Tell me about the weirdos in your congro.

by karter 44 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I guess we had lots of wierdos in our congregation, but I was taught to love all of them for who they were. My Mother, even though a JW, was blind to their faults, and just liked all of them. Black or white, brown or yellow, she loved all of them, she still does. We <our family> collected every misfit or disfunctional personal in the congregation. She still does. I don't guess there's anything wrong with that. She goes to the jail every day and tries to convert the girls that are on drugs. The girls like it because they can get out of their cells and visit with my Mom, and then when they get out, they go back to doing their crap. A couple fo them have gotten some $ outta my Mother, but mostly they just disappear after they get outta jail and go back to their drug life.

    I can't believe it, but she still keeps doing it. She brings them something that they wouldn't normally have: a visit. Some of those girls just don't have anyone BUT my Mom. They get to visit with a really nice person that positively loves them for a little bit each week.

    God bless my Mother.


  • B_Deserter

    I can't think of any except for the obvious herbal/natural cures people. This lady in a neighboring congregation to my mother's recovered from brain cancer the doctors told her she had no chance of surviving. She went on the "Eat Right For Your Blood Type" diet, and claims it completely shrunk her golf ball sized brain tumor within weeks. She is now the area's peddler of natural cures and Blood Type Diet books and supplements.

    I know another older gentleman that is obsessed with Kevin Trudeau and hangs on to every word that man says. He is constantly decrying modern medicine and lectures you on natural medicine every chance he gets. He suffers from very advanced diabetes and blames modern medicine for the doctors not finding it years ago. He got hold of Trudeau's book and now swears by it. He claims he's part of an underground group that's going to bring down the FCC and the FDA.

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    There are so many, but I will tell you about two this round.

    1) This lady was about 35-40 and had like 6 kids. Talk about the old woman who lived in a shoe! Anyways, her kids were some of the most misbehaved I have ever seen in my entire life. They would always sit way down in front, usually the 1st thru 3rd row. Then the crap would start as soon as the prayer was done. One kid would cuss at another and slap! A skinny belt across the face. Then another would pull someone's hair and another shot with her skinny belt. And the whole meeting just going on like nothing else mattered but to get thru the entire torturous session. Once I laughed at how she whacked one of her kids and got my brother laughing. That old bat turned around and shook her belt at me! Probably the funniest thing I saw her do happened at her house during the book study. IMAGINE THIS WOMAN HAD THE STUDY IN HER HOME!! So she has her kids and about 12 others in this tiny little apartment livingroom. And her dog chained in the hallway. Well her littlest daughter was running around slapping books and kicking everyone she could. And she let her run wild. (I guess good manners only count in the KH and discipline is only effective in front of 100 other people! LOL.) So she finally gets up, grabs the kid and takes her into the bathroom. Of course we could not hear a thing as she slammed her into the bathtub and then beat the crap out of her with cold water running in the shower. ;) She comes back with this wet kid dripping all over. Then the kid sits up straight in her chair all shivering and whimpering from the horrible beating she got. And she said it..... "See! I tole-ed you mom is a fu**ing B!" Well that did it, the old lady jumped up and tried to slap her and the kid bolted calling her all kinds of curse words in Spanish! When she caught her guess what she did to her.....She went and unchained the dog and strappd the now gagged little girl to her chair. Now the dog was running around licking everyone, chewing TRUTH BOOKS, and finally started humping the BS Conductor's leg! HA HA HA! What a way to spend my usual night for The High Chaparral on tv!

    2) The other one is more recent. This idiot is 22, and is a lazy moron that thinks that if he pioneers he won't have to work. He rides the bus around all day and talks at people. He had his "priveleges" removed three times before he even got baptized! So they finally agree to ask him "the questions" and what does he do? He goes to the park with the other automotons to play football, sees an underaged sister there and makes some sort of innapropriate comments about marriage to her. Turns out she is the POs daughter. So they hold another committee meeting to se if he should be allowed to be baptized. They say that he can but with no priveleges. WTF??!! First time I heard of someone being baptized and not allowed to go in field service.....LOL Last time I saw this moron was during the service meeting. He got up and went to the 2nd of two library rooms. He was just walking around in there giggling like a hyena and pacing back and forth. Rumor has it that the need is great in Bangladesh. Guess who is going? He has no passport, no money for air fare, no job, and no brains, but this idiot feels that he can just go there, pitch a tent and preach.....what a wacko.

