Anyone here that DOES believe we are in the last days of this system?

by tula 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    I believe we are due for a change

  • BurnTheShips

    Every generation thinks it is the last. It is generational narcissism. I doubt we will see the end of history in our own lifetimes. When it does happen, it will be sudden and unexpected. So I'll just keep on keepin' on.


  • BurnTheShips
    Does anyone else believe that we are indeed headed to into another sinister control method of one world government?

    Leaving "sinister" aside and looking at the bare facts, the general trend lies in that direction. UN pols and globalist sycophants in our own gov't and in the gov't of other nations are pushing us that way a bit at a time. Also,we see excuses get invented or reasons get abused to justify global centralized control, Global Warming comes to mind as one. I think a single gov't over all the human family would be a very bad idea.


  • Must obey!
    Must obey!
    It is generational narcissism.

    True that.

    I think in the next few years, maybe sooner, we will see dirty nukes exploded on American soil. It won't happen until the final jigsaw of the puzzle is in place for Al Qaeda to feel it has the moral justification for doing that. This moral justification will be when the US finally bombs Iran's nuclear facilities & otherwise tries to overthrow the Mullahs in Tehran. Israel will not stand for a nuclear-armed Iran because that is an existential threat to Israel's very existence. The US totally supports Israel in this. But Iran is still some way from being nuclear armed (won't be until 2010 at earliest), but when it is close or has reached that point, the US/Israel will attack, without a doubt! When this happens, Al Qaeda will finally attack the US homeland again, like no one has ever seen before. All experts are predicting it and it is only a matter of time. When it happens, it will make 9/11 look like childs play.

    That is all I can see on the horizon as far as a potential doomsday goes.

  • Hermano
    Does anyone else believe that we are indeed headed to into another sinister control method of one world government?

    Politicians know that religion is the opiate of the masses and readily exploit this societal glitch.

  • Maddie

    It's very simple for me to answer this question - I have no idea


  • free2beme

    December 21, 2012

  • BFD
    Every generation thinks it is the last. It is generational narcissism.

    That's true. However, this is the first time in history where man has the ability to destroy all living things on earth. I believe this frightening ability was born of "the greatest generation" fighting a world war.

    I really don't focus on the gloom and doom but, I don't have my head in the sand either. I just answered a question here honestly, that's all. And, for the record, I am saving for my retirement, just in case.


  • marmot

    "However, this is the first time in history where man has the ability to destroy all living things on earth. I believe this frightening ability was born of "the greatest generation" fighting a world war."

    Not true. Try as humanity might, it will NEVER be able to destroy "all living things on earth".

    The most we could hope for is to destroy the particular ecosystem that supports humankind. The actual amount of life that would be around after even the worst nuclear holocaust would be pretty huge. Think of the teeming life at the bottom of the ocean where there isn't even any sunlight. Bacteria flourishes at those depths, fed by mineral-laden thermal vents, who in turn support their own diverse ecosystem of clams, worms, fish and crabs.

    A nuclear holocaust would only wipe the slate clean for a new wave of evolution to fill the vacant niches.

  • marsal
    What in the HELL is THIS SYSTEM? What a stupid stupid term...........................................oompa

    I agree, oompa. I always thought "this system of things" or "the new system of things" were very strange phrases.

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