Should you leave your cell phone on in church?

by Undecided 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • kurtbethel

    It is very VERY bad form to leave the phone on in church.

    Plus, there is a special level of Hell for people who harm children or leave their phone on in the theater.

  • Leolaia

    Yes, leave it on (that is, on standalone mode). And set it to record video if Losch is in the house.

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    Leave it on so you can play games or stream music.

  • LongHairGal

    Happy Dad,

    I agree with you that the cellphone is nothing more than a pacifier for too many people. People got used to it and now they can't live without it - no matter where they are. It is like the air they breathe. They feel it is their constitutional right to have a loud conversation whenever and wherever. I have also seen those signs that business put up informing people that if they are on their cell the next person will be waited on. This came about because inconsiderate individuals think they can waste everybody's time while they are in their own little world.

    Did you ever see somebody try to walk down the street and have a cell phone conversation at the same time? You have heard the old adage of how somebody can't walk and chew gum at the same time. Well, people can't really walk very well and be on the cell at the same time. They slow up and you end up bumping into them. Then you get a dirty "what are you looking at" kind of look. We all know they can't drive and be on the cell either. This is a modern day nuisance that has not been resolved yet.

    This is unforgivable if it happens in an audience anywhere.


  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    I'm sure people said the same things about atuombiles and noise levels when they first came out.

  • Finally-Free

    I remember a time when there was a pay phone at most intersections. There were 5 in a small plaza where I used to shop. Now there are none. The phone company no longer has to cover the expense of buying, installing, and maintaining so many phone booths. People are willing to buy phones, pay a monthly fee, a "system access fee", extra money for extra minutes plus applicable taxes. I carry one in case of emergency, but it's a lot of money to spend for the 2-3 times a year when I really need it.


  • berylblue

    Get some of the most revolting songs as ringtones, have a friend dial you non-stop during the ceremony.

  • Open mind
    Open mind


    By all means, turn it off. Show some respect.

    Kingdom Hall?

    Download some Rap or Heavy Metal ringtones and make sure someone calls you. Then give it at least 15 seconds before you pick it up. Then don't get up. Just (sort of) try to keep your voice down and take the call.

    I don't have the frijoles to try it myself, but I've seen it done at our K Hall by a very rude, clueless wanker. If the venue was different I would have been irritated. As it was, it was all I could do to keep from bursting out with laughter. My family was practically on the floor.

    Hey it helps the time go by faster and reduces some of the cult-talk that might otherwise filter into my kids brains.

    My favorite is when an older person has it cranked up in the bottom of their bag and doesn't hear it. We had one go all the way to voice mail and the elderly woman never figured out what all the glares & head turning was about.

    So now the BOE in their great wisdom, has instructed the person opening the meeting to routinely ask people to silence their cell phones.


  • Prefect

    One went off in the row behind me during the memorial.

  • garybuss

    You wrote: "One went off in the row behind me during the memorial."

    That's how they know they're anointed now. God calls em during memorial. Hey, that's no crazier than the rest of the Watch Tower's claims.

    Maybe a cell phone call during memorial is the 8th trumpet. That's as believable as the other 7.

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