Tell me about the weirdos in your congro.

by karter 44 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Trevanian

    The weirdest ones to me were always the DFed people, one alone, or maybe two, a few seats apart, who would be sitting alone in the back row of every meeting.

    Silent. Ignored. But desperate enough to be accepted that they'd accept a year or more of public humiliation.

    (And if there were two DFed people, they'd both be ignoring each other, how screwed up is that?)

    Firstly, what was it about them that would make them want to punish themselves like that?

    And what was it about me and my family that we accepted that this human being could not be talked to?

    At the end of the day, any of us that practised shunning were weirdos too.

  • memphisbelle

    there is this elder at our hall who spends the majority of his time speaking to, and "encouraging" the teenage girls. he is married ( 2x's) and has a daughter. Someone once asked him if he was the local congregation pedophile, and man it was amazing how upset he became !! still likes to play with the younger girls tho..

  • cognac

    lol - these are so funny...

    my fil is schizo and he always has a way of telling me in front of everyone how great my lips look or how gorgeous I am... (even did it right in front of the co....)

    Then, he will make a trip to the CO's apartment and let him know how his military papers are lost in a ship that sunk over in India.

    He shows up at the hall with jeans, plaid shirt, looks like he just got off work at a dump truck, sits right up front at the hall or stands right out back and starts telling everyone that now he's going back to the military or going down south because he has to save somebody from cockroaches or crazy things like that...

    He's a great guy, keeps the elders on there toes...

  • Layla33

    Some of these are hilarious, I literally spit out water on laptop reading them. Can you imagine a laugh reel of skits from JW locoville, kind of like Benny Hill back in the day or madtv now.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Oh I remember several. One particular sister would comment on the pictures rather than the paragraph. When describing the pictures she always described things that weren't there. Her comments would go on forever. Another sister wasn't mentally well and had it for an elder. She would sit in the front and open a newspaper when he gave talks. One day she showed up and during his talk pulled a rose out while she stood up. After his talk concluded he went into the back and passed out. He thought she was pulling a gun on him. A brother in another congregation was nicked named rainman. His mind was like a computer but lacked alot of social skills. He would appear out of the blue and comment that today is your anniversary, baptism date, whatever and be accurate each time.

  • flipper

    There was this one guy ,in his early 20's had extremely sweaty palms and would go around wanting to shake all the sisters hands in the kingdom hall. The sisters would try to avoid him, or at least shake his fingertips instead of his hands to avoid getting sweaty hands themselves . This same guy wasn't dealing with a full deck and in a line at a bank one time curiously wondered what would happen if he tapped the policeman's gun on his holster , who was standing in line ahead of him. He found out. The policeman cold-cocked him and brought him to his knees placing him under arrest !

    Another new Bible study of someone's was coming regularly to meetings, about 21 years old, kinda geeky looking , and this guy had to raise his hand real high on EVERY question . He was tall so his arm stretched out forever. When he wasn't called on he would slump back in his chair real loud and groan , " Oh! Jeez! Call on me ! " He was very loud and vocal. When he saw that wouldn't make the Watchtower conductor call on him - he just tried intimidating the Watchtower conductor by ALWAYS keeping his hand up - even while the paragraphs were being read ! The guy eventually went to greener pastures somewhere - Gawd knows where , but I certainly saw my share of odd ducks in my time ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    There was a man we named pumpkin head. He had this huge head. Limited speaking abilities and couldn't read. Walked around asking everyone for a study. He would sit in the front and ask the speaker to sign his watchtower after the talk. Another time I briefly attended a hall that had alot of homeless people in the area. One day a homeless guy walks in and sees the only open chair is in the front row. He sits down. Just then, a couple next to him in the front row gets up to do a demonstration. He gets up with them and stand on the stage. He just stands there while the couple does their part. Nobody says anything and when the couple finishes they all walk off the stage and sit down.

  • oompa

    I had a hedgehog sister. That is all I could think of. She was, short, fat, hideoulsly ugly with knarly, brown and yellow twisted teath and breath foul to match. And she wanted to be your best friend. The hedgehog came out in her by her getting 4 inches from your face and growling loud "Hi Brother Oompa!!! How are you doing today!!!" The vicious sound and her bloodshot eyes would literally knock you backwards. To make matters worse, her also super gregarious husband thought he was a comedian in Vegas!! One after another, horrible, horrible jokes.....your mouth would would try to laugh....but nothing could come out........NIGHTMARE COUPLE.....and they breeded!!!.....three exact clones!!!!

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Not to make fun of the mentally impaired but a "study" would attend the WT study. He would raise his hand and why the brothers called on him was beyond reason. His answer every time was, Jehovah. Then he would groan afterwards when he realized it was wrong. The sound of him saying "Jehovah.......OOOOOoooooohhhhh" would have me silently giggling every time.

  • Quentin

    There was a couple that were, what was called back then "deaf & dumb", unable to hear, or speak...nice enough folks except the brother would pass loud and hidious gas, you know the kind that peels paint from the walls. Didn't matter where, or who he was with. This was a constant thing. Those to be pittied most were the ones that got trapped doing fs with him...otherwise he was a nice guy....

    Then there was the brother who gave loooong hugs to all the sisters, no matter their age, after which he gave them a piece of gum. Other than that most folks were regular jw's, some with odd ball ideas about doctrin and such...

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