"Wait On Jehovah"

by silentlambs 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • ashitaka

    Aye, Lambbie.

    That'll do, Lamb.:)

    Just a bit of humor before the sadness. I agree that it's an excuse for control and abuse, riding the fine line that so many people cross. I have several friends now who were molested or raped, by Goddamn pedophiles who were never caught, or convicted. One man molested a 14 year old, was DF'D, the girl is now a crack-whore (no lie), and he was reinstated and an elder. I even had dinner with him before I knew about his past. Seemed like a nice guy. I felt like a total ass after I found out.

    A man who molested five or six people in the cong, and never turned in.

    A man who molested his step daughter, she attempted suicide, he was never turned in.

    And this I know-I'm a person who is totally out the cliques. I really don't know too many people or too many things, but I know of these examples off of the top of my head.

    Totally sick. '144,000 going to heaven' and about that many pedophiles who will never be brought to justice.


  • mommy

    I was always sick when I heard that expression. Though I can honestly say that at times it appears to have worked. But my take on that is that your bad deeds will eventually catch up with you. My own sister was living a double life for over 8 years before she was exposed, and I think that was because she was foolish enough to get pregnant. There is a time when physical intervention is neccesary, but with using this blanket term alot of times action is not taken. Too often especially with abusive spouses, this advice to wait on jehovah is given. When in actuality the abused partner needs to be removed from the home, and perhaps counselling initiated.

    I am glad you were able to tell us your experiences, it is hard to put it out there for the public to see. There are many woman here who have had similar experiences to you, and it might be good for you to hook up and talk on a more personal level. The scars from abuse can last for years, and I hope the best for you now. One friend of mine was also beaten by her husband, resulting in 2 lost pregnancies. I can only imagine the pain you are going through over the loss fo your child.

    Blind faith can justify anything.~Richard Dawkins

  • Fredhall

    HEY ALL,

    Listen to your leader Bill Bowen. Just wait on Jehovah.

  • Norm

    Good post Bill,

    Although it is difficult to make up one’s mind about which is the most silly and brain-dead Watchtower cliché I think that “Wait on Jehovah” must be at least among the top ten.
    Typically it is used mainly when the credibility of the Watchtower “Organization” or the leader’s authority is in question.

    When some completely goofy and incomprehensible “new” understanding (which is going to be changed in the next Watchtower) is published and people express their concern, they are asked to “wait on Jehovah”. When I told the elders in 1988 that the teaching about the 1914 generation was embarrassing they didn’t “understand” it until 1995, but I was of course wrong not to “wait on Jehovah” because he didn’t get his finger out. It took him 7 years longer than me to figure this simple thing out. Not very impressive to say the least:

    *** w88 1/15 22 Were You Once Associated With Jehovah's Organization? ***
    Did You Disagree With a Teaching?
    It may be that you left Jehovah’s organization because you had a different understanding of some Scriptural point. Just as the Israelites rescued from Egypt quickly “forgot [God’s] works” on their behalf and “did not wait for his counsel,” you may hastily have concluded that since the organization did not espouse the viewpoint you considered correct, you would sever ties with it. (Psalm 106:13) Perhaps the point has since been clarified, either being changed or established by further Scriptural research under the direction of God’s spirit. Would it not have been better just to have stayed with the organization, waiting on Jehovah?
    It is good to remember that Jehovah has always worked through one organization only. In our day, “the faithful and discreet slave” is dispensing spiritual food “at the proper time.” Note that this slave was to be ‘found doing so when the Master arrived.’ (Matthew 24:45-47) Really, who today realizes that the Master has already arrived? And who is busy with the work indicated? Only those associated with Jehovah’s organization of Christian witnesses!

    It doesn’t take much fantasy to understand that in the case of child molesting elders and high Watchtower officials would benefit largely if all the victims was “waiting”- say 50-60 years. Of course all the Nazi war criminals and such would have had a great benefit if their victims had waited for the “justice” of God.