  • primitivegenius

    oh we had some good ones...

    my dad studied with one in particular........ lived in the hood......... was on drugs and mental.... sometimes he would be there sometimes not. dad finally stopped studying with him.......... when one day dad came over and he had a pistol on the coffee table......... he kept looking at dad....... then looking at the gun....... then loooking at dad............ dad ended it early and never went back lol.

    had this bat sh** crazy woman move into our cong....... she obviously was marching to the beat of a differnt drum......... had two sons and a hot as hell daughter. momma was polynesian and her children were mixed with japanese. the sons were always in jail.......... and the daughter was pregnate by 16......... she got pg at a district convention........ instead of rolling to the convention(myriad gardens) and risking being talked to for useing more than one paper towel to dry her hands............. she stayed at the hotel............ and when her mom left........ the guy she met the night before came over......... 9 months later she had the baby lol.

    momma was the type to try and get others to help her out............. at every opportunity. so she was being evicted from a house she was renting........... so some peeps in the cong wanted to help her.......... and then when they saw how horrible that house was.......... dog sh** everywhere and just nasty old food piled up to the ceiling......... they started to clean the place...... cause GASP theydidnt want to bring reproach upon jehovah......... lol. so they spent two weeks cleaning that nasty mother just so when she left it wouldnt leave a bad witness. knowing what kinda persons they were people still kept calling on her just to count time lol.

    ahhh so many whackos so short of time lol

  • freeme
    No one took any notice of her and she became a rebel so didn't become a JW.

    rebels and nonjws always lie. *sighs

    plus when you are not in perfect standing, pioneer and reading all the magazines burning all your freetime (aka "a happy brainwashed drone") all your arguments against the wt are also not true.

    basically youve to be a believing and practicising JW to have the right to doubt anything. since no doubting person will happily spend all his/her time in this stuff for a long time this is impossible. and i guess even though you do all this there is a way to criticize you as a person, which is the best weapon against the truth. attack the person who says it.

  • Aphrodite

    At one hall I was in there was a horrible "brother" who would go up to the sisters, sniff really loud and long and say "I know when you have your period, I can smell it." He would also say things like "I can see your nipples through that blouse and it arouses me, please don't wear it any more." He was apparently quite sane, just weird and a sicko.

    Another guy used to come to the meetings, he was df'd and everyone said he had deminz. One meeting he walked in and stood up the back, as he was standing there the glass book stand part of the podium fell down and smashed. He then walked out the door. Everyone said the demons made the podium fall. We were really scared but I remember thinking, how did the demons make things happen in Jehovahs house?

  • AlyMC

    wow, I guess I had relatively sane congregations. I remember when I realized how many women had chronic fatigue syndrome, and wondered how many were really just depressed and thus drained. They had their 30 bottles of vitamins, but then ate at McDonalds all the time. I wondered how unhealthy eating fit in with the supplements and why they were so many JW (sisters especially) who were just so jaded ... yet claimed complete joy. I always found it really sad.

    I'm still really into natural cleaners, healthy living, whole foods, and even some supplements... but to me that is still a lot different than the complete belief in snake oils...

    I literally laughed out loud about the girl who got pregnant at the convention. We were always so bad at the conventions- we never went without booze and pot and we were always hooking up with some group of brothers. I'd always have a room with friends- so no parents were really checking up on us all that much. Man, if you could survive the day of boredom you could actually have a lot of fun at the conventions. lol.

  • Johnna

    I got DF when my GF and I got intimately involved. She wasn't a JW, only attending with her Mom. I then got reinstated after marrying her and "straighted out" and she got baptized. Then we had some kids. Ok, so that brings you up to speed. :) So, I had noticed that one of the Elders who participated in the DF trial used to pay special attention to my wife. But we blew it off believing that he just took special interest in us as a young couple. After all, he was an elder! But one day, he came over to the house when I was working and he stopped in to "visit", and to see the new baby. While socializing with my wife in the living room, he asked her to take him to the bedroom to see the new baby. Of course by this time my wife felt weird about the situation and directed him alone. After a few more minutes he left. Later that night we got a call from his wife (a special pioneer) asking what he was doing at our place and all kinds of unusual questions. Guess he got in trouble. Come to find out years later he was DF for having an affair with a tennant of one of his rentals who was paying him rent with her body instead of $. I always felt that he was too interested in our DF trial, wanting to know too many details. Made me wonder too if he feltt, due to our situation, that my wife was an "easy target". It's a weird feeling to sit in a DF trial answering very intimate private questions and having to be pretty graphic! Makes ya wonder how many of these elders are actually getting off on this.

  • Zico

    We had an old man in our Congregation who has now passed away, he was going a bit senile, and used to make every other answer about the evils of condoms, he was quite entertaining actually.

    There's also a sister who often talks about her struggles during WW2, and has said whenever she hears a plane she has a panic attack because it brings back terrible memories of German bomber planes flying over Coventry during the war. What makes this weird, is that... she was born after the war!

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    Well, let's see, let me first tell you about. . .EVERYBODY!!!

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