Unique but accurate observation about KHs from a "woldly" person

by Lady Zombie 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Zombie
    Lady Zombie

    I was out this weekend with a group of my "worldly" friends. The majority of them don't know that I'd been a witness in the past, nor did they know that my family still is.

    I'm not sure how we got on the subject of religions, but one guy asked, "What's the name of those people who don't have windows in their churches?"

    Several guesses were thrown out including Amish and Mennonites but he shook his head. To help the group figure it out, he then added, "Oh you know, it's the people that knock on your door all the time."

    "JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES!" the rest of the group shouted. "That's them" he added, then he asked, "I wonder why that is, why they don't have windows in their churches. Are they afraid of being bombed, or something?"

    The one person in the group who does know about my history, looked at me. Randy, who had asked the original question noticed the glance and asked, "Are you one of those Jehovah's Witnesses?"

    I told him, "Well, not any more. But you're right. Generally they don't have windows. Why? I couldn't tell you but I suspect that 1) they don't want the congregations daydreaming and staring out the window. They want their members' focus on the speakers at all time. If you stare out the window, you'll die at Armageddon, donchaknow! 2) JWs love being miserable. It's pretty miserable spending 2 hours in a windowless building. It's just part of the aesthetic. 3) These are bare bones basic buildings. Windows cost money. Their organization would much rather spend money on more practical things, like lawsuit defense. They have pedos and people who let kids die that were refused blood transfusions to defend! Bottom line, they're an whacked out religion. That's why there aren't any windows!

    You could have heard a pin drop around our table.

    Finally someone said, "Ok, well now we know not to ask Ms. Zombie here how she really feels about JWs! Sweetie, would you like a margarita?

    I must say, that was a darn good margarita they bought me!

  • mrsjones5

    You could have said "I don't know, the womenfolk aren't suppose to think or question about things like that."

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    I actually have seen a KH with windows. My old hall had windows in the back of the hall, and another KH nearby actually has windows going down one side in the main area.

    I think it mainly has to do with lowering the cost of the building as well as a design mechanism that helps lower distractions.

  • knock knock
    knock knock

    I remember a hall that had windows. Well, those obscured glass block windows anyway. Kind of fitting really - you always get light coming in but you can't really make out the source. I'm just saying...

  • Lady Zombie
    Lady Zombie

    I feel ripped off then! Every KH I've ever encountered in my life either had no windows, or just a tiny little square window in one of the doors in the back.

  • calico

    Must depend on the area--kh's around here all have windows.

  • Lady Zombie
    Lady Zombie

    It must be unique for our area then because this came from a guy who was not in any way affiliated with JWs. It was just something he observed about the KHs. When he mentioned it, I had to agree with him because I've never seen one with a window, or at least a window where you could actually see outside.

  • mrsjones5

    Oh I don't know, where I'm from (SF Bay Area) the older halls had windows. I remember big windows at the Menlo Park and Belmont congregations. Belmont is no longer there, it was sold in the 80's. I don't know if the Menlo Park hall is still there, I assume it isn't and has been replaced. The new hall that replace Belmont, built in the 80's, does not have windows. My grandmother old hall in Madera, Ca had small slot windows that were high up and I guess were only for ventilation. The new hall that replaced that one, again in the 80's, does not have windows. Neither does the convention hall that was built on the same lot.

  • FadingAway

    Our hall, built 1992(?), has windows. Of course they are blocked off by large bushes strategically placed in front of them.

  • TopHat

    Two KHs I attended did not have windows but it is funny how I didn't notice....The last and third one had a few large windows you could look out at the street and parking lot as the speaker droned on and on. The building was old, built in the late 50s.

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