Can you be a glutton and inherit god's kingdom?

by Judith 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    Can you be a glutton and inherit god's kingdom? is an interesting question.

    Although the WTS pays lip service to this biblical admonition, it raely if ever applies it with sanctions. The elders' "Flock" book lists all the "Gross sins" which may result in DF and show Greed in the list. However, it cannot be quantified, like, say adultery or stealing, so it isn't acted upon.

    Another example of the works-based salvation theology.


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

  • Marilyn

    Judith, I have a friend who was disfellowshipped for reviling. How often is reviling cited as a reason for d'fing? I suggest to you that if the elders don't like a person enough, they will find a reason to disfellowhip that person. unfortunately most people the elders don't like are not fat so they can't use gluttony against them. In the case of my friend, according to the elders he reviled his ex wife, who incidentally had had an adulterous affair with a brother and divorced my friend and claimed half my friends considerable wealth. Usually reviling is expected in such circumstances, but the elders chose to disfellowhip my friend, basically because he was wealthy and they weren't!

    Marilyn (I hope you understood all that - it's such a weird story, but every word of it is true and shattered a life! The good news is that it finally helped my old jw friend to see the truth about the truth!)

  • Judith

    Mum - I can see your point about some not wanting to socialize but I think that my be society and not the JW society. There were always plenty of bigger people at the functions for the hall.

    Ozziepost - you say that greed cannot be quantified like adultery or stealing. I agree.
    Definitions of greed include grasping, voracious, ravenous, gluttonous. Interesting that it is in the Flock book and yet not acted upon. They are so quick to expell.

    Marilyn - There was a talk in September I believe that told sisters not to be reviling their husbands, even if they were not in the truth but especially if they were in the truth. No mention was made to the men about it though. Did they tell your friend to stop the reviling or they just had a meeting and df'd him?

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