    Here is a little sample of all the reasons all Jehovah's Witnesses have to “wait on Jehovah”:

    *** w99 10/1 5 "For Everything There Is an Appointed Time" ***
    “For the Sovereign Lord Jehovah will not do a thing unless he has revealed his confidential matter to his servants the prophets.” (Amos 3:7) What a marvelous promise! But we must realize that Jehovah reveals his confidential matters at the time he deems advisable. For that purpose God has authorized a “faithful and discreet slave” to provide his people with “their [spiritual] food at the proper time.” (Matthew 24:45) There is, therefore, no reason for us to become overly concerned, or even agitated, that certain matters are not fully explained. Rather, we can be confident that if we patiently wait on Jehovah, he will provide, through the faithful slave, what is needed “at the proper time.”

    *** w99 10/1 26 Divine Riddles and God's Purpose ***
    Unlocking Sacred Secrets
    For many of us, sight is the most precious of our five senses. But without light, human vision would be almost useless. We would be virtually blind. So, too, the human mind. It has an amazing ability to match patterns, apply logic, and thus solve puzzles. Yet, something more is needed to unlock sacred secrets. While others may offer solutions to the riddles posed in the Bible, only their Author, Jehovah, the God of light, can reveal their intended meaning.—1 John 1:5.
    Unfortunately, men are often too proud and independent to wait on Jehovah for answers.

    *** w97 3/15 10 Do You Long to Serve More Fully? ***
    But his disappointment at not being able to serve as an elder pushed his appreciation for them into the background temporarily. By refocusing on them, he was able to regain his equilibrium and patiently wait on Jehovah.

    *** w95 6/15 12 Patience-Why So Rare? ***
    Truly, exercising patience will bring us fine rewards. We will avoid many accidents and problems caused by rushing about or by being too quick with our tongue. We will be happier, calmer, and likely healthier. We will experience greater joy and peace in our ministry, in the congregation, and at home. But most of all, we will enjoy a closer relationship with God. So wait on Jehovah. Exercise patience!

    *** w94 1/15 28 Thrilling Conventions Promote Divine Teaching ***
    The first talk in the afternoon had the comforting theme “Throw All Your Anxieties Upon Jehovah.” Many things cause anxiety; yet, God’s Word says that we should throw all our anxieties upon him. (1 Peter 5:6, 7) True, some problems persist, and in this regard the speaker urged: ‘Be patient. Wait on Jehovah. Firmly believe that following the Bible is always best. If we keep our hearts fixed on Jehovah, we will come to enjoy “the peace of God” that excels all thought.’—Philippians 4:6, 7.

    *** w94 5/15 23 Can You Exercise Patience? ***
    “Jehovah is very tender in affection” toward Christians who patiently endure trials. (James 5:10, 11) Such individuals enjoy a clean conscience because of doing his will. In your case, then, if you wait on Jehovah and patiently endure trials, your forbearance will result in Jehovah’s approval and blessing.

    *** w82 6/1 20 Loyally Submitting to Theocratic Order ***
    Waiting on Jehovah
    15 At times, some bring to the attention of the “slave” class various doctrinal or organizational matters that they feel ought to be revised. Certainly, suggestions for improvement are proper, as are inquiries for clarification.

    *** w82 6/1 20 Loyally Submitting to Theocratic Order ***
    16 The proper spirit after offering suggestions is to be content to leave the matter to the prayerful consideration of the mature brothers directing the work in Jehovah’s organization. But if those making the suggestions are not content with that and continue to dispute the subject in the congregations with a view to getting others to support them, what then? That would create divisions, and could subvert the faith of some.

    As we know the human life span is quite short, at least compared to God’s which is supposed to be eternal. It must be quite satisfactory for a man/woman in their forties and want to get married to be told to “wait on Jehovah”. For what? Apparently for him to find a suitable partner?

    *** w93 1/15 31 Questions From Readers ***
    Questions From Readers
    What can a Christian do when he or she is unable to find a suitable marriage partner?...

