What has happened to your human decency?

by multifarious 152 Replies latest jw friends

  • eclipse

    BIzzy Bee, shut up you busybody windbag.

    I'm sick of this witch hunt

    yes it is possible to spoof JWD IP addresses since they spooofed our avatars and IP addresses on that troll site.

    Check that guy's actual IP address, if it's the same as Suffolk, VIrginia, then you have a smoking gun.

    A lame JWD IP address is no proof at all. Check mine, mine says I'm in Toronto, I don't use an IP blocker..

  • Hortensia

    well, I still had a sneaking pity for Eryn, but this puts an end to it. I've been had again! Scully you are one smart moderator!

  • Bourne

    multifarious: "But I hope what I learn doesn't change who I am and how I feel about this."

    As with any group without a forced oversight, you will find all stripes here, as I myself have discovered. Some are filled with hate and bitterness towards the JW religion and this is their

    right. Some here have suffered injustices, the like I hope I never experience. Yet, I HAVE had my share of heartache and problems, and, as discussed in another thread, alot of our

    individual approaches are greatly influenced by our upbringing. It sounds like you are much like myself, in that most of your problems with the JW's stem from doctrinal issues and

    hypocrisy. If this is true, I'm happy for you. You are a step ahead of many here. Read, filter out what you disagree with, and ignore the ones who have a problem with you.

    But above all, don't let anything thrown at youm, here or elsewhere, change who you are. Hate and bitterness only consumes the one that holds it.

    I wish you well.


  • Bobbi

    Who was it that said Eclipse and Found-my-way were the same person?

  • eclipse

    OF course it will go back to her IP, he spoofed her IP address.

    There is software that can make you have any IP address you want.

    Check the poster's ACTUAL IP address, not the JWD one.

  • BizzyBee

    BIzzy Bee, shut up you busybody windbag.

    And with that, I believe you just lost your membership in the Cuddle Club.

  • Gopher

    I still want to know, is it possible to spoof IP addresses HERE on THIS SITE? I wouldn't even begin to know how to do that.

    I post from two different PC's (here & at home). I don't even pay enough attention to see if I get different IP addresses posted from the 2 different locations.

  • Scully

    yes it is possible to spoof JWD IP addresses since they spooofed our avatars and IP addresses on that troll site.

    Check that guy's actual IP address, if it's the same as Suffolk, VIrginia, then you have a smoking gun.


    The IP address resolves to the same ISP that erynw uses, in Suffolk Virginia. Exactly the same IP address.

    It is NOT possible to spoof IP encryptions on JWD. Seriously.

    There is no witch hunt. I am sick of hearing that idiotic accusation. I was searching for multifarious' information, in the course of performing my moderator duties, and it resolved to identical information of Eryn's account. I am not going to argue this with you. Those are the facts. Deal with it. Believe what she tells you if you want, I don't give a rat's behind one way or the other.

  • BurnTheShips

    Uh ohs!

  • dawg

    JUst for the sake of argument Eclipse, what would be the reasons a man would do such a thing, (steal Eryn's IP) then make a thread titled "What has happened to your human decency?" I'm always non judgemental on this site about these things, but sometimes things just don't make scense.

    Still, if he wanted to harm Eryn he could have done somethng worse than make up a site with this question... and he didn't attack any posters here today... can't you at least see how some things aren't adding up?

    If somone wanted to harm Eryn they could of found better ways of doing it, don't yuo think? ANd what would be the person's motive? Something just don't seem right

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