My Wife's In The Hospital

by Yizuman 145 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yizuman

    The hospital called me this morning before I was due to be off work at 6 AM and the nurse told me that my wife is having complications and she is bleeding from the rectum area. They told me that she's being transferred to the main hospital from the respitory hospital where she was staying. She's in ICU and they just gave her some blood transfusion.

    They already did some blood cultures and will do more tests in order to try and find out what's causing her to bleed. She does have a tube in her rectum to collect wastes from her. So it's my guess that the tube is causing her problems.

    I ran my ass down here as fast as I could skirt the speeding law a bit and already notified my family members of the situation. So I'll be here a while and may have to call in from work and stay with my baby.

    I hope it's nothing very very serious other than the crap she's going through.

    Keep my baby in your thoughts and or prayers.


  • Yizuman

    Thanks JG

    I just left her room and they're cleaning her up. Saw a couple of doctors and they have ordered x-rays and ultrasound for her abdominal area.

    She also vomited and her gag reflex is really bad. She also coughs alot, she had been doing that recently, but today it's worse.

    More blood came out of her rectum. So, the whole thing is scaring the shit out of me.

    Will post more as they're available.


  • Yizuman

    Just got home. Got kicked out of the hospital (so to speak). There wasn't really any place to sleep unlike the other hospital they had a family retreat room for me to sleep in. Not exactly family friendly in there.

    The respiratory doctor came in and look at her trait. It looks bad. Since that hack job I mentioned back on my earlier post, the tube hole has gotten bigger. So we were left with two options, leave it on and they'll try to have a staff that specializes in wound healing to work with her and see how she responds within a week.

    The second option is to pull the trait tube out and put her back into the throat tube through her mouth. But that will require sedation to keep her from gagging on the tube as many of you know she has a very sensitive gag reflex. This way it can give her throat some time to heal. But the bad thing about it is that it can damage her vocal cords and still give her some type of throat infection. But the trait can do the same damage also since if left on, it's cutting upward towards the vocal cord.

    So damn if you do and damn if you don't. :(

    As for her rectum area, she may be having bleeding ulcers. She's also having really bad bed sores on her bottom area. They're gonna find a way to treat it and let her bottom side heal up.

    I'm tired, so I'm gonna head to bed.


  • Barbie Doll

    Hugs and healing vibes to you and your wife.


  • JK666


    I was out of town last weekend, and missed this thread. I wish your wife a speedy recovery, and if I can be of any assistance, please let me know. I am in Fort Wayne, so maybe I could help you if you need it. PM me and let me know.

    I will pray for you guys.


  • Hortensia

    I'm sorry it's taking so long for your poor wife to heal. You must be so worried - please keep us posted when you can.

  • Yizuman

    Got off the phone with the nurse.

    Her bleeding has stopped when they removed the tube that was in her rectum. So they're gonna hafta clean her up the old fashioned way. Just how often is my concern. With the sores already in place on her butt, my concern is infections from the stools resting on her bottom prior to a nurse cleaning her up.

    Kandie will be transferred back to the hospital tomorrow afternoon at 2 PM where she had been staying to continue her respiratory therapy. They'll also work with trying to get her trait hole to heal properly. I hope it works out that she doesn't need to go back on a "through the mouth tube" and sedate her again.

    I'm glad she's ok for the moment. Hope no other problems will occur in the near future.


  • Octarine Prince
    Octarine Prince

    I wish her the best.

  • MsMcDucket

    Thinking of you and your wife at this time. I hope all goes well. I use to be a RN on a renal, cardiac, and diabetes floor; but it's been awhile.

    The terms you mentioned:

    Atrial Flutter

    Having a fistula made for dialysis

    Tracheostomy with trach placement (I've been on a vent and I had a trach for about 5 months.)

    I have to go back and read more. I think that you said that they were having trouble weaning her off the vent?

    Is your wife still able to void (pee)?

    They may use meds like dopamine and dobutamine for cardiac and renal function.

    You are, definitely, going through a lot. Sometimes, the nurses like for the spouses to go home and get rest. You need your energy.

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