are very well aware of the competition out there and around them, drive down any main street in any typical town and you'll see what I mean.

    The freedom to design and create your own religion based off of your own ideologies is provided by the Constitution of America and the orchestrators

    of this religion took full advantage of this opportunity to create both a religion and a business structure.

    As a short answer to why they ignore consider it protectionism for both established power and money..

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