Can you be a glutton and inherit god's kingdom?

by Judith 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Judith

    I was looking for the scripture about who will inherit God's Kingdom and can't find it because I packed up all my books and stored them. Is there mention of gluttony being one of the things that will keep you out?

    Proverbs 23:20 says a drunkard and a glutton will come to proverty.
    Proverbs 28:7 says one having companionship with a flutton humiliates his father.

    So if I can't take blood transfusions, be a drunkard, lie with same sex people, etc. how come I can be a glutton and that is okay?

    That is why I am looking for the scripture. Help will be greatly appreciated.

    On my return to the Kingdom hall this summer after being gone for 9 years, I noticed how big alot of the people had become. Some were well over 3 or 4 hundred pounds and the kids were bigger then I remember.

    Gatherings of witnesses were always food fests. I remember two women saying that they do so much eating because they are not allowed to do anything else. They are still at the hall. One man who was about 150 pounds overweight, commented that he was on a diet. I asked what kind of diet and he gave the JW answer "The see food diet" Everything I see I eat. Ha ha" He is still at the hall but can barely walk because he has put on more weight.

    So getting back to my original question, Can you be a glutton and inherit God's kingdom?


  • zerubberballz

    G'day Judith,

    I just got out of bed to read this and I'm so tempted to tell God where he can shove his Kingdom it isn't funny! .. oops, I thought i was still in the 'let's start a fight thread' .. sorry!

    wow, sounds like you got some heavy dubs over there .. let's see 300lbs .. presuming american pounds are 16 imperial ounces, never can be sure with yankee weights and measures .. 300lbs divided by 14 to convert to stones = 21.4285 BLOODY hell, scientifically isn't that a circumference pie squared or something?

    Gee Zeus Chrishna 400lbs = 28.571 stones! That's more than Paul used to kill Stephen!

    cheers, unclebruce

  • ISP

    You can try!....Some who are 'gluttons' have disorders of some description or its not easy to work out who's at fault. I would have thought that there are a lot of 'large' dudes in the US! So its never going to be easy! Haha!


  • celebrate

    You can't be friends with gluttons either? My friendship ranks would dwindle fast if I practiced that. Where would Weight Watchers be? I thought it was a person's heart, not their belly that determined if we should be friends, or did I misunderstand that?


  • Cygnus

    When I was a dub, I ate three squares a day and never got over 145 lbs.

    Now that I'm a Jehovah-hating apostate son-of-a-bitch, I eat once a day and I weigh 185.

    Where's the justice?!?!?

  • Gopher


    What ISP said was always the reason (or often, the excuse) I heard. For example, "Poor brother fatso, he must have a GLANDULAR disorder leading to him being such a large size." Or, "I know some people who eat like pigs and never gain an ounce!!"

    So I guess it isn't just weight alone that determines gluttony. If you want a serious answer to this question, I couldn't find a scripture explicitly stating "Gluttons shall not inherit the kingdom".

    But I found a couple of verses that may apply. 1 Corinthians 5:11 says to quit mixing in company with, among other things, greedy persons. You could suppose that a glutton is 'greedy' for food, and you'd be correct.

    The other verse that would discourage serious JW's from visiting the buffet 7 times a week is found at Titus 1:12,13. In verse 12 Paul tells us that a prophet of Crete calls his own people "always liars, injurious wild beasts, unemployed gluttons". Then in the next verse he says to keep reproving people with that spirit, that they may be healthy in the faith.

    I'd say it's good to avoid gluttony, just to be healthy period!

    [edited for spelling]

    GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • Judith

    Hi Unclebruce.

    Funny man, where can I find the "let's start a fight thread? <grin>

    Hi Celebrate. I am not putting overweight people down. I have dear friends of all sizes. I was trying to point out that there are things mentioned in the bible that will keep a person from the kingdom and wanted to know where the scripture can be located. For some reason I remember gluttony as being one of the reasons. I am not judging a person's weight being related to gluttony. I am trying to find out if God does indeed judge gluttony to the point of keeping such persons out of the new system.

    If someone can point the way to the scripture, I would appreciate it. If someone can be da'ed and df'ed for some things because the bible says it is so then if gluttony is one of those things, I want to know why the WTS doesn't come down on them and chase them away too.

    Cygnus. You are so funny! Spit my m and m's into the computer screen. What a mess. But worth the laughing.

    Anybody have the scripture?



  • ISP

    Hey all, I know of a sister who was not allowed to go the ministry because she was too fat! The elders said she was just too fat! She did eat a lot mind you but she did have a bad childhood. This was in the UK. I don't think it would happen in the US.


  • Judith

    Hi Gopher.

    I posted before I saw your response.

    Yes I would really appreciate the scripture if you don't mind.

    I know some have a glandular problem or whatever but I watched the food consumed by so many in my hall and know that frustration and boredom is the problem with most of them. IMO. When I went to potlucks at other events, I took one dish to pass. When I attended a JW function, I knew I had to take at least two or three.


  • Mum

    I don't have an answer to your question on the gluttony issue. However, many people gain weight as a way to "cop out" on life, to avoid social situations or to be "disabled" from doing certain things.

    I can see how JW's would gain weight to avoid being invited out socially by others and how they would keep eating to avoid field service, meetings, and other boring JW activities.

    Seize the day, and put the least possible trust in tomorrow. - Horace

    I have learned to live each day as it comes and not to borrow trouble by dreading tomorrow. - Dorothy Dix

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