My Wife's In The Hospital

by Yizuman 145 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yizuman

    Wife had been transferred back to her old room on Sunday.

    She's back in ICU again this morning because she's bleeding again. I am at the hospital now using the public computer in the waiting room while they set her up in her new room. I just knew that it was too early to send her back to her old room from ICU because I felt it was too soon and didn't think her bleeding problem wasn't exactly over yet.

    She's scared and so am I. I will spend whatever time I have with her until I have to go home to get some rest before work. I hope they find what's causing the bleeding and get it fixed. This time I will insist that she says in ICU for at least a couple of weeks or so just to be absolutely sure she's not going to have this problem again.

    In the meantime, I got a tough decision in regards to her trait that's posing a major problem for her. Her trait hole is getting too big and it's slipping out. I don't think there's much choice but to switch back to the tube in the mouth in order for her hole to heal up. It cannot be stitched up because it has to heal from the inside out. She'll have to be sedated during the time when's she on the mouth tube as she has a huge gag reflex. But still, having the tube in the mouth still carries the same risks as the trait. Mouth ulcers and possible damage to her vocal cords. So the decision is basically a "damn if you do and damn if you don't."

    Sighs, she gets better one day and shit hits the fan in the next.

    Please keep her in your thoughts.



  • Yizuman

    Just finished talking to the doctor just now.

    She told me that she's got a new bacteria in her blood. She doesn't know what type it is, they haven't labelled it yet.

    Since the tube was removed from her rectum, the bleeding had clotted and they thought she was gonna be ok. Apparently her clot got loose and she's bleeding again. Man, I hate this crap. One problem after another.

    The doctor said even though they're trying to fix one problem, new ones pop up. So this is a uphill battle here and my heart is sinking to hear all this. I'm ready to bawl my eyes out.

    Will update more later.


  • Yizuman

    Just finished talking to two doctors. She lost alot of blood. They're administering 6 liters of blood right now. Her life is hanging by a thread.

    A doctor just went in to try and locate the source of the leak. I hope he finds it and cap that leak!

    I am scared and I don't want my wife to die!

    Please pray! Pray like you've never prayed in your whole life! Please!

    I've called everybody and trying to let everyone know what's going on!

    Will inform more as I learn them.


  • Dagney

    OM Goodness...

    Sending good thoughts your way all the while hoping the doctors can find resolution to the problem.

    May you and your wife have comfort and peace of mind during this trying time.

  • Yizuman

    The surgeon is now with her with a probe machine to see if they can find the source of the bleeding.

    Some of my family members is here right now. A Pastor was here and prayed for my wife.

    We're waiting for what discovery is found.

    Will update when I can.


  • JK666


    You and your wife are in my prayers.


  • AudeSapere

    How terrifying. My earnest thoughts are with you.


  • wings

    I am so sorry, just know you are in my thoughts, and in my heart. wings

  • caliber


    I hope to be hearing the best news in the future !


  • AudeSapere

    bttt - for the evening crowd


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