What gives us the right to question other's religion?

by dawg 21 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • dawg

    I recently wrote an article about Mormonism for a local rag that got rejected, it was concerning Mitt Romney,and his belief in the Mormon faith. I wrote it because many people were saying that we have no right to question another's faith in our local newspaper... I said that we in fact do have that right whenever that person is running for President....

    My article stated in so many words, that Mormonism has been totally refuted both by the scientific community (DNA, no ties with Istreal and the natives here in the states) and by many of Smith's previous actions in his early life... he used seeing stones once before and was arrested for fraud... I said that Romney was showing by his religious beliefs that he was illogical, and someone like that shouldn't be president... what got the story booted was when I started in on Christianity.

    Now, don't get me wrong here, I love some of Christ's teachings, but if someone is a fundlementalist, then they shouldn't be President either in my mind...

    so, where do you guys draw the line in your personal lives, when do you feel its appropiate to question someone elses religion?


    You have a right to question,the minute they start the Sales Pitch..............Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

  • journey-on

    I think you're right on this one, Dawg. You should be able to question what motivates and guides your leaders.

    If religion is the number one motivating factor, then you have a RIGHT as a citizen of this country to know that

    and factor that in in making your decision as to whether or not you want him leading you.

  • sooner7nc

    It would be foolish to fail to question a candidates position on religion in the name of PC. If they are willing to lead the country, they should be willing to have their views questioned, and no other person should take offense at this questioning. Of course, I live in a dream world apparently.

  • Mincan

    Only inasmuch as it challenges the right to our rights. Unfortunately religions like to tell people their rights, which often differs from the common sense rights of every human being.

  • dawg

    well minican, it seems we agree on something... hell yes, I knew it would happen... I'm writing this post down, dating it for my memory... LOL... have a good day bro.

  • VoidEater

    I think when someone speaks of their religion, they have invited discussion on the topic. This is especially true for someone in public life, doubly so for those in or seeking public office.

    A tenet of our government is a separation between church and state, and while a religious person may serve in government, their responsibilities to the constitution and its principles must not be swayed by their personal religious convictions. They must demonstrate a little-found maturity, the ability to recognize and separate their perosnal lives from their public duties.

    Huckabee stating his goal to change the consistution to match God's standards is a case in point.

    The only way to ensure equality and freedom for all religious thought is to ensure the government maintains a secular, non-religious base.

    Shame on the "local rag" that rejected the story.

    Rabbi Brad Hirschfield, author of "You Don't Have to be Wrong For Me to be Right: Finding Faith Without Fanaticism", says some good things on the subject, I think. I hope he's right when he says the religiouis right has finally lost its near strangle-hold on American politics.

  • DT

    I believe it is entirely inappropriate for someone to say that a religion shouldn't be criticised. Is there any chance of posting the article here? It sounds interesting.

  • dawg

    I can send it via e-mail if you want to PM me... i

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    If Romney would ever make it to the Presidency, would he then invite more of his follow Mormons to office ?

    Personal I don't think an Republican will be voted in next year , but it's still an interesting thought !

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