What gives us the right to question other's religion?

by dawg 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • moshe

    Well a religion that does no harm to man is usually harmeless to the public at large- some actually help our fellow humans. JW's could get to that point by dropping some harmful parts of their dogma.

  • Scully
    where do you guys draw the line in your personal lives, when do you feel its appropiate to question someone elses religion?

    When they start trying to shove their beliefs down my throat - after I've politely told them that I do not wish to hear those beliefs - I start shoving back.

  • Gopher


    I think Mormonism is as fallacious as any religion can be. That being said, every president in my lifetime has had a religion -- one Catholic, all the others Protestant. These religions usually teach things that are unprovable and sometimes frustratingly illogical. The current president spoke in religious overtones when getting America involved in Iraq, and yet his religion wasn't questioned before he got into office.

    I'm no Romney fan, and wouldn't vote for him. However, he was governor of Massachusetts. Did he ruin that state with his religious views? Did he turn it into some sort of Mormon theocracy? I don't think so.

    So while Romney definitely needs to assure us that he wouldn't make Mormonism a factor in his policy-making (on the odd chance he were to become our president), I don't think his beliefs should disqualify him from office any more than GW Bush's beliefs did or JF Kennedy's beliefs, etc.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    In the next election anyways it's my personal opinion that the general populace will be voting more to the left / Democratic

    in a more liberal social direction rather than what has been presented by the Republicans for the past 8 years

    It's a stupid fallacy though when people vote on a candidate simply on fact that he or she has a religious background

    and therefore he or she will be an honest, forthright and efficient leader, good example of this is G. W.

    Personal I rather see a highly regarded intellectual , with a strong educational background in a position of power rather than

    the opposite as the case with the present president., unfortunately that rarely happens.

  • Mincan

    Dawg, lets also agree my nicky isn't minican, its mincan.

  • dawg

    See, that's what zI'm talking about Mincan, you strain the nat and swallow a camel... I've never cared if someone posted something wrongly in any thread I've made....you just can't let even let a compliment be can you? So, did you even get the point I was making while being so obsessed with spelling? I doubt it.

    As Pauly Harvey says, good day!

  • Mincan

    I know the opinion you hold of me, and yet you don't even spell my name correctly, shows how much time you took to "give a crap"

  • dawg

    Mincan, Look at the thread started about neatness-see I'm not neat... and not only that, did you ever stop and think that some of us have disabilities (dyxlexia) and can't spell? If you take a poster's spelling mistakes personal, then how are you going to get through life?

    Seriously dude, when and if you do rude things people will call you out for them. Here on this forum, I've been called out several times... its all on how you take it man. I don't get mad anymore on this forum, and you know why? People calling me out on here have made me a better person... live and learn Mincan... take what people here say and do to you with a grain of salt... but do learn from it.

  • Mincan

    I'm not mad... I really don't care what anyone thinks of me on this board anymore.

    Sorry that you have dyslexia, my one uncle does too.

  • Xena
    Only inasmuch as it challenges the right to our rights.

    I agree with minican as well.

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