Tell me about the weirdos in your congro.

by karter 44 Replies latest jw experiences

  • freeme

    - crazy sister who yells at you loudly on a great distance with "helloooooo brother/sister xy" on a public place or subway. Sometimes she freaks out and runs NAKED through her neighborhood too. no joke.

    - drinking pioneer sister who gives 5min answer on the wt study and sometimes tells crazy things while answering

  • freeme
    When I started attending meetings to get reinstated I was sitting in the back of the hall. He got up in the middle of the meeting, walked by me and threw a songbook in the seat beside me. I opened it and saw where I had written my name in it over 10 years before.

    really creepy!!! but, hey, maybe he just found it somewhere in the cong and gave it back to you lol :D

  • freeme

    i forgot a weirdo:

    a guy who played the keyboard in our "band" had a power struggle with a elder once. elder said song xxx from the platform, but the guy said its not xxx but yyy and that the band wasnt prepared for xxx. After some debate the elder insisted on xxx trying to use his power saying its not the guys choice which song will be played. After all the keyboard player suddenly stood up, took his wife and stuff and left the kingdom hall while the rest of the congregation stood their with their songbooks in the hands.

    so it played from cd. lol.

    oh i remember another one :-D

    an secretary elder who was a strong ruler. everyone needed to follow his commands. if something anywhere was wrong he was the first on ground zero to make it worst. he really ruled the congregation. when he died everything got better. (in his non jw past he was a criminal who was fast with his fists...). sometimes he threw out talks from the kingdom ministry and inserted his own ones telling the congregation how important it is to follow his commandments :D :D on one occasion he used a reallife example from a conflict between my mum and him WITH names FROM THE PLATFORM :D

    another one from my mums congregation:

    there was another ruler elder and this one was extreme. he tested the congregation regulary whether they are obeying the organization and one at least one occastion he told them to bring a bucket and a carrot to the next meeting. and most of the jws did... but he was disfellowshipped like 15 years later for something.

    wow, the weirdos just rolling in lol :) if you think about it there are plenty of them in every congregation i guess.

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    Yea there were plenty of herbal people in my hall too. I must say in my hall it was frowned upon for the opposite of sex to work together no matter how old. Or a male and female anyways, they didn't care to much about old female/young male.

    The only really crazy person I encountered was this large black women who should have been institutionalized, I have told this story before on here but she basically got up during the middle of a talk and accused the speaker of being Satan. She invoked Jehovah's name a few times then made a b-line for the stage. My Dad and a couple of Elder had to escort her back but she was a big women. She almost barreled through the first couple of elders. The look on the speakers face was priceless!!

  • WTWizard

    While I did recommend vitamins, I didn't recommend any particular brand or actually sell any (though there were a few that did sell supplements). To me, that is not the kind of person I would qualify as weirdos.

    What I would call weirdos were the type I had the misfortune of studying with. He wanted me to get rid of everything that had even a tenuous link with the world. He tried to get me to throw away every single record I had and buy Kingdumb Sxxx instead. He wanted me to come out at 9:00 AM on Day 2, and basically start putting in 200+ hours a month before getting baptized (I worked evenings then, often not getting out until past midnight). He insisted that I forget everything about my life from the point of starting my study back. That is more like a weirdo.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Yes I remember a couple that use to hang around

    The probable cause of this might be due to the fact that since the Awake and Watchtower magazines many times contain images of doom and gloom / IE. Armageddon is coming etc.

    In the eyes of certain people who may suffer from schizophrenia or other personality disorders this may trigger a psychotic attack, don't laugh I've seen this happen a couple of times

    at my hall. A side from the more common grabbing of peoples attention .

    And for certain people that stay with the JWS for along period of time this can develop , creating what is called bipolar-ism disorder.

    Certainly its easy to see how someone thats emotionally unstable that starts reading these types of magazines can only worsen their disorder and yes

    when the person who is studying with them asks if they would like to attend a meeting they are more than likely to say yes.

    I don't think its kind to call these people weirdos , they maybe should be considered unfortunate.

    But then again I think all JWS are unfortunates, psychologically speaking

  • sooner7nc

    I've mentioned it before, but the brother who, at a JW approved fish-fry, made his whole family eat a piece of raw fish because he said "We may not have fire in the noo system"

    Walking into the bathroom at the Myriad convention center in the early 80's: These bathrooms were large affairs with dual entryways, one wall composed of stalls, the other of urinals, with large horse trough like hand washing stations in the middle. I walk in and look to my right, down the long line of urinals, and standing alone in front of the middle urinal is this severely mentally challenged brother. His pants and undies are down around his ankles and with one hand he's pulling gently at the numerous hairs on his ass, and with the other he's pulling gently at the hairy appendage on the opposite side of

  • sooner7nc

    Sorry I'm at work and hit the button prematurely.

    I was going to say that he was masturbating gently into the urinal.

    very very disturbing sight

  • looloo

    a lady ran in the hall once when i was a study and started shouting , she was removed by the paedophile in the congregation ( we didnt know he was one then ) and my pioneer friend informed me that she had mental health probs , i bet there was more to it than that !!

  • Maddie

    I can think of a few very odd types One that I knew was/is very strange and always gave me the creeps. He always said the "right"things but seemed to have a way of staring with a smirk on his face. I heard he became an elder even though his step-daughter claimed he make her keep the toilet door open when she was in there. No one took any notice of her and she became a rebel so didn't become a JW.


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