    Never forget that Jehovah understands the situation of all single people serving him. He knows that you may not feel that your present circumstances are what you would prefer. Our loving heavenly Father is also aware of what is in your best interests in the long term, both spiritually

    But some times the Watchtower, inadvertently show us how completely stupid this whole matter is. A guy who like so many other Jehovah's Witnesses had spent a lifetime “waiting on Jehovah”. A man who had seen 1914, come and go, who witnessed the failures of the “Finished Mystery” book about 1918, 1919 and 1920, and last but no least 1925. Had this to say about waiting for Jehovah:

    *** w70 1/15 56-61 Waiting on Jehovah with Endurance ***
    Waiting on Jehovah with Endurance
    As told by George E. Hannan …

    And all of this travel and meeting with fellow Witnesses in so many lands has served to add zest to the work to be done here at Bethel—the work of supplying that increasing army of zealous Witnesses with the publications they need for their ministry.
    Not merely waiting on Jehovah to do something, as are many peoples of all nations today, is what is important; there is more than that. God’s Word, the Bible, holds out precious promises of reward for ‘those who are seeking glory and honor by endurance in work that is good.’ (Rom. 2:7) How satisfying to fill the time of waiting with works that give proof of our love for Jehovah!

    Here it turns out that merely “waiting on Jehovah” is something that “people of the nations” are doing and it doesn’t seem to be “enough”. I agree. There is no need to let child molesters and other sick individuals get off the hook by listening to insane drivel and bilge from Brooklyn.


  • Gopher


    I know I'm not Simon, but I have your answer.

    Judges 4:21 shows that "Jael the wife of Heber" killed Sisera in the manner you described.

    GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

  • Farkel

    Excellent work, silentlambs.

    : When you consider how this is used it puts forth the thought that “wait on Jehovah“ is simply an excuse to let wrongdoing remain hidden. If you are on the outs with the elders or the society, you will often find they can find no basis to “wait on Jehovah” but instead act with quick and decisive action.

    : It brings me to the conclusion that to “wait on Jehovah” is purely an excuse to let someone get away with something wrong.

    Agreed, but I think there is even more to it than that. The expression "wait on Jehovah" is a thought-stopping phrase, and is an excellent example of the narcicissim of the society. One of the many reasons people are put off by the WTS literature is because the literature is full of the love affair the WTS has with itself. They want all of the glory and none of the responsibility. "Jehovah" is merely a prop for their self-glorification, and I'll show you why.

    Does Jehovah cause the problems the society faces?

    No loyal dub would ever believe that.

    Well then, does Jehovah "allow" those problems to occur?

    If so, why, and more importantly, why would he allow some of those problems which needlessly cause deaths to exist for decades? To "test" our faith? Does Jehovah let innocent children die for no reason to "test" those living? What kind of a bullshit God would do that?

    So logically speaking, if Jehovah is directly responsible for the problems facing the WTS, then either: he is against the WTS, or he is a cruel prankster God.

    If Jehovah doesn't directly cause these problems, but merely "allows" these problems, what possible reason would he have for doing so, if he is "actively directing" the WTS as his sole earthly organization and mouthpiece?

    If Jehovah does NOT "allow" those problems to occur, then they occur because Jehovah has nothing to do with directing the WTS.

    Lastly, why cannot the average dub figure out that when there are no problems, the society takes all of the praise, worship and glory for itself, using Jehovah as an invisible prop, but when problems surface, all the responsibility for those problems are shifted from the society and given over to that same invisible prop?

    It's clear as a bell to me that the society is 100% self-centered and hypocritical. Why can't the average dub see the same thing, then?


    "When in doubt, duck!"

  • Inquiry

    Some excellent posts... thanks silent lambs and dazed and confused for your incredible posts... I appreciate your efforts and your openness very much....
    To Simon... the Tent post thing (actually a lance NWT, spear NIV and javelin KJ) is in Numbers 25

    I will take the liberty of reciting this for everyone so you don't have to look it up... but when I read this, it didn't sit right with me... I will explain it after...

