USA - Who to vote for President = Woman {Hilary} or Blackman {Obama} -cool!

by Witness 007 39 Replies latest jw experiences

  • mavie

    Obama. Not as polarizing as Hillary. The country needs a President who can work with both parties.

  • mavie

    Obama. Not as polarizing as Hillary. The country needs a President who can work with both parties.

  • Tatiana
    Wishing I had a clapping emoticon for Avishai.


  • avishai

    Interesting....So because I like Hilary and drink beer I'm uneducated? I like hilary because she speaks about SPECIFIC issues more than vague platitudes like Obama. I'm not a big fan of any of them, to be honest. But it's less irritating than the last two times.

  • AlyMC

    nahh, I have a few friends with masters education and above who are also wealthier than me who are voting for Clinton in the primaries. Silly presumptions that mean nothing.

    I don't want to get into what reasons I'm voting Obama... because I'm plum sick of having this conversation with my girlfriends. But I don't think either candidate indicates a lack of education or critical thinking skills.

  • avishai

    Amen, AlyMC. I would imagine the state you live in, you'd have far more insight into Hilary than I do. But all of this "spin" 'Obama's voters are smarter' 'Hilary's voter's drink beer!!' is just stupid.

  • AlyMC

    Well, it might work on dumb people! (and you can call me Aly- everyone can. That username was just taken already)

    eta: I am not "from" Arkansas, so I don't really know any more about her than anyone else. We lived here as JW's years ago, but only a couple months this time around now that I'm actually interested in politics.

  • JWdaughter

    My FIL was a beer drinking, highly intelligent republican. I hate stereotypes.:)

    I am a conservative flirting with liberalism. Actually my brain seems to have gone liberal, but my habits and heart are still conservative. I am not quite sure what to do with that. If I was to vote liberal, it would be Obama.

    Hillary scares me. So does Huckabee. I'd rather have Romney than McCain, and that will be reflected at the caucus and the primary (republicans in WA have BOTH!)

    I actually thought about going to the dem. caucus, on the off chance that my vote really means something-so that if we get a liberal that I actually like him. And yes, I think he has less experience yada yada. But less experience being ??? Married to a president? First lady? Is that the experience we need?

    My husband inspects airplanes, but you probably DON'T want to be on any airplane that I have personally inspected. I could tell you if the bathroom is clean, and that's about it.

  • AlyMC

    That isn't fair though, she has a lot more experience in politics than being married to the president. Don't get me wrong, I'm all about Obama... but to imply her only real experience was as a simple wife really invalidates all the hard work she has put in to be where she is.

  • JWdaughter

    I agree that she worked hard to get where she is, but where she is- is elected because she was the wife of a loved president. She worked REALLY hard to get him where he was and I think she is very effectively riding his wave. I don't think she is dumb, but I don't think she would have gotten anywhere on her own, other than nice law offices, maybe a judgeship? She worked her butt off to support him. Then she rode it, and she is still riding it. He was smart and charming and had experience as a governor-years of it. Being the wife of a politician is not the same as being the one making the hard decisions, standing by them, defending them etc. Being a first lady is hard work, but it doesn't involve matters of state except for peripherally-she had her own duties, and half his administration she wasn't even speaking to the man apparently!

    I fully believe she is a very political animal. That is not the same as being one capable of governing a nation. I think Obama has the same weakness though. He has never governed. But any president has to be a greenhorn at it the first term, and maybe someone who isn't as hardened could add some freshness and political purity to the mix. Not that I think he is all 'pure', but I think he is more idealistic and honest and well meaning.

    Mostly I don't trust her. She doesn't have a reputation for working well with people and if she is elected president, my husband will make me insane for the next 4-8 years complaining about her, and frankly, my marriage has enough challenges

    This whole woman/black man issue is pissing me off. Could we just write in Oprah and be done with it? I like her.

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