Why do most people not think?

by llbh 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mincan

    *laughs at the humans that haven't made the evolutionary jump to full time non-linear thinking*

  • hillbilly

    I think that most people prefer freedom from choice, rather than freedom of choice. It is easier to go through life on autopilot.

    My problem is that I usually think too much. Sometimes I just want to shut it off, and can't. _ JK 666

    Spot on. As much as we complain about the lack of critical thinking the problem starts with a lack of critical observation.

    You can be the best thinker in the world... but there is not much to think about if you refuse to see what is around you at more than a cursory level.


  • llbh

    Spot on. As much as we complain about the lack of critical thinking the problem starts with a lack of critical observation .

    You can be the best thinker in the world... but there is not much to think about if you refuse to see what is around you at more than a cursory level.


    I agree Jeff with your observation.. After thinking about somethimg sometimes actions are required. For instance most here on this board were JW's then for whatever reason we started thinking about the veracity of our beleifs. This then lead us to make a decision do we accept and stay and live a lie or move on? One takes courage the other does not. If we have children the imperative must be to move on and hope that they come with us.

    Thinking is challenging but fun too

    Regards David

  • Awakened at Gilead
    Awakened at Gilead

    Hi David,

    I notice sometimes posters on JWD want an answer to a question without doing research onm their own regarding a WTS or Bible question. For example, although there are dozens of books that exJWs would benefit from reading, not everyone wants to make the time to plow through thousands of pages, which challenge your thinking. It's much easier to ask "Why can we now celebrate B-days?" or "What's the matter with 607?" than to read a few long books that set the matters clear in detail so the reader can make an informed decision.

    My 2 cents...

    And I'm at a crossroads too at home... h4O put it quite well:

    It would be very difficult, nothing in common anymore you both grow in different directions. We all change in our idea's and thoughts and what we want out of life as each year passes, we do not stay the same and if our partner does not grow as we do then life seems mundane and cracks begin to show. Not thinking is the easy way to just carry on as is and just hope for the best, maybe it will work and maybe it won't. Sometimes I see this as an awful huge sacrifice to live with.


  • llbh

    Hi A&G I now a litte of your personal circumstances and i wish you well. It is quite difficult i know and requires a lot of thought and heartsearching.

    I do agree about doing own research too. it does require effort which you are used to having done a degree.

    Regards David

  • momzcrazy

    On what are you basing your statement? Because people don't make decisions you or others agree with, they are non-thinkers? And you say most. How about many?

    What if things have been thought thru, picked apart, and analyzed----then someone makes a decision that would be better for others, maybe not themselves? Sacrificed their happiness for others?

    Just because it is a decision you may not agree with, does not mean that the decision has not been thought thru.

    I thought we left the thought police behind when we left the borg?


  • llbh

    Dear momz,

    This thread was started with no one other than myself in mind and my own personal circumstances. If my what i say is offensive please accept my apologies.

    I had a really interesting discussion with my dear friend on a lot of wide ranging topics so i thought about putting up a thread about it

    I do accept people make decisions based on thier best efforts and judgements.

    I was speaking only on a personal level no more

    If i have offended anyone i am very sorry

    Regards David

  • momzcrazy

    I have apparently taken this whole thread the wrong way. I am also a little defensive lately, as all my decisions are being second guessed and questioned by others. So I am sorry David for sounding so snippy.


  • babygirl75

    Damn Momz...Stressed???? LOL...

    Here have a drink and relax....

  • llbh

    Thanks Momz it was not meant to be aimed at anyone, and was an attempt to explore thinking and why we do not often do it. I was a JW for far to long married for longer than i should have been Why ? Beacuase i did not think. The wts and teaches us not to think

    Regards David

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