What has happened to your human decency?

by multifarious 152 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine

    ec & ernie have gone and made baby Jesus momma use the F word.

  • Mary
    Mary, without holding back, could you please just open up a little and share your true feelings?

    I'm really trying to say: I love you nvr.


    Mary - yeah, you really have to quit pulling all of these crazy stunts. They just really make you look bad. Get a grip. LOL

  • exwitless

    Notice how Eclipse has NOTHING to say on this thread until the accusation is made that, unbelievable as it may sound, Eryn is once again a fake. So Eclipse just so happened to be reading four pages of this thread and just so happened to see Scully's post about the IP addresses. Then she starts once again spitting her venom around like a snake being cornered.

    Hey, just a thought...If Eclipse knows so much about how someone can "steal" an IP address and "pose" as someone else, maybe Eclipse is the one pretending to be Eryn now. I can barely stand the suspense...alt

  • Nosferatu

    IP: PkD0N4dv2Yzi6Erf

    There, I just stole Mary's IP address. So it can be done!

    And what a lovely IP address it is. How did you manage to get the Erf of "Paradise Erf" in there?

  • JK666

    Another day, another pirahna feeding!


  • momzcrazy

    I am so HAPPY I was given a heads-up to read this thread. Thank you. I am beginning to think someone needs to go find a job. Away from a computer preferably. Once again a discovery shared with others as a warning becomes a witch hunt.

    But I am done giving any of this attention, funny and sad as it is. That's all that is desired here, attention.


  • Mary
    IP: PkD0N4dv2Yzi6Erf
    <br><br>There, I just stole Mary's IP address. So it can be done!

    And what a lovely IP address it is. How did you manage to get the Erf of "Paradise Erf" in there?

    Through much prayer and meditation and with the help of the Holy Speerut.

  • Xena
    ec & ernie have gone and made baby Jesus momma use the F word.

    There is a f*ckin h*ll reserved for people like that.


    Once again..Scully Rocks the House!!..Concert..Do we have some cool Mods or What?!.....Eryn,Multiferious or Eclipse..I would love to see you Challenge Mary..LOL!!..She`s another one of the smart people we have on this board...............Eclpise..Your either in on the Scam!..Or..Your not smart enough,to be considered Stupid..Picking Nose..LOL!!..........................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

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