    Now Isreal was dwelling in Shittam. Then the people started having immoral relations with the daughters of Moab. And the women came calling the people to the sacrifices of their gods. So Isreal attached itself to the Baal of Peor and the anger of Jehovah began to blaze against Israel. Hence Jehovah said to Moses; "Take all the head ones of the people and expose them to Jehovah toward the sun, that the burning anger of Jehovah may turn back from Israel." Then Moses said to the judges of Isreal; "Each one of you kill his men who have an attachment with the Baal of Peor."
    But, look! a man of the sons of Isreal came, and he was bringing near to his brothers a Midianite woman before Moses eyes and before the eyes of all the assembly of hte sons of Isreal, while they were weeping at the entrance of the tent of meeting. When Phinehas the son of Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest caught sight of it, he at once got up from the midst of the assembly and took a lance in hand. Then he went after the man of Israel into the vaulted tent and pierced them through, the man of Israel and the woman through her genital parts. At that the scourge was halted from upon the sons of Israel.

    I remember this being discussed at a WT study... and the amount of time spent on the subject... was quite lengthy, it seemed every brother had a comment.... Most of the sisters stayed quiet. Several of us had our kids distracted from the rather graphic subject matter... or trying to... It just seemed to go on and on....
    Words fail me in relating how this particular passage affected me... I found it quite gross... and that it intrigued so many men because of the powerful language and graphic description... which in my opinion was comletely male oriented.... stunned me....
    My sister had sent me the bible that she studied from, the Life Application Bible, New International Version, and it simply states that " he drove the spear through both of them, through the Israelite and into the woman's body. " .... my very old King James says "and thrust both of them through, the man of Israel, and the woman through her belly."
    Out of all the bibles I've looked at only the NWT puts it so graphically.... Accident... I'm not so inclined, but something keeping the female subjucated and something less than honoured????... Even the victorians didn't describe the situation this way... I remember my boy, about 8 at the time asking me questions about this...he thought it was "bad talk" amongst the brothers... right in the KH, so did alot of other little kids... I also remember how the male members of the congregation enjoyed discussing the subject.
    I remember too, how quiet the sisters were for a couple of weeks after that...
    Do any of you remember it?
    Can you imagine how something like this would be related today? Makes me shake my head....
    A little dip intomy WT past....

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    Well said Bill, and Farkel.

    This saying so popular among JW's "waiting on Jehovah" is the most mind numbing, thought stopping, Bull Shit!
    Don't do anything, just sit on our ass and wait for Jehovah to handle it. The way this phrase is use by the WT, you think God must have made us totally helpless or something.
    What both of you guys said has got me really pissed off at the WT.

    So I'm not going to "wait on Jehovah", when it comes to exsposing this hypocritcal organization.

    If someone lived a trillion X longer than you, and had a billion X more reasoning ability would he come to the same conclusions as you?
  • outnfree

    D Wiltshire,

    Somebody was relating something similar in chat the other day. A poster had accused an elder of being a gossip and the PO came to her home to call her on it. The poster said the PO told her to "wait on Jehovah" even though she had specifics. I asked her if she didn't ask if perhaps Jehovah was using her and the Presiding Overseer[/i] to correct the situation. What is sad, is that the poster just LOL'd. It wouldn't occur to most dubs to ask, let alone force the issue. The PO didn't even pretend that he would speak to Elder Gossip about the situation, either.

    Yes, it's an excuse for inaction when it is either politically incorrect or merely too much of a bother for the elders to act.
    Thus the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society CANNOT BE God's organization.

    For the answer to the question posed in that 1/15/88 Watchtower Norm cited above:

    Would it not have been better just to have stayed with the organization, waiting on Jehovah?
    is definitely, no, NO, NO! in cases of abuse and injustice.

    What's that scripture about justice delayed causing more harm?


    In dealing with fear, the way out is in[/i] -- Sheldon Kopp

  • Judith

    Thanks for the answer Gopher.


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